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Created March 21, 2016 11:03
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ZSH: WP: ZIP: Zip the current folder and exclude folders and files that are not needed as per Theme Check.
# Zip the current folder and exclude
# folders and files that are not needed
# as per Theme Check.
# Usage: wpzip zipname
# Link:
function wpzip(){
echo "${whitef}———————————————————${reset}"
zip_name=$1 # $1 is agrument 1
# exclude more files (does not work for folders)
more_exclude_file=${@:2} # ${@:2} is everything from argument 2 to end
echo "${whiteb} ${blackf}0. Deleting the old "$zip_name".zip file if present...${reset}"
rm $zip_name".zip"
echo "${whiteb} ${blackf}1. Zipping the current folder as "$zip_name".zip...${reset}"
# Using noglob to avoid ZSH to trip over *, can also use back slash \
noglob zip -r $ . -x *.git* *node_modules* *.zip *.DS_Store $more_exclude_file
echo "${greenb} ${blackf}3. "$zip_name".zip is ready! 💯 ${reset}"
echo "${whitef}———————————————————${reset}"
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