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Created December 14, 2020 15:44
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AoC 2020 - Day 14
import Foundation
extension String {
var asUInt64: UInt64 { UInt64(self, radix: 2)! }
func masking(with mask: String, mapper: (Character, Character) -> Character) -> [Element] {
zip(padded(with: "0", toLength: 36), mask).map(mapper)
func padded(with character: String, toLength length: Int) -> String {
return String(repeating: character, count: max(0, length - count)) + self
extension UInt64 {
var asBinaryString: String { String(self, radix: 2) }
extension Array where Element == String.Element {
var string: String { String(self) }
enum Command {
case setMask(String)
case write(memory: UInt64, value: UInt64)
init(string: String) {
if string.starts(with: "mask") {
let mask = string.components(separatedBy: "=")
.map { $0.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces) }[1]
self = .setMask(mask)
} else {
let memAndValue = string.components(separatedBy: "=")
.map { $0.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces) }
let value = UInt64(memAndValue[1])!
let address = UInt64(memAndValue[0].trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet.decimalDigits.inverted))!
self = .write(memory: address, value: value)
final class Day1420: Day {
override func perform() {
let commands = String.input(forDay: 14, year: 2020)
.components(separatedBy: "\n")
// part 1
var memory: [UInt64: UInt64] = [:]
var mask: String = ""
for command in commands {
switch command {
case .setMask(let m): mask = m
case let .write(address, value): memory[address] = masking(value: value, with: mask)
stageOneOutput = "\(memory.values.reduce(0, +))"
// part 2
memory = [:]
mask = ""
for command in commands {
switch command {
case .setMask(let m):
mask = m
case let .write(address, value):
maskedAddresses(address: address, with: mask).forEach { memory[$0] = value }
stageTwoOutput = "\(memory.values.reduce(0, +))"
func masking(value: UInt64, with mask: String) -> UInt64? {
.masking(with: mask) { (source, mask) in mask == "X" ? source : mask }
func maskedAddresses(address: UInt64, with mask: String) -> [UInt64] {
let maskedAddress = address.asBinaryString.masking(with: mask) { (source, mask) in
mask == "0" ? source : (mask == "1" ? mask : "X")
let xIndices = zip(maskedAddress, maskedAddress.indices)
.filter { $0.0 == "X" }
.reduce(into: []) { $0.append($1.1) }
if xIndices.isEmpty { return [address] }
return (0...String(repeating: "1", count: xIndices.count).asUInt64)
.reduce(into: []) { (result, i) in
let bits = i.asBinaryString.padded(with: "0", toLength: xIndices.count)
var newResult = maskedAddress
zip(bits, xIndices).forEach { bit, index in newResult[index] = bit }
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