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Created January 7, 2020 17:31
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const fs = require('fs');
const { join } = require('path');
const { promisify } = require('util');
const shell = require('child_process').execSync;
const readDir = promisify(fs.readdir);
const tempPath = join(__dirname, 'temp');
const distPath = join(__dirname, 'dist');
.then(res => res.filter(dir => /[0-9]{2}/g.test(dir)))
.then(_dirs => {
* ✅ make temp && cp matched dirs to temp
_dirs.forEach(_dir => {
shell(`mkdir -p ${tempPath}`);
shell(`cp -rf ${_dir} ${tempPath}`);
return _dirs;
.then(dirs =>
* ✅ create object maping each month to subfolders
* exp. 👇🏾
* {
* '08': ['18', '19', '20', ...],
* '09': ['01', '02', '03', ...]
* }
.map(dir => ({ [dir]: fs.readdirSync(join(__dirname, 'temp', dir)) }))
(acc, cur) => ({
[Object.keys(cur)[0]]: Object.values(cur)[0]
.then(res => {
* ✅ create level 2 object maping imgs to each sub dir
* exp. 👇🏾
* {
* '08': {
* '18': ['img1.ext', 'img2.ext', 'img3.ext', ...],
* '19': ['img1.ext', 'img2.ext', 'img3.ext', ...],
* ...
* },
* ...
* }
const dirss = Object.keys(res)
.map(k =>
.map(dir => ({
[`${dir}`]: fs.readdirSync(join(__dirname, 'temp', k, dir, 'shots'))
(acc, cur) => ({
[Object.keys(cur)[0]]: Object.values(cur)[0]
(acc, cur, idx) => ({
[Object.keys(res)[idx]]: cur
return dirss;
.then(res => {
* ✅ cp files to dist & rename
try {
fs.accessSync(distPath, fs.constants.F_OK);
console.log('🤮 purge previous dist');
shell(`rm -r ${distPath}`);
} catch (error) {
console.warn("⚠️ dist folder doesn't exist. Skipping initial purge");
shell(`mkdir ${distPath}`);
Object.keys(res).forEach(key =>
Object.keys(res[key]).forEach(kKey => {
res[key][kKey].forEach(k => {
const filePath = join(__dirname, 'temp', key, kKey, 'shots', k);
const newFileName = `${key}_${kKey}_${k}`;
console.log(`✅ copying ${newFileName}`);
// cp
shell(`cp ${filePath} ${distPath}`);
// rename
`mv ${join(__dirname, 'dist', k)} ${join(
.then(() => {
* ✅ sort files
const transportationPath = `${distPath}/transportation`;
const foodPath = `${distPath}/food`;
const entertainmentPath = `${distPath}/entertainment`;
shell(`mkdir -p ${transportationPath}`);
shell(`mkdir -p ${foodPath}`);
shell(`mkdir -p ${entertainmentPath}`);
console.log('🧐 sorting files');
const imgFiles = fs.readdirSync(distPath).filter(p => /\..{3,4}$/g.test(p));
// food
img =>
/(-j-|titos|parfait|ma?rt|ma?ll)/gi.test(img) &&
.forEach(fileName => shell(`mv ${distPath}/${fileName} ${foodPath}`));
// transport
.filter(img => /(bolt|uber)/gi.test(img))
.forEach(fileName =>
shell(`mv ${distPath}/${fileName} ${transportationPath}`)
// entertainment
img =>
!/(-j-|titos|parfait|ma?rt|ma?ll)/gi.test(img) &&
.forEach(fileName =>
shell(`mv ${distPath}/${fileName} ${entertainmentPath}`)
.catch(err => {
.finally(() => {
// cleanup
console.log('🔥 removing temp files');
shell(`rm -r ${tempPath}`);
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