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Created May 7, 2015 06:20
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A simple trait to work with bson/json events in akka's persistence
import play.api.libs.json._
import play.modules.reactivemongo.json.ImplicitBSONHandlers._
import reactivemongo.bson.BSONDocument
trait PersistentJson extends akka.persistence.PersistentActor {
private[this] var classMap: Map[Manifest[_], Writes[_]] = Map.empty
private[this] var namesMap: Map[String, Reads[_]] = Map.empty
case class ClassFormat[T](cls: Class[T], format: Format[T])
def registerEvent[T: Format : Manifest](name: String): Unit = {
registerEventFmt[T](name, implicitly[Format[T]])
def registerEventFmt[T: Manifest](name: String, fmt: Format[T]): Unit = {
classMap = classMap + (manifest[T] -> (__ \ name).write[T](fmt))
namesMap = namesMap + (name -> (__ \ name).read[T](fmt))
def persistJson[T: Manifest](e: T)(f: T => Unit) =
classMap.get(manifest[T]).map(_.asInstanceOf[Writes[T]].writes(e)).map(JsValueWriter.write) match {
case Some(bson) =>
persist(bson)(_ => f(e))
case None =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Event is not registered for persistence: " + e)
def receiveRecoverJson: Receive
def decodeBsonEvent: PartialFunction[Any, Any] = {
case bson: BSONDocument =>
val json =
val key = json.value.keys.head
namesMap(key).reads(json) match {
case JsSuccess(v, _) => v
case e: JsError =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot read json: " + json)
case o =>
play.api.Logger.warn("non-bson event: "+o)
override def receiveRecover: Receive = decodeBsonEvent andThen receiveRecoverJson.orElse {
case m => play.api.Logger.warn(s"${self.path} Unhandled recovery event: "+m)
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