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Created August 31, 2023 15:38
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Datatables excelHtml5 number summary cell with a label
customize: function (xlsx) {
let sheet = xlsx.xl.worksheets['sheet1.xml'];
let numrows = 0;
let total = 0;
const valueColumnOrder = 7; // nth-child, start with 1
const totalColumnOrder = 'G'; // spreadsheet column letter, G == 7
const totalLabel = 'Total';
const shouldReplaceCommas = true;
$('row', sheet).each(function () {
// Get current row
var row = $(this);
// Skip header rows
if (numrows > 2) {
// Get the 'tutar' value for each row and add to total
let totalValue = $(`c:nth-child(${valueColumnOrder}) v`, row)[0].textContent;
if (shouldReplaceCommas) {
totalValue = totalValue.replace(',', '.');
total += parseFloat(totalValue);
$('row:last', sheet).after(`<row r="${numrows}"><c t="inlineStr" r="${totalColumnOrder}${numrows}"><is><t>${totalLabel}</t></is></c><c t="inlineStr" r="${totalColumnOrder}${numrows}"><is><t>${total.toFixed(2)}</t></is></c></row>`);
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