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Created September 30, 2014 17:28
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Bisimulation proof in Agda with copatterns
-- Inspired by
{-# OPTIONS --copatterns #-}
module Bisim where
data : Set where
zero :
succ :
data Vec (A : Set) : Set where
[] : Vec A zero
_∷_ : {n} A Vec A n Vec A (succ n)
data _≡_ {A : Set} (a : A) : A Set where
reflexive : a ≡ a
record Stream (A : Set) : Set where
constructor _∷_
head : A
tail : Stream A
open Stream
take : {n A} Stream A Vec A n
take {zero} s = []
take {succ n} s = head s ∷ take {n} (tail s)
ones : Stream ℕ
head ones = 1
tail ones = ones
ssucc : Stream ℕ Stream ℕ
head (ssucc s) = succ (head s)
tail (ssucc s) = ssucc (tail s)
twos : Stream ℕ
head twos = 2
tail twos = twos
record Bisim {A : Set} (s s' : Stream A) : Set where
constructor _∷_
phead : head s ≡ head s'
ptail : Bisim (tail s) (tail s')
open Bisim
Bisim-ssucc⋆ones-twos : Bisim (ssucc ones) twos
phead Bisim-ssucc⋆ones-twos = reflexive
ptail Bisim-ssucc⋆ones-twos = Bisim-ssucc⋆ones-twos
postulate bisim-eq : {A} {s s' : Stream A} Bisim s s' s ≡ s'
succ⋆ones≡twos : ssucc ones ≡ twos
succ⋆ones≡twos = bisim-eq Bisim-ssucc⋆ones-twos
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