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Last active December 15, 2020 15:47
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AoC 2020 - Day 15
import Foundation
final class Day1520: Day {
override func perform() {
let numbers = String.input(forDay: 15, year: 2020)
.split(separator: ",")
.compactMap { $0 }
var lastSpoken: Int = numbers.last!
var numbersAndTurns = zip(numbers.dropLast().indices, numbers.dropLast())
.reduce(into: [:]) { $0[$1.1] = $1.0 + 1 }
for i in numbers.count+1 ... 30000000 {
if let last = numbersAndTurns[lastSpoken] {
numbersAndTurns[lastSpoken] = i - 1
lastSpoken = (i - 1) - last
} else {
numbersAndTurns[lastSpoken] = i - 1
lastSpoken = 0
stageTwoOutput = String(lastSpoken)
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