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akther80 / content-feedback.php
Last active August 16, 2024 11:47
Cartzilla - WeDocs content feedback file overwrite
<?php global $post; ?>
<div class="feedback-content">
<div class="wedocs-feedback-wrap wedocs-hide-print text-center border-top mt-5 pt-5">
$positive = (int) get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'positive', true );
$negative = (int) get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'negative', true );
$positive_title = $positive ? sprintf( _n( '%d person found this useful', '%d persons found this useful', $positive, 'cartzilla' ), number_format_i18n( $positive ) ) : esc_html__( 'No votes yet', 'cartzilla' );
$negative_title = $negative ? sprintf( _n( '%d person found this not useful', '%d persons found this not useful', $negative, 'cartzilla' ), number_format_i18n( $negative ) ) : esc_html__( 'No votes yet', 'cartzilla' );
akther80 / functions.php
Created June 18, 2024 12:34
Geeks - Hide withdraw section in dashboard
add_filter( 'tutor_dashboard/instructor_nav_items', 'hide_withdraw_menu_item', 10, 1 );
function hide_withdraw_menu_item( $menu_items ) {
if ( isset( $menu_items['withdraw'] ) ) {
unset( $menu_items['withdraw'] );
return $menu_items;
akther80 / style.css
Created June 14, 2024 12:46
Geeks - Dropdown menu in Mobile header width issue
@media (max-width: 991px) {
.navbar-expand-lg .navbar-nav .dropdown-menu {
position: static;
akther80 / functions.php
Created March 4, 2024 12:46
Bookworm - Change OffCanvas title
add_filter( 'bookworm_offcanvas_header_title', 'bookworm_ch_change_offcanvas_title' );
function bookworm_ch_change_offcanvas_title() {
$title = "Enter Your Tile Here";
return $title;
akther80 / style.css
Created March 4, 2024 07:15
Geeks - Tutor textarea border color not displayed
.tutor-form-control {
border: 1px solid #eae7f5 !important;
akther80 / style.css
Created February 14, 2024 11:17
Uneno - SIngle product gallery image not displayed
.single-product .product-images-wrapper .woocommerce-product-gallery__image {
flex: none !important;
akther80 / style.css
Created January 16, 2024 05:14
Tokoo - Flaticon list
.flaticon-place:before { content: "\f100"; }
.flaticon-social-2:before { content: "\f101"; }
.flaticon-twitter-social-logotype:before { content: "\f102"; }
.flaticon-social-1:before { content: "\f103"; }
.flaticon-question:before { content: "\f104"; }
.flaticon-checkmark:before { content: "\f105"; }
.flaticon-close:before { content: "\f106"; }
.flaticon-round:before { content: "\f107"; }
.flaticon-delete:before { content: "\f108"; }
.flaticon-wallet:before { content: "\f109"; }
akther80 / style.css
Created January 8, 2024 11:07
Tokoo - Make flash sale block products in full width
.section-flash-sale-block .products-carousel-wrap {
max-width: 100%;
flex: 0 0 100%;
akther80 / functions.php
Created December 12, 2023 07:58
Tokoo - Remove manual copyright year
add_action('init', 'tokoo_child_remove_manual_copyright');
function tokoo_child_remove_manual_copyright() {
remove_filter( 'copyright_info', 'redux_apply_footer_copyright_text', 10 );
akther80 / style.css
Created December 11, 2023 12:49
Electro -Brands list
.brand-thumbnails.columns-5 {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
.brand-thumbnails .thumbnail {
flex: 0 0 auto;
width: 100%;
padding: 25px !important;