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Created April 16, 2020 14:17
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A minimalist text adventure
module Adventure where
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import System.IO
data Item
= Item
{ itemName :: String
, itemDescription :: String
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- TODO (james): newtype wrapper for Room titles
data Exit
= Exit
{ exitTitle :: String
, exitGoesTo :: String
-- ^ the room title that this leads to
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Room
= Room
{ roomTitle :: String
, roomDescription :: String
, roomItems :: [Item]
, roomExits :: [Exit]
deriving (Eq, Show)
frontHall :: Room
= Room
{ roomTitle = "Front Hall"
, roomDescription = "The lights are off and it is dark."
, roomItems = [Item "Candle" "An unlit candle", Item "Shoes" "A pair of plain brown shoes"]
, roomExits = [Exit "Front Door" "Porch"]
porch :: Room
= Room
{ roomTitle = "Porch"
, roomDescription = "It is dark and rainy but you are safe under the gable."
, roomItems = []
, roomExits = [Exit "Front Door" "Front Hall"]
type House = [(String, Room)]
house :: House
house = [("Front Hall", frontHall), ("Porch", porch)]
showRoom :: Room -> String
showRoom r =
"=== " ++ title
++ "\n\n\t"
++ desc ++ "\n\nYou see here: "
++ intercalate ", " (map itemName items)
++ "\n\nExits: "
++ intercalate ", " (map exitTitle exits)
title = roomTitle r
desc = roomDescription r
items = roomItems r
exits = roomExits r
findRoom :: String -> House -> Maybe Room
findRoom = lookup
data GameState
= GameState
{ gameStateRoom :: String
, gameStateMap :: House
, gameStateErrorMessages :: [String]
deriving (Eq, Show)
go :: String -> State GameState Room
go exitName = do
s@(GameState currentRoom gameMap errs) <- get
let (Just currentRoom') = findRoom currentRoom gameMap
case find (\e -> exitTitle e == exitName) (roomExits currentRoom') of
Just (Exit _ roomName) ->
case findRoom roomName gameMap of
Just room -> do
put s { gameStateRoom = roomName }
pure room
Nothing -> do
put s { gameStateErrorMessages = ((gameStateErrorMessages s) ++ ["I can't find that exit..."]) }
pure currentRoom'
displayErr :: String -> State GameState ()
displayErr err = do
s@(GameState _ _ errs) <- get
put $ s { gameStateErrorMessages = err : errs }
render :: GameState -> IO ()
render (GameState roomName gameMap errs) = do
let (Just room) = findRoom roomName gameMap
putStrLn $ intercalate "\n" (reverse errs)
putStrLn $ showRoom room
readInput :: IO String
readInput = do
putStr "> "
hFlush stdout
data Command
= Quit
| Go String
| Unknown
deriving (Eq, Show)
parseCommand :: String -> Command
parseCommand "QUIT" = Quit
parseCommand input =
if isPrefixOf "go " input
then Go (tail $ snd $ break isSpace input)
else Unknown
gameLoop :: GameState -> IO ()
gameLoop game = do
render game
input <- readInput
case parseCommand input of
Quit -> pure ()
Go exit -> do
putStrLn exit
gameLoop $ execState (go exit) game
Unknown -> gameLoop $ execState (displayErr "What do you mean?") game
main :: IO ()
main = do
let game = GameState "Front Hall" house []
gameLoop game
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