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Last active July 24, 2024 03:02
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import cf from 'cloudfront';
const kvsId = '<CloudFrontKeyValueStoreのID>';
// This fails if the key value store is not associated with the function
const kvsHandle = cf.kvs(kvsId);
// async functionになるので注意!
async function handler(event) {
// CloudFrontから渡ってくるヘッダからホスト名取得
const key =;
let value = ""; // デフォルトリダイレクト先
try {
value = await kvsHandle.get(key);
} catch (err) {
console.log(`Kvs key lookup failed for ${key}: ${err}`);
var response = {
statusCode: 301,
statusDescription: 'Moved Permanently',
headers: {
'location': { value: `https://${value}/` } // リダイレクト先URL
return response;
"PK": {
"redirectSettings": {
"L": [
"M": {
"CloudFrontID": {
"S": "リダイレクト元CloudFrontID"
"DomainZoneId": {
"S": "リダイレクト元R53ZoneID"
"FromDomainName": {
"S": ""
"ToDomainName": {
"S": ""
import { DynamoDBClient, GetItemCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb";
import { CloudFrontClient, UpdateDistributionCommand, GetDistributionConfigCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-cloudfront";
import { Route53Client, ChangeResourceRecordSetsCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-route-53";
import { CloudFrontKeyValueStoreClient, PutKeyCommand, DescribeKeyValueStoreCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-cloudfront-keyvaluestore";
import "@aws-sdk/signature-v4-crt";
const ddbClient = new DynamoDBClient();
const cloudFrontClient = new CloudFrontClient();
const route53Client = new Route53Client();
const keyValueStoreClient = new CloudFrontKeyValueStoreClient();
export const handler = async (event) => {
const tableName = 'redirectTable';
const partitionKey = 'REDIRECTS';
const cloudFrontKeyValueStoreARN = '<CloudFrontKeyValueStoreのARN>';
const cloudFrontFunctionARN = '<CloudFrontFunctionsのARN>';
// DynamoDBからredirectSettingsを取得
const params = {
TableName: tableName,
Key: {
'PK': { S: partitionKey }
try {
const data = await ddbClient.send(new GetItemCommand(params));
const redirectSettings = data.Item.redirectSettings.L;
for (const setting of redirectSettings) {
// 設定配列データ読み込み
const cloudFrontID = setting.M.CloudFrontID.S;
const fromDomainName = setting.M.FromDomainName.S;
const fromDomainZoneId = setting.M.DomainZoneId.S;
const toDomainName = setting.M.ToDomainName.S;
// CloudFrontKeyValueStoreにキーと値をセット
// セットする前に最新のバージョンを取得する必要がある。
const ret = await keyValueStoreClient.send(new DescribeKeyValueStoreCommand({
KvsARN: cloudFrontKeyValueStoreARN
// console.log(JSON.stringify(ret,null,2));
await keyValueStoreClient.send(new PutKeyCommand({
IfMatch:ret.ETag, // 現在のバージョン番号
KvsARN: cloudFrontKeyValueStoreARN,
Key: fromDomainName,
Value: toDomainName
// CloudFront FunctionsをViewer Requestにアタッチ
// 現在のCloudFront設定読み込み
const distributionConfig = await cloudFrontClient.send(new GetDistributionConfigCommand({
Id: cloudFrontID
// console.log(JSON.stringify(distributionConfig,null,2));
// 現在のデフォルトキャッシュビヘイビアのviewer-requestにリダイレクト用CloudFrontFunctionsをアッタッチする
distributionConfig.DistributionConfig.DefaultCacheBehavior.FunctionAssociations = {
Quantity: 1,
Items: [
FunctionARN: cloudFrontFunctionARN,
EventType: "viewer-request"
// CloudFront設定反映
const cloudFrontInfo = await cloudFrontClient.send(new UpdateDistributionCommand({
Id: cloudFrontID,
IfMatch: distributionConfig.ETag,
DistributionConfig: distributionConfig.DistributionConfig
// const CloudFrontDistributionId = cloudFrontInfo.Distribution.Id;
// 設定を反映するとCloudFrontドメイン名が変わるので最新をセット
const CloudFrontDomainName= cloudFrontInfo.Distribution.DomainName ;
// Route 53のAレコードを設定
await route53Client.send(new ChangeResourceRecordSetsCommand({
HostedZoneId: fromDomainZoneId,
ChangeBatch: {
Changes: [{
Action: 'UPSERT',
ResourceRecordSet: {
Name: fromDomainName,
Type: 'A',
AliasTarget: {
HostedZoneId: 'Z2FDTNDATAQYW2', // CloudFrontのHosted Zone ID
DNSName: CloudFrontDomainName,
EvaluateTargetHealth: false
console.log(`ドメイン${fromDomainName} から ${toDomainName} へのリダイレクト設定完了!`);
} catch (error) {
throw new Error('Error processing redirect settings');
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