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Created January 11, 2018 21:37
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Spreading information is a huge goal of ours and is essential to accelerating the growth and success of the various causes we hope to support.
In order to ensure that all members can participate in spreading information, we will do our best to update this page with high quality information
regarding the causes we support as they arise.
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<img alt="LiNK Logo" src="" height="100" style="margin-bottom: 10px"/>
Liberty in North Korea is a non-profit organization who believes that by rescuing North Korean refugees from China and helping
them resettle in the United States and South Korea, we can accelerate the liberation of the entirety of North Korea. LiNK is aware
that when citizens of North Korea defect, they continue to send money and information back into the country to their families via
organizations in China that smuggle information and cellphones over the North Korean border. The Docker believes that, as we cannot
provide support to the North Korean people (many of whom are currently starving and continue to suffer from the famine in the mid-90's),
it is essential that we put our efforts and energy into helping LiNK achieve their goals.<br/><br/>Below is a collection of media involving
North Korea, defectors and their experiences and LiNK's experiences and efforts in working towards their goal.
<!--<h3>What I learned as a prisoner in North Korea | Euna Lee</h3>-->
<!--<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" style="margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px" allowfullscreen></iframe>-->
<h1 class="display-4">Test</h1>
A TED talk featuring journalist Euna Lee who was taken as prisoner in North Korea after having crossed the border while shooting in China. Lee describes her experiences
with the various people she interacted with in North Korea, all of whom were part of the military. Lee's experience reminds us that North Korea is filled with real people
who have been deprived of many freedoms we've grown to believe are essential to our living.
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