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Last active August 26, 2020 02:14
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Serialising data structures with sharing (i.e. after "tying the knot")
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
module SerialiseKnots where
import System.Mem.StableName
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad (when)
data Ref = forall a. Ref (StableName a)
instance Eq Ref where
(==) (Ref a) (Ref b) = eqStableName a b
instance Ord Ref where
-- HACK. Hashing can give false positives
compare (Ref a) (Ref b) = compare (hashStableName a) (hashStableName b)
type Ser a = StateT (Map Ref String) IO a
class SerialiseKnots a where
serialiseKnots :: a -> Ser String
instance SerialiseKnots Int where
serialiseKnots a = pure (show a)
data List a = Empty | Node a (List a)
instance SerialiseKnots a => SerialiseKnots (List a) where
serialiseKnots Empty = pure "Empty"
serialiseKnots (Node x xs) = do
ref <- fmap Ref (lift $ makeStableName x)
refs <- get
when (not $ Map.member ref refs) $ do
rep <- serialiseKnots x
refs <- get
put $ Map.insert ref rep refs
rest <- serialiseKnots xs
pure $ makeVar ref ++ ":" ++ rest
makeVar :: Ref -> String
makeVar (Ref s) = "v" ++ show (hashStableName s)
serialise :: SerialiseKnots a => a -> IO String
serialise a = do
(rep, refs) <- runStateT (serialiseKnots a) Map.empty
pure $ "let\n" ++ unlines (serialiseIndex refs) ++ "\nin\n" ++ rep
serialiseIndex :: Map Ref String -> [String]
serialiseIndex = Map.foldrWithKey f []
f ref v s = (makeVar ref ++ " = " ++ v):s
sample :: List (List Int)
sample = Node x (Node x (Node x Empty))
x = Node 12 Empty
main :: IO ()
main = do
v <- serialise sample
putStrLn v
-- Sample run:
-- λ stack run
-- let
-- v1 = v2:Empty
-- v2 = 12
-- in
-- v1:v1:v1:Empty
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