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import $ivy.`org.typelevel::cats-effect:0.10-22efb61`, cats._, cats.implicits._, cats.effect._, scala.concurrent.duration._
def putStr(msg: String): IO[Unit] = IO(print(msg))
def putStrLn(msg: String): IO[Unit] = IO(println(msg))
def readLn: IO[String] = IO(Console.readLine)
val now: IO[Long] = IO(System.currentTimeMillis)
def time[A](ioa: IO[A]): IO[(FiniteDuration, A)] = for {
start <- now
larsrh /
Last active August 3, 2017 20:52
Draft proposal for sbt upgrade

Aid the ecosystem in upgrading to sbt 1.0.x


Proposed by Lars Hupel.


Scala 2.10 used to (and still has, to some extent), huge gravitas in the Scala ecosystem. To large parts, this was due to Spark and sbt supporting only 2.10. Spark has migrated to 2.11, and sbt 1.0.x is already there (the RCs are binary compatible).