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Created August 29, 2020 15:43
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A command that provides an easy way to create or start any python virtual environments from any location
pyvenv_help() {
printf "This script provides an easy way to create and start python virtual environments from anywhere\n"
printf "3 main commands are available \n\n"
printf "./ init : Use this command to install the script first time in /usr/local/bin and provide the path where the virtual environments should be installed \n\n"
printf "pyvenv create <name of new virtual environment> [any other arguments for virtualenv]\n"
printf "\t Example: pyvenv create newvir --python=/usr/bin/python3 \n\n"
printf "source pyvenv start <name of virtual environment> : This command needs to be preceeded with 'source' or a '.' to make it run in the same terminal\n\n"
pyvenv_init() {
echo "Please give full path to the directory where you would like me to store all the virtual environments"
echo "default is $HOME/.pyvenv/"
read dir_path
if [ -z "$dir_path" ]; then
mkdir -p $dir_path
bak_name=`date +%s`
echo "Making a backup copy of bashrc with name .bashrc.$bak_name.bak in case anything goes wrong"
cp $HOME/.bashrc $HOME/.bashrc.$bak_name.bak
echo "export PYVENV_DIR=$dir_path" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "sudo privileges may be required to install the script into /usr/local/bin"
sudo cp -i "$PWD/" "/usr/local/bin/pyvenv"
echo "Script installed. "
echo "type > pyvenv help to know how to use the command"
echo -n
echo "run source ~/.bashrc if you want to use command in this same terminal instance"
pyvenv_create() {
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
echo "Error: name of virtual environment not given"
echo $vir_path
virtualenv $vir_path "${@:2}"
pyvenv_start() {
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: source pyvenv start <name of virtual environment>"
echo $vir_path
if [ ! -d $vir_path ]; then
echo "Virtual Environment of this name does not exist "
echo "Starting "$1 "..."
source $vir_path/bin/activate
echo "If the Virtual Environment does not start , ensure you are starting pyvenv by preceding with 'source' or a '.'"
echo "Example : "
echo ". pyvenv start <name of virtual environment> "
echo "source pyvenv start <name of virtual environment>"
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
elif [ $1 == "help" ]; then
elif [ $1 == "start" ]; then
pyvenv_start "${@:2}"
elif [ $1 == "create" ]; then
pyvenv_create "${@:2}"
elif [ $1 == "init" ]; then
pyvenv_init "${@:2}"
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