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Created April 12, 2022 08:30
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Purescript Example: Application Monad (AppM) with parallelization
type Env
= { hello :: String }
newtype AppM a
= AppM (ReaderT Env Aff a)
runAppM Env AppM ~> Aff
runAppM env (AppM m) = runReaderT m env
derive newtype instance Functor AppM
derive newtype instance Apply AppM
derive newtype instance Applicative AppM
derive newtype instance Bind AppM
derive newtype instance Monad AppM
derive newtype instance MonadEffect AppM
derive newtype instance MonadAff AppM
derive newtype instance MonadAsk Env AppM
derive newtype instance MonadThrow Exception.Error AppM
derive newtype instance MonadError Exception.Error AppM
-- |
-- | The 'parallel' version of our application's monad.
-- | The base monad here is the parallel version of `Aff`: `ParAff`
newtype ParAppM a
= ParAppM (ReaderT Env ParAff a)
derive newtype instance functorParAppMFunctor ParAppM
derive newtype instance applyParAppMApply ParAppM
derive newtype instance applicativeParAppMApplicative ParAppM
-- Now we can implement Parallel for our AppM
-- by delegating it to the underlying base monads
instance parallelAppMParallel ParAppM AppM where
parallel (AppM readerT) = ParAppM $ parallel readerT
sequential (ParAppM readerT) = AppM $ sequential readerT
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