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Created February 21, 2019 21:50
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# @source
# @source
#This script requires sg3_utils
# Scott Nolin
# 6/1/2014
#This script is for monitoring Dell MD1200 disk arrays attached via DIRECT SAS
# If you have a vendor hardware raid solution, this is likely not the answer you want.
# If you have a JBOD device other than an MD1200 it may be useful, but this has only been tested with the MD1200
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# <>.
my %ses_hash = (
description => '0',
summary_status => '3',
my @enclosures;
my @enclosure_list = `/usr/bin/sg_map -i | /bin/grep MD1200`;
foreach my $line (@enclosure_list) {
my @linearray = split(" ",$line);
push(@enclosures, $linearray[0]);
foreach my $sgdev (@enclosures) {
my @enclosure_info=`/usr/bin/sg_ses -f --page 2 ${sgdev}`;
chomp @enclosure_info;
my @ses_string=`/usr/bin/sg_ses -f --page 4 ${sgdev}`; # page 4 is string in/out = includes service tag
my @servicetag_array = split(" ",$ses_string[5]);
my $servicetag = $servicetag_array[$#servicetag_array];
$servicetag =~ s/\.//g;
$servicetag =~ s/\`//g;
my @linearray = split(" ",$enclosure_info[$ses_hash{description}]);
my $firmware = $linearray[2];
#check summary status
my $errorcount=0;
@linearray = split(" ",$enclosure_info[$ses_hash{summary_status}]);
foreach my $entry (@linearray) {
next if $entry =~ m/^INFO/; #don't warn on INFO
$entry =~ s/,//g;
$entry =~ s/.*=//;
$errorcount=$errorcount + $entry;
my $checkname = join('_', "MD1200",$servicetag,"SUMMARY");
if ($errorcount > 0) {
print "2 $checkname - firmware $firmware $enclosure_info[$ses_hash{summary_status}]\n";
} else {
print "0 $checkname - firmware $firmware $enclosure_info[$ses_hash{summary_status}]\n";
sub status_check {
my $status = $_[0];
# Predicted failure=0, Disabled=0, Swap=0, status: OK
my @statusarray = split(" ",$status);
if ("$statusarray[5]" eq "OK") {
return 0;
} else {
return 2;
#parse through our enclosure_info array
my @element=();
my @all_elements=(); #array of element arrays
my $element_type; #name of the element type, for example cooling or power supply
foreach my $linenum (6..$#enclosure_info) {
#skip header.
my $line = $enclosure_info[$linenum];
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
if ($line =~ m/^Element type:/) {
#start of new element type
$line =~ s/Element type: //; #NEW ELEMENT type, strip label
my @linearray = split(",",$line);
$element_type = @linearray[0];
next; # we have reset the element_type, next line should be an overall or individual element, so a new array.
} elsif ($line =~ m/^Overall status:|^Individual element/) { #individual element
push @all_elements, [ @element ]; #last element array is done, store it in the array of arrays
@element=(); #start over
push @element, $element_type; #name of new element type, first array item
} else { #just data, add to array
push @element, $line;
} #end FOREACH enclosure_info
push @all_elements, [ @element ]; #add the last element array
# all_elements is complete, now just parse and output data for check_mk
for $i (0 .. $#all_elements) {
next if ($all_elements[$i][1] =~ m/Unsupported$/);
next if ($all_elements[$i][1] =~ m/Unknown$/);
next if ($all_elements[$i][0] =~ m/^\[0x80\]/);
next if ($all_elements[$i][0] =~ m/^Language/);
next if ($all_elements[$i][0] eq "");
my $status = status_check($all_elements[$i][1]);
my $value = $all_elements[$i][-1];
my $checkitem = $all_elements[$i][0];
$checkitem =~ s/\s/_/g;
my $checkname = join('_', "MD1200",$servicetag,$checkitem);
print "$status $checkname - $value\n";
} #end foreach sg_dev
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