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Created December 11, 2012 19:59
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Save aklump/4261607 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Adds a Check All Option to a group of Checkboxes in Drupal jQuery Plugin
* Adds a Check All Option to a group of Checkboxes in Drupal jQuery Plugin
* To make this work you need pass to this function, a div that is a decendent
of a form and an ancestor of multiple checkboxes. It is specifically tuned to
drupal, but can be used for any html by setting the options. Here's and
example, where .form-item-list is fapi element of type checkboxes.
* @code
* $('#my-form .form-item-list').drupalCheckAll();
* @endcode
* @param options
* - label: What should it say, default is 'Check All'; this will be sent
through Drupal.t if that method exists
* - location: 'top' or 'bottom'
* - prefix: html to prepend to the new checkbox element
* - suffix: html to append to the new checkbox element
* - id: a specific id to add to the new checkbox element
* - callback: a function to fire on click
* @return $(this)
* @author Aaron Klump, In the Loft Studios, LLC
* @see
* @see
(function($) {
$.fn.drupalCheckAll = function(options) {
// Create some defaults, extending them with any options that were provided
var settings = $.extend( {
'label' : 'Check All',
'location' : 'prepend',
'prefix' : '<div class="form-item">',
'id' : $(this).parents('form').attr('id') + '-trigger',
'classes' : 'form-checkbox drupal-check-all-trigger',
'suffix' : '</div>',
'children' : '.form-checkbox',
'callback' : null
}, options);
var $wrapper = $(this);
// Do not apply if total children is less than 2
if ($wrapper.find(settings.children).length < 2) {
return $(this);
// Check if we can translate (the test is for portability outside Drupal)
if (Drupal.t !== undefined) {
settings.label = Drupal.t(settings.label);
var $toggle = $(settings.prefix + '<input id="' + + '" type="checkbox" class="' + settings.classes + '"> <label for="' + + '" class="option">' + settings.label + '</label>' + settings.suffix);
switch (settings.location) {
case 'bottom':
case 'top':
// Click handler
var state = $(this).is(':checked');
var $children = $wrapper.find(settings.children);
$children.attr('checked', state);
// Fire callback if provided
if (options.callback) {
$form = $wrapper.parents('form');
options.callback($form, $children);
return $(this);
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Thanks for this!! Super handy :)

And in case this can help someone else, here's how I used it in my code...

  1. include a js file containing this code via template_preprocess_page, like so:
  if (arg(0) == 'residential') {
    $check_all = drupal_get_path('theme', 'mytheme') . '/check_all.js';
    drupal_add_js($check_all, array('type' => 'file'));
  1. include a second js file containing the call the function, like so:
  if (arg(0) == 'residential') {
    $check_all = drupal_get_path('theme', 'mytheme') . '/check_all.js';
    drupal_add_js($check_all, array('type' => 'file'));
    $other = drupal_get_path('theme', 'mytheme') . '/mytheme.js';
    drupal_add_js($other, array('type' => 'file'));

And in mytheme.js add code as follows...

(function($) {$(document).ready(function() {

  // Sanity check.

  // Add magic "Any" checkboxes at front of lists.
  var options = {'label': 'Any',};
  $('#views-exposed-form-residential-page #edit-field-property-type-value').drupalCheckAll(options);
  $('#views-exposed-form-residential-page #edit-field-setting-value').drupalCheckAll(options);



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heacu commented Sep 11, 2015

i just forked this to add some code to better handle the behavior of the check-all checkbox when the other checkboxes are clicked.

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