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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Ember App Kit & vim-projectile
"app/models/*.js": {
"command": "model",
"template": [ "export default DS.Model.extend({", "});" ]
"app/router.js": { "command": "router"},
"app/routes/*.js": {
"command": "route",
"template": [ "export default Ember.Route.extend({", "});" ],
"alternate": "app/controllers/%s.js"
"app/controllers/*.js": {
"command": "controller",
"template": [ "export default Ember.Controller.extend({", "});" ],
"alternate": "app/templates/%s.hbs"
"app/views/*.js": {
"command": "view",
"template": [ "export default Ember.View.extend({", "});" ]
"app/helpers/*.js": {
"command": "helper",
"template": [ "export default Ember.Handlebars.makeBoundHelper(function(){", "});" ]
"app/templates/*.hbs": {
"command": "template",
"template": [ "{{outlet}}" ],
"alternate": "app/controllers/%s.js"
"app/components/*.js": {
"command": "component",
"template": [ "export default Ember.Component.extend({", "});" ]
"app/styles/*.less": { "command": "less" },
"bower.json": { "command": "bower" },
"package.json": { "command": "package" },
"": { "command": "readme" }
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