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Last active September 16, 2021 19:22
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long division generator
import random
dividend_length = 3
divsior_length = 1
integer_results = 0
short_float = 1
pop = 20
_c, res = 0, []
while len(res)<pop and _c<5000:
_c += 1
a = random.randint(int('9'*(dividend_length-1) or '0')+1, int('9'*dividend_length))
b = random.randint(int('9'*(divsior_length-1) or '0')+1, int('9'*divsior_length))
if b==1 or (a)<=(b*12) or a%11==0:continue # filter
if integer_results & (a/b).is_integer():
elif not integer_results and not (a/b).is_integer():
if short_float and len(str((a/b)%1))<=5:
elif not short_float:
row_count = 6
while len(res)%6!=0:
pop = iter(res)
for i in zip(*(pop,)*row_count):
for j in i:
print(str(j).rjust(20, ' '), end=' ')
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