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Last active February 17, 2020 15:15
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Remote SSH into Circle CI

SSH into your CircleCI tests, run them locally in a browser

  1. Use these instructions as a supplement to the CircleCI instructions

  2. Get dependencies

$ brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask
$ brew cask install chicken
  1. In your terminal (replace addresses and ports with info in CircleCI docs)
$ ssh -p 64692 ubuntu@ -L 5902:localhost:5901
ubuntu@box559:~$ vnc4server -geometry 1280x1024 -depth 24
  1. Connect via VNC
  • Open VNC GUI (e.g. Chicken)
  • Choose port 5902
  • Connect
  1. In your VNC terminal
$ export DISPLAY=:1.0
$ cd app_name/
$ bundle exec cucumber


To stop a test, add a binding.pry and repush.

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very useful and it is working for me :)

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