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Last active December 5, 2018 23:11
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  • Save alanivey/cd199758a759267c98fe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save alanivey/cd199758a759267c98fe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Exit immediately upon a non-zero status
set -e
# Pre-reqs:
# - Create service role 'vimport':
# - Create policy 'vmimport' with the desired S3 bucket:
# - Create IAM user, attach policy 'vmimport'
# - IAM user needs a new inline policy with "ec2:CopyImage", "ec2:DeleteSnapshot",
# "ec2:DeregisterImage", and "ec2:DescribeImages" via the following JSON:
# {"Version":"2012-10-17","Statement":[{"Effect":"Allow","Action":["ec2:CopyImage","ec2:DeleteSnapshot","ec2:DeregisterImage","ec2:DescribeImages"],"Resource":"*"}]}
# - Create S3 bucket referenced in IAM policies
# - Create API keys for use with `aws` commands below
# - Grab CentOS URL and file name from
# and enter below
# - Change any other variables as desired below
# API keys for IAM user with attached policy 'vmimport'
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='A..................Z'
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='secret...................key'
# Set this to the bucket you'll be using
# Working region- you can copy the AMI to other regions later
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION='us-east-1'
# CentOS 7 raw archive URL
# CentOS 7 raw filename
# AMI Name
AMI_NAME="CentOS Linux 7 x86_64 HVM EBS 20160129_01"
# AMI Description
AMI_DESC="Imported from $C7_RAW_URL without modification"
# Download file
curl \
--remote-name \
# Extract raw file, remove 4 unnecessary folder names in archive
tar \
--file="$( basename $C7_RAW_URL )" \
--gunzip \
--extract \
--verbose \
# Remove tar.gz archive
if [[ -f $C7_RAW_FILENAME ]]; then
rm -v "$( basename $C7_RAW_URL )"
# Create bucket if it doesn't exist
aws \
s3api \
head-bucket \
--bucket "$S3_BUCKET" 2>/dev/null \
|| \
aws \
s3api \
create-bucket \
--bucket "$S3_BUCKET" \
--query "Location" --output text
# copy file to s3 bucket
aws \
s3 \
cp \
# Create AMI from raw file
aws \
ec2 \
import-image \
--architecture "x86_64" \
--platform "Linux" \
--role-name "vmimport" \
--disk-containers "UserBucket={S3Bucket=${S3_BUCKET},S3Key=${C7_RAW_FILENAME}}" \
--query "ImportTaskId" --output text
# Check status
aws ec2 describe-import-image-tasks --import-task-ids "$ImportTaskIdImage"
# Wait until completed
until [[ $ImportTaskIdImageStatus == "completed" ]]; do
sleep 3
echo -n "."
aws \
ec2 \
describe-import-image-tasks \
--import-task-ids "$ImportTaskIdImage" \
--query "ImportImageTasks[0].Status" --output text
# Delete source file in S3
aws \
s3 \
rm \
# Get AMI once completed
aws \
ec2 \
describe-import-image-tasks \
--import-task-ids "$ImportTaskIdImage" \
--query "ImportImageTasks[0].ImageId" --output text
# Get the imported Snapshot ID
aws \
ec2 \
describe-import-image-tasks \
--import-task-ids "$ImportTaskIdImage" \
--query "ImportImageTasks[0].SnapshotDetails[0].SnapshotId" --output text
# Tag imported AMI and associated snapshot, potentially useful in Cost Reports
aws \
ec2 \
create-tags \
--resources "$ImportedAmi" \
--tags "Key=Name,Value='${AMI_NAME} - Imported'"
aws \
ec2 \
create-tags \
--resources "$ImportedSnapshotId" \
--tags "Key=Name,Value='${AMI_NAME} - Imported - Snapshot'"
# Use `aws ec2 copy-image` to add Name and Description
aws \
ec2 \
copy-image \
--source-region "us-east-1" \
--source-image-id "$ImportedAmi" \
--region="us-east-1" \
--name "$AMI_NAME" \
--description "$AMI_DESC" \
--no-encrypted \
--query "ImageId" \
--output text
# Check status
aws ec2 describe-images --image-ids "$CopiedAmi"
# Wait for AMI to be available
until [[ $CopiedAmiStatus == "available" ]]; do
sleep 3
echo -n "."
aws \
ec2 \
describe-images \
--image-ids "$CopiedAmi" \
--query "Images[0].State" --output text
# Get the copied Snapshot ID
aws \
ec2 \
describe-images \
--image-ids "$CopiedAmi" \
--query "Images[0].BlockDeviceMappings[0].Ebs.SnapshotId" --output text
# Tag copied AMI and associated snapshot
aws \
ec2 \
create-tags \
--resources "$CopiedAmi" \
--tags "Key=Name,Value='${AMI_NAME}'"
aws \
ec2 \
create-tags \
--resources "$CopiedSnapshotId" \
--tags "Key=Name,Value='${AMI_NAME} - Snapshot'"
# Deregister imported AMI
aws \
ec2 \
deregister-image \
--image-id "$ImportedAmi"
# Delete imported snapshot
aws \
ec2 \
delete-snapshot \
--snapshot-id "$ImportedSnapshotId"
# # Allow another AWS Account ID for the AMI and snapshot
# # Requires IAM Permissions "ec2:ModifyImageAttribute" and "ec2:ModifySnapshotAttribute"
# aws \
# ec2 \
# modify-image-attribute \
# --image-id "$CopiedAmi" \
# --attribute "launchPermission" \
# --operation-type "add" \
# --user-ids "123456789012"
# aws \
# ec2 \
# modify-snapshot-attribute \
# --snapshot-id "$CopiedSnapshotId" \
# --attribute "createVolumePermission" \
# --operation-type "add" \
# --user-ids "123456789012"
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thanks @alanthing

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@cryptickp you're welcome! Let me know if you use it in production. Without seeing the C7 kickstart and/or the process they use for uploading to AWS, I'm still a little hesitant to use this for non-testing workloads.

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@alanthing an update here and dockerized...

You can then run this in AWS ECS, Batch, or just on a docker host in AWS with the proper instance profile.

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