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Last active May 16, 2023 02:55
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# Andrew Brock, 2017
# This code resamples a 3d grid using catmull-rom spline interpolation, and is GPU accelerated.
# Resample along the trailing dimension
# Assumes a more-than-1D array? Or just directly assumes a 3D array? we'll find out
# TODO: Some things could be shared (such as the mgrid call, which can presumably be done once? hmm)
# between resample1d calls.
# Since coords[-1] is just range(0,out_shape[-1]) repeated a bunch of times, can we do this all more efficiently?
import numpy as np
import torch
# Resample 3d by calling resample1d thrice
# Decide the order based on the minimum amount of computation required vs accuracy
# If we want the most accuracy, we'll interpolate on the resampling axes
# over which we're inferring values between input points, whereas if we
# want the most speed, we'll start by interpolating on the ones where
# we're downsampling
def resample3d(inp,inp_space,out_space=(1,1,1)):
# Infer new shape
out = resample1d(inp,inp_space[2],out_space[2]).permute(0,2,1)
out = resample1d(out,inp_space[1],out_space[1]).permute(2,1,0)
out = resample1d(out,inp_space[0],out_space[0]).permute(2,0,1)
return out
def resample1d(inp,inp_space,out_space=1):
#Output shape
out_shape = list(np.int64(inp.size()[:-1]))+[int(np.floor(inp.size()[-1]*inp_space/out_space))] #Optional for if we expect a float_tensor
out_shape = [int(item) for item in out_shape]
# Get output coordinates, deltas, and t (chord distances)
# Output coordinates in real space
coords = torch.cuda.HalfTensor(range(out_shape[-1]))*out_space
delta = coords.fmod(inp_space).div(inp_space).repeat(out_shape[0],out_shape[1],1)
t = torch.cuda.HalfTensor(4,out_shape[0],out_shape[1],out_shape[2]).zero_()
t[0] = 1
t[1] = delta
t[2] = delta**2
t[3] = delta**3
# Nearest neighbours indices
nn = coords.div(inp_space).floor().long()
# Stack the nearest neighbors into P, the Points Array
P = torch.cuda.HalfTensor(4,out_shape[0],out_shape[1],out_shape[2]).zero_()
for i in range(-1,3):
P[i+1] = inp.index_select(2,torch.clamp(nn+i,0,inp.size()[-1]-1))
#Take catmull-rom spline interpolation:
return 0.5*t.mul(torch.cuda.HalfTensor([[ 0, 2, 0, 0],
[-1, 0, 1, 0],
[ 2, -5, 4, -1],
[ -1, 3, -3, 1]]).mm(P.view(4,-1))\
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