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Last active August 18, 2024 16:13
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Install Mentor Graphics Questasim 2021.2 on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

This guide outlines the process of installing Mentor Graphics Questasim 2021.2 on Ubuntu 24.04LTS (or any modern debian distro).

*Note: This guide makes use of unofficial ways of activating license which is not recommended. If you have access, or can purchase the official license from Siemens, would be the best way. Otherwise, if you are an individual who plans to use it for non commercial use and or for learning purposes, you are more than welcome to follow.

Installing dependecies

sudo apt install libxft2 libxft2:i386 lib32ncurses6
sudo apt install libxext6
sudo apt install libxext6:i386

Generate the license key

sudo python2 <your-pc-mac-address>
# Note: You need python2 to be precise/

Install the Questasim

sudo chmod +x ./
sudo ./

Select the features needed and proceed with installation

Setup License

  • Copy the license.dat file from /Crack and paste into /Install_dir
  • Copy the pubkey_verify file from /Crack and paste into /Install_dir
cp license.dat pubkey_verify /install_dir
  • Run the ./pubkey_verify -y to apply patch. You should get
FTW done with ret code = 0, all file checked

Total search 22917 files.
Total 3 file are changed.

Add to System Environment Variables

cd ~
sudo nano .bashrc

Add following at the end of bashrc

export PATH="/path/to/questasim/linux_x86_64":$PATH
export PATH="/path/to/questasim/RUVM_2021.2":$PATH
export LM_LICENSE_FILE="/path/to/license.dat":$LM_LICENSE_FILE
  • Save and exit, Run
source .bashrc

Lauch Questasim


To create a nice looking menu icon

cd /usr/share/applications && sudo nano questasim.desktop

Paste the following:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Mentor Graphics Questa Sim

You need to copy the icon file (png) to the relevant location.

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aitesam961 commented Aug 18, 2024

Means your license isn't configured as it should be. From where have you acquired questasim?

As a side note:
Make sure your system environment variables are set properly. Reload the .bahrc using source .bashrc. Re-open the terminal and try vsim.

Still no...
Make sure your system's mac address is properly patched into the license.dat and you have copied license.dat in Questa's root dir along woith pubkey_verify and have executed pubkey_verify that returns a few lines of log showing a few lines have changed.

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