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Last active December 14, 2020 17:47
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(ns day-eleven
[ysera.test :refer [is is-not is= deftest]]
[ysera.debug :refer [printreturn printlet]]))
(defn get-seat
{:test (fn []
(is= (get-seat [".#"
"L."] [1 0]) "#")
(is= (get-seat [".#"
"L."] [0 1]) "L")
(is= (get-seat [".#"
"L."] [-1 -1]) ".")
(is= (get-seat [".#"
"L."] [3 3]) "."))}
[seats [x y]]
(let [row (get seats y)]
(if row
(str (get row x))
(defn get-adjacent
[[x y]]
[[(dec x) (dec y)]
[x (dec y)]
[(inc x) (dec y)]
[(dec x) y]
[(inc x) y]
[(dec x) (inc y)]
[x (inc y)]
[(inc x) (inc y)]])
(defn is-taken
{:test (fn []
(is (is-taken [".#"
"L."] [1 0]))
(is-not (is-taken [".#"
"L."] [0 1])))}
[seats coords]
(= (get-seat seats coords) "#"))
(defn number-of-taken-adjacent
{:test (fn []
(is= (number-of-taken-adjacent ["L##"
"L#."] [0 0]) 3)
(is= (number-of-taken-adjacent ["LL#"
"###"] [0 0]) 0))}
[seats [x y]]
(->> (get-adjacent [x y])
(map (fn [coordinates] (is-taken seats coordinates)))
(filter identity)
(defn next-seat-map
{:test (fn []
(is= (next-seat-map
(reduce (fn [new-seats y]
(conj new-seats
(fn [new-row x]
(= "L" (get-seat seats [x y]))
(= 0 (number-of-taken-adjacent seats [y])))
(str new-row "#")
(= "#" (get-seat seats [x y]))
(>= (number-of-taken-adjacent seats [x y]) 4))
(str new-row "L")
:else (str new-row (get-seat seats [x y]))))
(range (count (first seats))))))
(range (count seats))))
(defn stabilize
{:test (fn []
(is= (stabilize
(loop [current-seats seats]
(let [next-seats (next-seat-map current-seats)]
(if (= next-seats current-seats)
(recur next-seats)))))
(->> ["L.LL.LL.LL"
(re-seq #"#")
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