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Created September 9, 2016 23:46
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* Rejection rules for a single piece
* @param ort it blocks vertical and horizontal
* @param diag it blocks diagonals
* @param squares it blocks concrete squares: close area for King, two ways to attack for Peasant, 8 squares for Horse
case class Rules(ort: Boolean, diag: Boolean, squares: (Int, Int)*) {
* Cached map of paired rules
lazy val pair: Map[String, PairRules] = rules.mapValues(r PairRules(
ort = ort || r.ort,
diag = diag || r.diag,
edge = this == r,
squares = squares ++ (-xy._1, -xy._2))
* Rejection rules for a pair of placed and to be placed pieces
* @param ort it blocks orts
* @param diag it blocks diagonals
* @param edge whether this piece constructs an edge: not to count pieces twice, we allow the second one to be placed only on the right side of the firts
* @param squares rejected squares
case class PairRules(ort: Boolean, diag: Boolean, edge: Boolean, squares: Seq[(Int, Int)])
lazy val rules: Map[String, Rules] = Map(
// Peasant can eat one step diag
"P" Rules(ort = false, diag = false, squares = (1, 1), (1, -1)),
// Towers on the orts
"T" Rules(ort = true, diag = false),
// Horses on (1,2) squares
"H" Rules(ort = false, diag = false, squares = (for {
xy Seq((1, 2), (2, 1))
xm Seq(1, -1)
ym Seq(1, -1)
} yield (xy._1 * xm, xy._2 & ym)): _*),
// Elephant on diagonals
"E" Rules(ort = false, diag = true),
// Queen both orts and diagonals
"Q" Rules(ort = true, diag = true),
// King eats close area nerby it
"K" Rules(ort = false, diag = false, squares = (for {
x -1 to 1
y -1 to 1
} yield (x, y)): _*)
* Current situation on the board
* @param ortX rejected orts on X
* @param ortY rejected orts on Y
* @param diagSum rejected sums of X and Y
* @param diagDiff rejected diffs of X and Y
* @param squares rejected squares
* @param edge current edge -- the rightmost one (latest in incoming sequence)
case class Situation(
ortX: Set[Int] = Set.empty,
ortY: Set[Int] = Set.empty,
diagSum: Set[Int] = Set.empty,
diagDiff: Set[Int] = Set.empty,
squares: Set[(Int, Int)] = Set.empty,
edge: (Int, Int) = (0, 0)
def solve(pieces: Seq[String], width: Int, height: Int): Long = {
* Produces a stream of allowed coordinates for the next piece
* @param add name of the piece to add
* @param placed already placed pieces
* @return
def advance(add: String, placed: Seq[(Rules, Int, Int)] = Seq.empty): Stream[(Rules, Int, Int)] = {
val situation = placed.foldLeft(Situation()){
case (s, (r, x, y))
// Getting pair rules from the cache
val p = r.pair(add)
ortX = if (r.ort) s.ortX + x else s.ortX,
ortY = if (r.ort) s.ortY + y else s.ortY,
diagSum = if (r.diag) s.diagSum + (x + y) else s.diagSum,
diagDiff = if (r.diag) s.diagDiff + (x - y) else s.diagDiff,
squares = s.squares ++ (xy._1 + x, xy._2 + y)) + ((x, y)),
edge = if (p.edge) (x, y) else s.edge
val rr = rules(add)
for {
x Stream.range(situation.edge._1, width) if !situation.ortX(x) // Remove X orts
y Stream.range(0, height) if !situation.ortY(y) // Remove Y orts
if !(x == situation.edge._1 && y < situation.edge._2) // For the leftmost edge, reject too small Y
if !situation.diagSum(x + y) // Not on diag
if !situation.diagDiff(x - y) // Not on diag
if !situation.squares((x, y)) // Not in denied squares
} yield (rr, x, y)
* Places all the pieces
* @param rest rest of the pieces to place
* @param placed already placed pieces
* @return number of combinations
def place(rest: List[String], placed: Seq[(Rules, Int, Int)] = Seq.empty): Long = rest match {
case Nil
1l // Everything is placed
case add :: Nil
advance(add, placed).length.toLong // Last piece
case add :: tail
advance(add, placed).foldLeft(0l){ // For each new situation, calc produce its subsequent situations
case (s, pos) s + place(tail, placed :+ pos)
assert(solve(Seq("P"), 2, 2) == 4, "Any piece on 2x2 gives 4")
assert(solve(Seq("T"), 3, 3) == 9, "Any piece on 3x3 gives 9")
assert(solve(Seq("H"), 4, 4) == 16, "Any piece on 4x4 gives 16")
assert(solve(Seq("E"), 5, 5) == 25, "Any piece on 5x5 gives 25")
assert(solve(Seq("Q"), 6, 6) == 36, "Any piece on 6x6 gives 36")
assert(solve(Seq("K"), 7, 7) == 49, "Any piece on 7x7 gives 49")
assert(solve(Seq("P", "P"), 2, 2) == 4, "4 ways to place two Peasants")
assert(solve(Seq("T", "T"), 2, 2) == 2, "2 ways to place two Towers")
assert(solve(Seq("K", "P"), 2, 2) == 0, "No ways to place a King and anything")
assert(solve(Seq("T", "T", "T"), 3, 3) == 6, "Six ways to place three Towers")
assert(solve(Seq("E", "E", "E"), 3, 3) == 26, "Twenty six ways to place three Elephants")
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