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Forked from LukeMurphey/
Created August 23, 2017 05:57
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A base class for making Python-based search commands in Splunk#Splunk
This class provides a base class for search commands that handles much of the Splunk-to-Python
interaction necessary for making a search command.
This is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0
To make a search command, you will need to:
1) Sub-class the search command (see below for an example)
2) Declare your search command in commands.conf
See below for a basic example of a class that sub-classes SearchCommand:
from search_command import SearchCommand
import sys
class Echo(SearchCommand):
def __init__(self, what_to_echo="Hello World"):
# Save the parameters
self.what_to_echo = what_to_echo
# Initialize the class
SearchCommand.__init__( self, run_in_preview=True, logger_name='echo_search_command')
def handle_results(self, results, session_key, in_preview):
self.output_results([{'echo' : self.what_to_echo}])
if __name__ == '__main__':
except Exception as e:
print e
import splunk.Intersplunk
import sys
import logging
from logging import handlers
from splunk.appserver.mrsparkle.lib.util import make_splunkhome_path
class SearchCommand(object):
A base class for implementing a search command.
# List of valid parameters
PARAM_RUN_IN_PREVIEW = "run_in_preview"
PARAM_DEBUG = "debug"
def __init__(self, run_in_preview=False, logger_name='python_search_command', log_level=logging.INFO, run_only_in_preview=False):
Constructs an instance of the search command.
run_in_preview -- Indicates whether the search command should run in preview mode
logger_name -- The logger name to append to the logger
log_level -- The log level to use for the logger
run_only_in_preview -- Run the command only in preview
self.run_in_preview = run_in_preview
self.run_only_in_preview = run_only_in_preview
# Check and save the logger name
self._logger = None
if logger_name is None or len(logger_name) == 0:
raise Exception("Logger name cannot be empty")
self.logger_name = logger_name
self.log_level = log_level
#"args" + str(args))
def logger(self):
A property that returns the logger.
# Make a logger unless it already exists
if self._logger is not None:
return self._logger
logger = logging.getLogger(self.logger_name)
# Prevent the log messages from being duplicated in the python.log file:
logger.propagate = False
file_handler = handlers.RotatingFileHandler(make_splunkhome_path(['var', 'log', 'splunk', self.logger_name + '.log']), maxBytes=25000000, backupCount=5)
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
self._logger = logger
return self._logger
def logger(self, logger):
self._logger = logger
def parse_argument(cls, argument):
Parses an argument in the form of name=value and returns the name and value as two arguments
argument -- The argument that should be split into a name/value pair (i.e. name=value)
# Find the character that splits the name from the value (returns -1 if it cannot be found)
splitter = argument.find('=')
# If no equal-sign was found then initialize the value to None
if splitter < 0:
name = None
value = argument
# If a splitter was found, then parse the value
name = argument[0:splitter]
value = argument[splitter+1:len(argument)]
# Return the results
return name, value
def get_arguments(cls):
Get the arguments as args and kwargs so that they can be processed into a constructor call
to a search command.
kwargs = {}
args = []
# Iterate through the arguments and initialize the corresponding argument
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
# Iterate through each argument
for argument in sys.argv[1:]:
# Parse the argument
name, value = cls.parse_argument(argument)
# If the argument has no value then it was an unnamed argument. Put it in the
# arguments array
if name is None:
# Put the argument in a dictionary
kwargs[name] = value
return args, kwargs
def make_instance(cls):
Produce an instance of the search command with arguments from the command-line.
args, kwargs = cls.get_arguments()
return cls(*args, **kwargs)
def execute(cls):
Initialize an instance and run it.
instance = cls.make_instance()
except Exception as exception:
# self.logger.exception("Search command threw an exception")
def run(self, results=None):
Run the search command.
# Get the results from Splunk (unless results were provided)
if results is None:
results, dummyresults, settings = splunk.Intersplunk.getOrganizedResults()
session_key = settings.get('sessionKey', None)
# Don't write out the events in preview mode
in_preview = settings.get('preview', '0') in [1, '1']
# If run_in_preview is undefined, then just continue
if self.run_in_preview is None:
# Don't do anything if the command is supposed to run only in preview but the
# results are not preview results
elif self.run_only_in_preview and not in_preview:
# Don't run in non-preview mode since we already processed the events in
# preview mode
if len(results) > 0: "Search command is set to run only in preview, ignoring %d results provided in non-preview mode" % (len(results)))
return None
# Don't do anything if the command is NOT supposed to run in preview but the
# results are previewed results
elif not self.run_in_preview and in_preview:
return None
settings = None
# Execute the search command
self.handle_results(results, session_key, in_preview)
except Exception as exception:
self.logger.exception("Search command threw an exception")
def output_results(self, results):
Output results to Splunk.
results -- An array of dictionaries of fields/values to send to Splunk.
def handle_results(self, results, session_key, in_preview):
This function needs to be overridden.
results -- The results from Splunk to process
session_key -- The session key to use for connecting to Splunk
in_preview -- Whether the search is running in preview
raise Exception("handle_results needs to be implemented")
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