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Created February 26, 2022 13:29
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Inserts records and runs select queries on a PostgreSQL database to compare the performance of two alternate approaches.
# Amount of inserts and selects
# Executes the given statements and prints out the elapsed time
execute_statements() {
local statements=("$@")
local tmp=$(mktemp /tmp/psql-performance.XXXXXX)
printf -- '%s;\n' "${statements[@]}" > $tmp
local start=$(date +%s.%3N)
psql -U postgres test -f $tmp > /dev/null
local end=$(date +%s.%3N)
rm $tmp
local elapsed=$(echo "scale=3; $end - $start" | bc)
local avg=$(echo "scale=6; $elapsed / ${#statements[@]}" | bc)
echo "Time elapsed: ${elapsed}"
echo "Average query time: ${avg}"
progress() {
local current=$1
local total=$2
local progress=$(( 100 * $current / $total ))
echo -ne "${current} / ${total} (${progress}%)\r"
echo "Creating database 'test' with a table 'performance'"
psql -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE test"
psql -U postgres test -c "CREATE TABLE performance(id serial PRIMARY KEY, settings JSONB, some_toggle BOOLEAN)"
psql -U postgres test -c "CREATE INDEX some_toggle_index ON performance (some_toggle)"
boolvals=(TRUE FALSE)
echo "Creating insert statements..."
for i in $(seq 1 $AMT_INSERTS); do
progress $i $AMT_INSERTS
bool=${boolvals[$RANDOM % 2]}
toggle=$(($RANDOM % 2))
inserts+=("INSERT INTO performance (settings, some_toggle) VALUES ('{\"test_setting\": ${toggle}}', ${bool});")
echo ""
echo "Inserting the records to the database..."
execute_statements "${inserts[@]}"
echo "Generating select statements for the JSONB column..."
for i in $(seq 1 $AMT_SELECTS); do
progress $i $AMT_SELECTS
toggle=$(($RANDOM % 2))
selects+=("SELECT * FROM performance WHERE (settings->'test_setting')::int = ${toggle} ORDER BY RANDOM()")
echo ""
echo "Running the database selects => JSONB"
execute_statements "${selects[@]}"
echo "Generating select statements for the BOOLEAN column..."
for i in $(seq 1 $AMT_SELECTS); do
progress $i $AMT_SELECTS
bool=${boolvals[$RANDOM % 2]}
selects+=("SELECT * FROM performance WHERE some_toggle = ${bool} ORDER BY RANDOM()")
echo ""
echo "Running the database selects => BOOLEAN"
execute_statements "${selects[@]}"
echo "Dropping database 'test' with a table 'performance'"
psql -U postgres test -c "DROP INDEX some_toggle_index"
psql -U postgres test -c "DROP TABLE performance"
psql -U postgres -c "DROP DATABASE test"
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