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Created February 17, 2021 00:34
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Drawing segments of a circle in SwiftUI
import SwiftUI
extension Color {
static var random: Color {
return Color(
red: .random(in: 0...1),
green: .random(in: 0...1),
blue: .random(in: 0...1)
struct ContentView: View {
@State var sections: Double = 3
var body: some View {
Slider(value: $sections, in: 2...20, step: 1)
ZStack {
ForEach(0..<20) { index in
.trim(from: 0.017, to: (1/CGFloat(sections)) - (0.017))
.rotation(.degrees(Double(CGFloat(index) * CGFloat(360/sections))))
.stroke(Color.random ,style: StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 50, lineCap: .round))
.frame(width: 520, height: 520)
.frame(width: 425, height: 425)
.font(.system(size: 420, weight: .light, design: .serif))
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