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Created September 1, 2020 18:04
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Mapping size to number of units
type_to_capacity = {
"Large": 10,
"XLarge": 20,
"2XLarge": 40,
"4XLarge": 80,
"8XLarge": 160,
"10XLarge": 320,
cost_by_region = {
"New York": {
"Large": 120,
"XLarge": 230,
"2XLarge": 450,
"4XLarge": 774,
"8XLarge": 1400,
"10XLarge": 2820,
"India": {
"Large": 140,
"XLarge": None,
"2XLarge": 413,
"4XLarge": 890,
"8XLarge": 1300,
"10XLarge": 2970,
"China": {
"Large": 110,
"XLarge": 200,
"2XLarge": None,
"4XLarge": 670,
"8XLarge": 1180,
"10XLarge": None,
def get_cost_per_unit_per_size(cost_by_capacity):
To get cost per unit with respected
capacity in increasing order
This function will sort the machine
which by their cost per unit
for each_size in cost_by_capacity.keys():
cost = cost_by_capacity[each_size]
if cost is None:
cost_by_capacity[each_size] /= type_to_capacity[each_size]
cost_per_unit = {key: val for key, val in sorted(
cost_by_capacity.items(), key=lambda x: (x[1] is None, x[1]))}
return cost_per_unit
def resource_allocator(region, units, hours):
Algorithm to resouce allocation
Idea is to use that unit first
which is charging less value
per unit and if they are not
capable to produce the required
unitthen go to the next one
if units <= 0 or hours <= 0:
return 'Not a valid combination of time and units'
total_units = units * hours
if total_units <= 0:
return 'Not a valid combination of time and units'
# making a copy of dic to avoid passing in funtion by reference
region_dict = { **(cost_by_region[region]) }
cost_per_unit_by_size = get_cost_per_unit_per_size(region_dict)
total_cost = 0
machines = []
for type_of_machine in cost_per_unit_by_size.keys():
particular_size_machine_cost = cost_per_unit_by_size[type_of_machine]
machine_per_hour_capacity = type_to_capacity[type_of_machine]
number_of_machines_required, total_units = divmod(total_units, machine_per_hour_capacity)
total_cost += particular_size_machine_cost * number_of_machines_required * machine_per_hour_capacity
if number_of_machines_required:
machines.append((type_of_machine, number_of_machines_required))
if total_units == 0:
return {
"region" : region,
"total_cost" : "$" + str(round(total_cost)),
"machines" : machines
def parse_input():
'''Function to parse the input'''
units, hours = None, None
lst_input = list(input().split(' '))
input_len = len(lst_input)
for i in range(input_len-1):
if lst_input[i+1].lower() == 'units' or lst_input[i+1].lower() == 'unit':
units = int(lst_input[i])
print('Please provide the valid input (natural number)')
if lst_input[i+1].lower() == 'hours' or lst_input[i+1].lower() == 'hour':
hours = int(lst_input[i])
print('Please provide the valid input (natural number)')
return (units, hours)
def format(json):
'''The fuction is use to format the output as desired'''
if not json:
return ''
result = []
multiplier = 0
# this is to use the output indent level currently it is of 4 spaces
tab = ' '
length = len(json)
i = 0
while i < length:
if json[i] in ['{', '[']:
if json[i] == '[':
result[-1] += ' ['
result.append(tab * multiplier + json[i])
multiplier += 1
i += 1
elif json[i] == '(':
strart = i
while i < length and json[i] != ')':
i += 1
cur = json[strart:i+1]
result.append(tab * multiplier + cur)
i += 1
elif json[i] in ['}', ']']:
multiplier -= 1
result.append(tab * multiplier + json[i])
i += 1
elif json[i] == ',':
result[-1]+= ','
i += 1
start = i
curr_s = []
while i < length and json[i] not in ['{', '}', ',', '[', ']']:
if json[i] == ':':
curr_s.append(': ')
i += 1
curr_s = ''.join(curr_s)
result.append(tab * multiplier + curr_s)
for row in result:
def main(units, hours):
if units <= 0 and hours <= 0:
print('Units and Hours can not be zero/negative')
elif units <= 0 or not units:
print('Units can not be zero/negative')
elif hours <= 0 or not hours:
print('Hours can not be zero/negative')
output = {
'Output' : []
for region in [ 'New York', 'India', 'China' ]:
out = resource_allocator(region, units, hours) # Calcutation the cost by region
output = str(output).replace(' ', '')
format(str(output)) # formatting the output as desired
if __name__ == '__main__':
# You can comment the next line (216) to avoid console input
# and provide units and hours in next to next line manually in (217)
units, hours = parse_input()
main(units, hours)
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