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Created April 10, 2019 07:28
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Script to get list of files and file comparison
* Script to get list of files and file comparison
* @version 2014.04.28
* @author Fedik <getthesite at gmail dot com>
* @link
* @license GNU/GPL
// Enable error reaporting, in case fault
ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
//base options
//The path of the folder to read.
$path = '.';
//True to recursively search into sub-folders, or an integer to specify the maximum depth.
$recurse = true;
//A Regexp filter for allowed file names. '/./' - any
$filter_allow = '/./';
//Regexp of files to exclude, have biger priority than $filter_allow
$filter_exclude = '/(\.gif$|\.jpg$|\.jpeg$|\.png$)/i';
//Regexp of path for exclude, have biger priority than $filter_exclude
$filter_exclude_path = '/(\/\.svn|\/\.git|\/\CVS|\/\__MACOSX)/';
//True to read the files, false to read the folders only
$findfiles = true;
//Scip folders from result
$scipfolders = true;
// Whether try find the removed files when map comparasion
$findremoved = true;
// Method for count HASH of each file, for compare in future
// Important for make $findremoved work, but can cause a error on big files
// Possible values: 'md5', 'sha256', 'haval160,4', 'sha1', 'crc32' ...
// see
// false - for disable,
$counthash = 'md5';
// Allow file download
$download = true;
// base name for a map file
$map_file_name = 'files_map';
// The date formating in the table
$date_format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
// How much show the files on the page
$pager_limit = 80;
$time_exec = array();
$time_exec['start'] = getmicrotime();
//utilite functions
* Function to read the files/folders in a folder.
* @return array Files.
function getItems(
$path, //The path of the folder to read.
$recurse = true, //True to recursively search into sub-folders, or an integer to specify the maximum depth.
$filter_allow = '/./', //A filter for file names.
$filter_exclude = '', //Regexp of files to exclude
$filter_exclude_path = '', //Regexp of path to exclude
$findfiles = true, //True to read the files, false to read the folders
$scipfolders = true, //Scip folders from result
$counthash = false // Method used for count file hash, false - for disable
// Is the path a folder?
if (!is_dir($path)){
echo '<b>No valid folder path</b>';
return false;
// use RecursiveDirectoryIterator where it possible, php 5.2.x partiall suport
if (class_exists('RecursiveDirectoryIterator')) {//version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', 'ge')
return _getItemsDirectoryIterator($path, $recurse, $filter_allow,
$filter_exclude, $filter_exclude_path, $findfiles, $scipfolders, $counthash);
$arr = array();
// Read the source directory
if (!($handle = @opendir($path))){
return $arr;
while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false){
// Compute the fullpath
$fullpath = $path . '/' . $file;
// Compute the isDir flag
$isDir = is_dir($fullpath);
if ($file != '.' && $file != '..'
&& (empty($filter_exclude_path) || !preg_match($filter_exclude_path, $fullpath))
&& (empty($filter_exclude) || !preg_match($filter_exclude, $file))
if ((($isDir && !$scipfolders) || ($findfiles && !$isDir))
&& (empty($filter_allow) || preg_match($filter_allow, $file))
$about_file = array(
'path' => '',
'filename' => '',
'ext' => '',
'size' => 0, //size in bytes
'type' => '', //file, folder, link
'mtime' => '', //time of last modification (Unix timestamp)
'ctime' => '', //time of last inode change (Unix timestamp)
'mode' => '', //inode protection mode, permissions , base_convert($file_info['mode'],10,8);
'hash' => '',
'state' => '',//1.same;2.changed;;4.removed
$about_file['path'] = $fullpath;
$about_file['filename'] = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
$about_file['ext'] = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$about_file['type'] = filetype($fullpath);
if($about_file['type'] != 'link'){
$stat = stat($fullpath);
$about_file['size'] = $stat['size'];
$about_file['mtime'] = $stat['mtime'];
$about_file['ctime'] = $stat['ctime'];
$about_file['mode'] = $stat['mode'];
if (is_readable($fullpath)){
$about_file['hash'] = $counthash ? hash_file($counthash, $fullpath) : '';
} else {
//echo 'File not readable: '.$fullpath.'<br />';
$about_file['hash'] = 'Not Readable!';
$arr[$fullpath] = $about_file;
// Search recursively
if ($isDir && $recurse){
if (is_int($recurse)){
// Until depth 0 is reached
$arr = array_merge($arr, getItems($fullpath, $recurse - 1, $filter_allow,
$filter_exclude, $filter_exclude_path, $findfiles, $scipfolders, $counthash));
$arr = array_merge($arr, getItems($fullpath, $recurse, $filter_allow,
$filter_exclude, $filter_exclude_path, $findfiles, $scipfolders, $counthash));
return $arr;
function _getItemsDirectoryIterator($path, $recurse, $filter_allow,
$filter_exclude, $filter_exclude_path, $findfiles, $scipfolders, $counthash) {
$arr = array();
$dir_it = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path);
$dir_it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir_it,
RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST , RecursiveIteratorIterator::CATCH_GET_CHILD);
//Apply $filter_allow
//RegexIterator not always available .. php > 5.2
//if($filter_allow) {
//$dir_it = new RegexIterator($dir_it, $filter_allow, RegexIterator::MATCH);
if(!$recurse) {
foreach ($dir_it as $fullpath => $fileinfo) {
$file = pathinfo($fullpath);
if ($file['basename'] == '.' || $file['basename'] == '..'
|| (!$findfiles && $fileinfo->isFile())
|| ($scipfolders && $fileinfo->isDir())
|| (!empty($filter_allow) && !preg_match($filter_allow, $file['basename']))
|| (!empty($filter_exclude_path) && preg_match($filter_exclude_path, $fullpath))
|| (!empty($filter_exclude) && preg_match($filter_exclude, $file['basename']))
) {
$about_file = array(
'path' => '',
'filename' => '',
'ext' => '',
'size' => 0, //size in bytes
'type' => '', //file, folder, link
'mtime' => '', //time of last modification (Unix timestamp)
'ctime' => '', //time of last inode change (Unix timestamp)
'mode' => '', //inode protection mode, permissions , base_convert($file_info['mode'],10,8);
'hash' => '',
'state' => '',//1.same;2.changed;;4.removed
$about_file['path'] = $fullpath;
$about_file['filename'] = $file['filename'];
$about_file['ext'] = isset($file['extension']) ? $file['extension'] : '';
$about_file['type'] = $fileinfo->getType();
if($about_file['type'] != 'link'){
$about_file['size'] = $fileinfo->getSize();
$about_file['mtime'] = $fileinfo->getMTime();
$about_file['ctime'] = $fileinfo->getCTime();
$about_file['mode'] = $fileinfo->getPerms();
if ($fileinfo->isReadable()){
$about_file['hash'] = $counthash ? hash_file($counthash, $fullpath) : '';
} else {
//echo 'File not readable: '.$fullpath.'<br />';
$about_file['hash'] = 'Not Readable!';
$arr[$fullpath] = $about_file;
return $arr;
* Rename file
* @param $file
function renameOldFile($file_name, $path){
$file = $file_name . '.map';
if (!is_file($file)) {
$new_name = $file_name .'_' . date('Y-m-d_H.i.s', filectime($file)).'-'. base64_encode($path) .'.map';
return rename($file, $new_name);
* Function for sorting files/folders by on of they properties.
* @return array sorted Files.
function itemsSort(
$files, //files Array
$key, // key for sorting
$dir = SORT_DESC // sorting direction SORT_DESC, SORT_ASC
) {
$sort_arr = array();
foreach ($files as $k => $f) {
$sort_arr[$k] = $f[$key];
array_multisort($sort_arr, $dir, $files);
return $files;
* format bytes
* @return string
function formatBytes($bytes, $precision = 2) {
$units = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB');
$bytes = max($bytes, 0);
$pow = floor(($bytes ? log($bytes) : 0) / log(1024));
$pow = min($pow, count($units) - 1);
// Uncomment one of the following alternatives
$bytes /= pow(1024, $pow);
//$bytes /= (1 << (10 * $pow));
return round($bytes, $precision) . ' ' . $units[$pow];
* State format
* 1 = same, 2 = changed, 3 = new, 4 = removed
* @return HTML string
function stateFormat($state) {
$title = 'unknown';
switch ($state){
case 1:
$title = 'same';
case 2:
$title = 'changed';
case 3:
$title = 'new';
case 4:
$title = 'removed';
return '<span class="'.$title.'">'.$title.'</span>';
* Link to file, for allow download
* @param string $full_path path to the file
* @return string HTML link
function linkToFile($full_path){
return '<a href="?download='. base64_encode($full_path) . '" target="_blank">'
. $full_path . '</a>';
* Download file method
* @param string base64_encode file path
function downloadFile($file){
$file_path = realpath(base64_decode($file));
if(!$file_path || !is_file($file_path) || !is_readable($file_path)){
echo 'File "'.$file_path.'" not available!';
$finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
$mime = finfo_file($finfo, $file_path);
//send to user
header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
header('Content-Type: '.$mime);
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.pathinfo($file_path, PATHINFO_BASENAME).'"');
header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
header('Expires: 0');
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');
header('Pragma: public');
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file_path));
* build query
* @return new query array or query string
function buildUrlQuery($query, $build_query = false) {
$old_query = !empty($_GET) ? $_GET : array();
foreach ($query as $k => $v){
$old_query[$k] = $v;
return $build_query ? http_build_query($old_query) : $old_query;
* Get the current time.
* @return float The current time
function getmicrotime(){
list ($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
return ((float) $usec + (float) $sec);
// check download request
if(!empty($_GET['download']) && $download){
// init variables
$files = array();
$map_file = $map_file_name . '.map';
$map_file_current = empty($_GET['filelist']) ? $map_file : $_GET['filelist'].'.map';
$scan = isset($_GET['scan']);
$hashcompare = empty($_GET['hashcompare'])? false : $_GET['hashcompare'] .'.map';
$sort_by = empty($_GET['sort']) ? 'path' : $_GET['sort'];
$sort_dir = empty($_GET['dir']) || $_GET['dir'] == 'asc' ? SORT_ASC : SORT_DESC ;
$page = empty($_GET['page']) || $_GET['page'] == 1 ? 0 : (int) ($_GET['page'] - 1);
$table = '';
$stored_maps = '';
$pager = '';
$table_head = array(
'path' => 'Path',
'filename' => 'File Name',
'ext' => 'Ext',
'size' => 'Size',
'type' => 'Type',
'mtime' => 'Last modification',
'ctime' => 'Last inode change',
'mode' => 'Permissions',
'state' => 'File state',
'hash' => 'Hash (' . (string) $counthash . ')',
//prepare base URL query
$_GET['filelist'] = empty($_GET['filelist']) ? $map_file_name : $_GET['filelist'];
if (isset($_GET['scan'])) {
if ($scan && isset($_GET['hashcompare'])) {
$hashcompare = false;
if(is_file($map_file_current) && !$scan && $stored_data = file_get_contents($map_file)){
$files = unserialize($stored_data);
$time_exec['Open Stored'] = getmicrotime();
} elseif ($scan) {
$files = getItems($path, $recurse, $filter_allow, $filter_exclude,
$filter_exclude_path, $findfiles, $scipfolders, $counthash);
//keeep old file
renameOldFile($map_file_name, $path);
file_put_contents($map_file, serialize($files));
$time_exec['Scan Files'] = getmicrotime();
//'state' => 1.same, 2.changed,, 4.removed
if (!empty($files) && $hashcompare && $stored_map = file_get_contents($hashcompare)) {
$files_old = unserialize($stored_map);
//find changed and new
foreach ($files as $n => &$f) {
if (empty($files_old[$n])) {
$f['state'] = 3;
if ($f['hash'] != $files_old[$n]['hash']) {
$f['state'] = 2;
$f['state'] = 1;
//find removed
if ($findremoved) {
foreach ($files_old as $n => $f) {
if (empty($files[$n])) {
$files[$n] = $f;
$files[$n]['state'] = 4;
$time_exec['Comparison'] = getmicrotime();
$files = itemsSort($files, $sort_by, $sort_dir);
$time_exec['Sorting'] = getmicrotime();
$files_total = count($files);
//cut by pager
if ($pager_limit && $files_total > $pager_limit) {
$pager_start = $pager_limit * $page;
$files = array_slice($files, $pager_start, $pager_limit);
//build pager
$pages_total = round($files_total/$pager_limit, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN);
$pager .= '<a href="?'.buildUrlQuery(array('page' => 1), true).'"><< First</a>&nbsp;...&nbsp;';
//5 prev and 5 next
for($i = max(1, $page - 5); $i <= min($page + 5, $pages_total); $i++){
$pager .= '<a href="?'.buildUrlQuery(array('page' => $i), true).'">'.$i.'</a>';
$pager .= '&nbsp;...&nbsp;<a href="?'.buildUrlQuery(array('page' => $pages_total), true).'">Last >></a>';
//render table
$table = '<table>';
$table .= '<thead><tr>';
foreach ($table_head as $k => $h) {
$active = ($k == $sort_by);
$table .= '<th class="'.$k.'">'
. $h
. '&nbsp;&nbsp;'
. '<a href="?'.buildUrlQuery(array('sort' => $k, 'dir' => 'desc'), true).'">'.(($active && $sort_dir == SORT_DESC) ? '&#11014;' : '&uarr;').'</a>'//desc
. '&nbsp;'
. '<a href="?'.buildUrlQuery(array('sort' => $k, 'dir' => 'asc'), true).'">'.(($active && $sort_dir == SORT_ASC) ? '&#11015;' : '&darr;') .'</a>'//asc
$table .= '</tr></thead>';
if($files_total) {
$table .= '<tbody>';
$columns = array_keys($table_head);
foreach ($files as $file) {
$table .= '<tr>';
foreach ($columns as $col) {
switch ($col) {
case 'size':
$table .= '<td>'.formatBytes($file[$col]).'</td>';
case 'mtime':
case 'ctime':
$table .= '<td>'. ($file[$col] ? date($date_format, $file[$col]) : '') .'</td>';
case 'mode':
$table .= '<td>'.base_convert($file[$col],10,8).'</td>';
case 'state':
$table .= '<td>'.stateFormat($file[$col]).'</td>';
case 'path':
$table .= '<td>'. ( $download ? linkToFile($file[$col]) : $file[$col]) .'</td>';
$table .= '<td>'.$file[$col].'</td>';;
$table .= '</tr>';
$table .= '</tbody>';
} else {
$table .= '<tbody>
<td colspan="'.count($table_head).'">
<p>No filemap found. Please click <a href="?'. buildUrlQuery(array('scan' => true, 'hashcompare' => ''), true).'" title="click for scan">"Scan"</a></p>
$table .= '</table>';
//render stored map files list for hashcompare
$maps = getItems('.', false, '/('.base64_encode($path).'|'.$map_file_name.')\.map$/', null, null, true, true);
$tmp_arr = array();
foreach ($maps as $map) {
$tmp_arr[] = '<li>'.$map['filename']. '&nbsp;'
.'<a href="?'.buildUrlQuery(array('sort' => 'state', 'dir' => 'desc', 'hashcompare' => $map['filename']), true).'">Compare</a>&nbsp;'
.'<a href="?'.buildUrlQuery(array('sort' => 'path', 'dir' => 'desc', 'page' => 1, 'hashcompare' => '', 'filelist' => $map['filename']), true).'">Open</a>'
$stored_maps = '<ul>'.implode('', $tmp_arr).'</ul>';
$time_exec['Render'] = getmicrotime();
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en-US">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Files list</title>
<style type="text/css">
body {
font: 12px Helvetica, sans-serif;
background: #fff;
table {
width: 100%;
border: 1px solid grey;
border-spacing: 0;
border-collapse: collapse;
table th,table td {
text-align: left;
padding: 3px;
table th {
border: 1px solid grey;
background: #F2F2F2;
table th a {color: #000;}
table tr:nth-child(even) {
background: #F2F2F2;
table tr:hover{
background: #EAF2D3;
.pager a{
padding: 3px;
margin-right: 3px;
span.removed {color: #bf1122;}
span.same{ color: #009159}
<div id="files-table">
<p>Files total: <?php echo $files_total;?><br />
Base path: <?php echo realpath($path);?><br />
<a href="?<?php echo buildUrlQuery(array('scan' => true, 'hashcompare' => ''), true); ?>" title="click for scan again">Scan again</a></p>
<p>map file: <b><?php echo $map_file_current; ?></b>
<?php if ($hashcompare): ?> vs <b><?php echo $hashcompare; ?></b> <?php endif; ?>
<?php echo $table; ?>
<p class="pager"><?php echo $pager; ?></p>
Previously saved the map files:<br />
<?php echo $stored_maps; ?>
//profiling info
foreach ($time_exec as $k => $t) {
if ($k == 'start'){
$prev = $t;
echo 'Time <b>'. $k .'</b>: ' . round(($t - $prev), 6) .'<br />';
$prev = $t;
echo 'Memory used: '. formatBytes(memory_get_usage());
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