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Last active June 13, 2022 17:56
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MPP - Bank Client agreement (homework)
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Example where
import Language.Marlowe.Extended
np = 3 :: Integer -- Number of payments (positive integer)
am = 50 :: Integer -- Amount (in Ada) of each deposit by Client (positive integer)
main :: IO ()
main = printJSON $ contract np am (TimeParam "Bank Deadline") (TimeParam "Client Deadline")
contract :: Integer -> Integer -> Timeout -> Timeout -> Contract
contract mult amount bankDeadline clientDeadline =
(Role "Bank")
(Role "Bank")
(Constant mult)
(deposits mult) -- The multiple deposits by Client that are expected
amountLov :: Value
amountLov = MulValue (Constant 1000000) (Constant amount)
deposit :: Action
deposit = Deposit (Role "Bank") (Role "Client") ada amountLov
deposits :: Integer -> Contract
deposits m = foldr addContract payClient $ replicate (fromIntegral m) True
addContract :: Bool -> Contract -> Contract
addContract x y = case x of
True -> (When [Case deposit y] clientDeadline Close)
False -> Close
payClient :: Contract
payClient = (Pay
(Role "Bank")
(Account (Role "Client"))
(Role "Bank")
{"valueParameterInfo":[],"timeParameterDescriptions":[["Bank Deadline","Deadline for Bank to make initial deposit"],["Client Deadline","Deadline for Client to finish all deposits"]],"roleDescriptions":[["Bank","The Bank"],["Client","The Client"]],"contractType":"Other","contractShortDescription":"Bank-Client agreement","contractName":"MPP - Bank Client Agreement (homework solution)","contractLongDescription":"Bank makes initial deposit, Client is expected to make multiple deposits. If Client complies, he gets all the money, otherwise the Bank gets all .","choiceInfo":[]}
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