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Last active September 16, 2021 14:42
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useMetamask hook
import React, { createContext, useEffect, useReducer, useRef } from "react"
import MetaMaskOnboarding from "@metamask/onboarding"
import Cookies from "js-cookie"
type ApiState =
| "IDLE"
interface State {
accounts: string[]
status: ApiState
error: Error
type ContextValue = State & {
connect: () => Promise<void>
switchChains: () => Promise<void>
const INIT_STATE: ContextValue = {
accounts: [],
status: "ONBOARDING",
error: null,
connect: null,
switchChains: null,
const Web3Context = createContext<ContextValue>(INIT_STATE)
type Action =
| { type: "IDLE" }
| { type: "CONNECT"; payload: string[] }
| { type: "ONBOARDING" }
| { type: "CONNECT_SUCCESS" }
| { type: "CONNECT_ERROR"; payload: Error }
| { type: "INCORRECT_NETWORK"; payload: Error }
| { type: "SWITCHING_CHAINS" }
const reducer = (state: State, action: Action): State => {
switch (action.type) {
case "IDLE":
return { ...state, status: "IDLE" }
case "CONNECT":
return { ...state, status: "CONNECTING", accounts: action.payload }
return { ...state, status: "READY" }
return { ...state, status: "ERROR", error: action.payload }
return { ...state, status: "SWITCHING_CHAINS" }
throw new Error(`Unknown type!`)
function MetamaskContextProvider({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) {
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, INIT_STATE)
const onboarding = useRef<MetaMaskOnboarding>()
useEffect(() => {
if (!onboarding.current) {
onboarding.current = new MetaMaskOnboarding()
}, [])
useEffect(() => {
if (MetaMaskOnboarding.isMetaMaskInstalled()) {
//based on
if (state.accounts.length > 0) {
dispatch({ type: "CONNECT_SUCCESS" })
} else {
dispatch({ type: "IDLE" })
}, [state.accounts])
useEffect(() => {
const run = async () => {
function handleNewAccounts(newAccounts: string[]) {
dispatch({ type: "CONNECT", payload: newAccounts })
const consentGiven = Cookies.get("consent")
// metmask is installed and window.ethereum is available
if (MetaMaskOnboarding.isMetaMaskInstalled()) {
// set listener before checking for consent so it's actually set
window["ethereum"].on("accountsChanged", handleNewAccounts)
window["ethereum"].on("chainChanged", (chainId: string) => {
if (chainId !== "0x13881") {
payload: new Error("Incorrect Network"),
} else {
dispatch({ type: "CONNECT_SUCCESS" })
// check if consent is given to request accounts, this is to prevent requesting when opening the website
if (consentGiven !== "true") {
} else {
await switchChains()
.request({ method: "eth_requestAccounts" })
return () => {
window["ethereum"]?.off?.("accountsChanged", handleNewAccounts)
}, [])
async function switchChains() {
try {
await window["ethereum"].request({
method: "wallet_switchEthereumChain",
params: [{ chainId: "0x13881" }],
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === 4902 || error.code === -32603) {
try {
await window["ethereum"].request({
method: "wallet_addEthereumChain",
params: [
chainId: "0x13881",
chainName: "Mumbai",
rpcUrls: [""],
nativeCurrency: {
name: "MATIC",
symbol: "MATIC",
decimals: 18,
blockExplorerUrls: [""],
await switchChains()
} catch (addError) {
async function connect() {
if (MetaMaskOnboarding.isMetaMaskInstalled()) {
await switchChains()
let newAccounts = await window["ethereum"].request({
method: "eth_requestAccounts",
dispatch({ type: "CONNECT", payload: newAccounts })
Cookies.set("consent", true)
} else {
return (
<Web3Context.Provider value={{ ...state, connect, switchChains }}>
function useMetamask() {
return React.useContext(Web3Context)
export { MetamaskContextProvider, useMetamask }
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agcty commented Sep 16, 2021

E.g to use in a React app, supply the context at the top of your project (in next.js it's _app):

import { MetamaskContextProvider } from "../path/to/useMetamask"

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps): JSX.Element {
  return (
        <Component {...pageProps} />

and in a component:

import { useMetamask } from "../path/to/useMetamask";

function ConnectButton() {
  const { connect, status, switchChains, accounts, error } = useMetamask();

  if (status === "ERROR" && error.message === "Incorrect Network") {
    return (
        onClick={async () => {
          await switchChains();
        Incorrect Chain

  return (
      onClick={async () => {
        await connect();
      {status === "READY" && accounts[0]}
      {status === "IDLE" && "Connect wallet"}
      {status === "ONBOARDING" && "Install MetaMask"}

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