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Created January 23, 2023 11:53
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Run Side Card Container With in a Jenkins Pipeline
def withDockerNetwork(Closure inner) {
try {
networkId = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
sh "docker network create ${networkId}"
} finally {
sh "docker network rm ${networkId}"
pipeline {
agent none
environment {
stages {
stage("test") {
agent any
steps {
script {
def selenium = docker.image("selenium/standalone-chrome:4.7.2-20221219")//, "grid-chrome")
def app = docker.image("temp/devcloud-build-java:11")
withDockerNetwork{ n ->
selenium.withRun("--network ${n} --name selenium -p 4444:4444") { c ->
--network ${n} -e 'gridUrl=http://selenium:4444'
""") {
sh 'mkdir -p ~/.m2/ && cp ${MAVEN_SETTINGS_PATH} ~/.m2/settings.xml'
sh 'mvn install'
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