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Last active August 12, 2024 14:42
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talking_points = [
"Position": 1,
"category": "Recommended (Fenergo)",
"talking_point": "Collaboration - How often do you share feedback with your colleagues?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 1,
"category": "Recommended (Fenergo)",
"talking_point": "Collaboration - How can we create an environment where everyone is comfortable sharing ideas?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 1,
"category": "Recommended (Fenergo)",
"talking_point": "Outcomes: Are you clear on the outcomes you are expected to deliver?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 1,
"category": "Recommended (Fenergo)",
"talking_point": "Outcomes: Do you see a clear connection between your work and the companys goals?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 1,
"category": "Recommended (Fenergo)",
"talking_point": "Respect: In your interactions with me and others, are you comfortable to raise an issue, voice your opinion, without fearing judgment?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 1,
"category": "Recommended (Fenergo)",
"talking_point": "Excellence: What does success look like to you?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 1,
"category": "Recommended (Fenergo)",
"talking_point": "Excellence: Are you on track?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 1,
"category": "Recommended (Fenergo)",
"talking_point": "Excellence: Are there any areas where you feel you can improve?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 1,
"category": "Recommended (Fenergo)",
"talking_point": "Excellence: What initiatives do you think could raise the bar? (actions, ideas, processes, tools)",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 1,
"category": "Recommended (Fenergo)",
"talking_point": "Do you have any feedback for me regarding my support for you and/or the team?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 1,
"category": "Recommended (Fenergo)",
"talking_point": "How can I support you and the team better?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 2,
"category": "Goals & Alignment",
"talking_point": "What goal are you focusing on at the moment?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 2,
"category": "Goals & Alignment",
"talking_point": "How are you tracking to your key results?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 2,
"category": "Goals & Alignment",
"talking_point": "Are you experiencing any roadblocks or challenges in achieving your key results? What help do you need?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 2,
"category": "Goals & Alignment",
"talking_point": "What have you learned from achieving key results that can help you with your future goals and objectives?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 2,
"category": "Goals & Alignment",
"talking_point": "Is your plan to achieve this goal getting us closer to the team/functional/company Goal/OKR?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 3,
"category": "Role Clarity & Expectations",
"talking_point": "Are there any aspects of your role that are unclear about or any responsibilities you feel uncertain about?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 3,
"category": "Role Clarity & Expectations",
"talking_point": "What outcomes are you trying to achieve?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 3,
"category": "Role Clarity & Expectations",
"talking_point": "How are the areas the projects/tasks you are working on aligning to the team/functional agreed outcomes?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 3,
"category": "Role Clarity & Expectations",
"talking_point": "How are you driving success in your engagements with clients/customers/peers to achieve success?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 3,
"category": "Role Clarity & Expectations",
"talking_point": "What aspects of your role provide us with opportunities to deliver even better outcomes?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 4,
"category": "Work Responsibilities & Performance",
"talking_point": "How would you assess your performance against the goals we agreed?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 4,
"category": "Work Responsibilities & Performance",
"talking_point": "What successes or challenges are you experiencing in the delivery and achievement compared to your original plan?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 4,
"category": "Work Responsibilities & Performance",
"talking_point": "What challenges and opportunities are you discovering as you work towards achieving your goals?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 4,
"category": "Work Responsibilities & Performance",
"talking_point": "What parts of your goals/key results need modification based what is happening currently?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 4,
"category": "Work Responsibilities & Performance",
"talking_point": "Using Contribution & Impact indicators, how would you rate your current performance?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 5,
"category": "Feedback",
"talking_point": "Reflecting on X (subject of feedback), I have observations that I want to share and discuss with you.",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 5,
"category": "Feedback",
"talking_point": "As you reflect on X (subject of feedback), what impact do you think that had on your peers/clients/customers/stakeholders or your outcomes?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 5,
"category": "Feedback",
"talking_point": "What feedback have you received recently? What is your reaction/reflection on that?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 5,
"category": "Feedback",
"talking_point": "As you think about our working relationship, do you have observations for me, things I do well, things I should change?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 5,
"category": "Feedback",
"talking_point": "Thinking of your observations of me, what can I do differently to better support you and the team?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 6,
"category": "Managers Support",
"talking_point": "Are there areas at work you want to handle on your own and want less support from me?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 6,
"category": "Managers Support",
"talking_point": "Are there areas at work where you want more support from me? What does that support look like?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 6,
"category": "Managers Support",
"talking_point": "What would you like to improve about our 1:1 meetings?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 6,
"category": "Managers Support",
"talking_point": "How would you rate my performance in relation to Leadership Expectations? Do I deliver on our Leadership Commitments?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 6,
"category": "Managers Support",
"talking_point": "Tell me one thing I should stop doing, start doing and continue doing either for you or for the team.",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 7,
"category": "Career Growth & Development",
"talking_point": "What are you passionate about? What kind of work do you enjoy doing?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 7,
"category": "Career Growth & Development",
"talking_point": "What are your career goals? Do know what you want to be doing 1-2 years from now? How about 5+ years from now?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 7,
"category": "Career Growth & Development",
"talking_point": "What challenges might you face in achieving these goals?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 7,
"category": "Career Growth & Development",
"talking_point": "What strengths do you have? What sets you apart from others?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 7,
"category": "Career Growth & Development",
"talking_point": "Where do you have opportunities to grow? What development/support opportunities do you need? (70/20/10)",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 8,
"category": "Personal Development",
"talking_point": "How do you define development?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 8,
"category": "Personal Development",
"talking_point": "What types of learning and development excite you? Formal training, mentoring, on-the-job learning?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 8,
"category": "Personal Development",
"talking_point": "What are your top three personal values? How have they influenced your professional and personal growth?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 8,
"category": "Personal Development",
"talking_point": "Which CORE values are your strengths, and which ones need more focus?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 8,
"category": "Personal Development",
"talking_point": "How do you define success in terms of development?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 9,
"category": "Recognition",
"talking_point": "What does living CORE look like to you?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 9,
"category": "Recognition",
"talking_point": "Who on our team would you nominate for a CORE Award and why?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 9,
"category": "Recognition",
"talking_point": "What is a CORE behaviour you have demonstrated well since our last meeting?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 9,
"category": "Recognition",
"talking_point": "What type of recognition motivates you the most?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 9,
"category": "Recognition",
"talking_point": "What makes you feel undervalued at work, if anything?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 10,
"category": "Team Work & Collaboration",
"talking_point": "What are your observations on how we work as a team? Strengths and opportunities?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 10,
"category": "Team Work & Collaboration",
"talking_point": "How can we collaborate better?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 10,
"category": "Team Work & Collaboration",
"talking_point": "What barriers to collaboration have you experienced recently?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 10,
"category": "Team Work & Collaboration",
"talking_point": "How would you rate the communication within our team/within the business? What would you improve?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 10,
"category": "Team Work & Collaboration",
"talking_point": "What can I do to encourage more collaboration and open communication?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 11,
"category": "Roadblocks",
"talking_point": "What, if any, challenges have you experienced since we last caught up?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 11,
"category": "Roadblocks",
"talking_point": "What is your approach to problem solving? Does it serve you well?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 11,
"category": "Roadblocks",
"talking_point": "What is the one thing that steals your time? What changes could you make?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 11,
"category": "Roadblocks",
"talking_point": "What do you see is getting in the way of you achieving your goals and key results?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 11,
"category": "Roadblocks",
"talking_point": "At an organisational level, what, if any, bottlenecks have you experienced and what would you like me to do to assist with removing these?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 12,
"category": "Work Satisfaction",
"talking_point": "Is there work or activities you like to do, but have not got time for in a while?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 12,
"category": "Work Satisfaction",
"talking_point": "How happy are you at work? What can be changed to make it better?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 12,
"category": "Work Satisfaction",
"talking_point": "How has your workload been lately? What has changed?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 12,
"category": "Work Satisfaction",
"talking_point": "Are you satisfied with the teams current direction and pace of progress?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 12,
"category": "Work Satisfaction",
"talking_point": "What aspects of your current role have challenged you to grow and develop?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 13,
"category": "Tools & Resources",
"talking_point": "What is your feedback on the tools and resources you use in your role? What improvements/enhancements would you suggest?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 13,
"category": "Tools & Resources",
"talking_point": "How satisfied are you with the training you receive for your job?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 13,
"category": "Tools & Resources",
"talking_point": "How satisfied are you with the communication you receive to effectively do your job?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 13,
"category": "Tools & Resources",
"talking_point": "What additional resources do you need to achieve your goals?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 13,
"category": "Tools & Resources",
"talking_point": "What new technology can we adopt to help you and the team?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 14,
"category": "Remote Teams",
"talking_point": "How do you feel about the current communication methods we use within the team? What recommendations would you make?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 14,
"category": "Remote Teams",
"talking_point": "How connected do you feel to our team while hybrid/remote working?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 14,
"category": "Remote Teams",
"talking_point": "What additional tools or resources could enhance your hybrid work experience?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 14,
"category": "Remote Teams",
"talking_point": "What challenges have your experienced in our hybrid work environment?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 14,
"category": "Remote Teams",
"talking_point": "How are you managing your work/life balance in our hybrid work environment?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 15,
"category": "Organisational Feedback",
"talking_point": "What help do you need in understanding the companys Goals and OKRs?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 15,
"category": "Organisational Feedback",
"talking_point": "What changes would you suggest to improve our customer/client experience?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 15,
"category": "Organisational Feedback",
"talking_point": "What is it about Fenergo that motivates you to stay with the company?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 15,
"category": "Organisational Feedback",
"talking_point": "What do you think we could do to enhance the experience of working at Fenergo?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 15,
"category": "Organisational Feedback",
"talking_point": "Are you clear on how important your role is to the organisation?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 16,
"category": "Icebreakers",
"talking_point": "If this is our first 1:1; What do you want to get to know about me?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 16,
"category": "Icebreakers",
"talking_point": "What would your ideal dinner party look like who are the guests and what is on the menu?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 16,
"category": "Icebreakers",
"talking_point": "What is the one thing I dont know about you that would surprise me?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 16,
"category": "Icebreakers",
"talking_point": "Who are some of the leaders you admire and why (can be from anywhere)?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
"Position": 16,
"category": "Icebreakers",
"talking_point": "Who has been the most influential person in your life?",
"talking_point_type": "everyone"
talking_points.each do |tp|
OneOnOneAgendaTemplate.find_or_create_by(category: tp[:category], talking_point: tp[:talking_point], talking_point_type: "everyone")
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