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Last active September 25, 2020 23:03
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Save adscriven/3982ae33a409350ab385b2805165276d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Basic dark colorscheme with colours for limited syntax :-o with good separation. For non-Vim users and no-syntax-whiners when pair programming.
" colors/sylfaenol.vim
hi clear
let s:name = expand('<sfile>:t:r')
let colors_name = s:name
hi Normal ctermfg=249 ctermbg=233 cterm=NONE guifg=#b2b2b2 guibg=#121212 gui=NONE guisp=NONE
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hi CursorLineNr ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=236 cterm=NONE guifg=NONE guibg=#303030 gui=NONE guisp=NONE
hi Debug ctermfg=249 ctermbg=233 cterm=NONE guifg=#b2b2b2 guibg=#121212 gui=NONE guisp=NONE
hi debugBreakpoint ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=88 cterm=NONE guifg=NONE guibg=#870000 gui=NONE guisp=NONE
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hi Ignore ctermfg=239 ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE guifg=#4e4e4e guibg=NONE gui=NONE guisp=NONE
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hi Number ctermfg=167 ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE guifg=#d75f5f guibg=NONE gui=NONE guisp=NONE
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hi PmenuThumb ctermfg=16 ctermbg=243 cterm=NONE guifg=#000000 guibg=#767676 gui=NONE guisp=NONE
hi PreCondit ctermfg=67 ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE guifg=#5f87af guibg=NONE gui=NONE guisp=NONE
hi PreProc ctermfg=67 ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE guifg=#5f87af guibg=NONE gui=NONE guisp=NONE
hi Question ctermfg=249 ctermbg=233 cterm=NONE guifg=#b2b2b2 guibg=#121212 gui=NONE guisp=NONE
hi QuickFixLine ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=236 cterm=NONE guifg=NONE guibg=#303030 gui=NONE guisp=NONE
hi Repeat ctermfg=143 ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE guifg=#afaf5f guibg=NONE gui=NONE guisp=NONE
hi Search ctermfg=16 ctermbg=143 cterm=bold guifg=#000000 guibg=#afaf5f gui=bold guisp=NONE
hi SignColumn ctermfg=238 ctermbg=233 cterm=NONE guifg=#444444 guibg=#121212 gui=NONE guisp=NONE
hi Special ctermfg=249 ctermbg=233 cterm=NONE guifg=#b2b2b2 guibg=#121212 gui=NONE guisp=NONE
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hi SpellBad ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE cterm=underline guifg=NONE guibg=NONE gui=underline guisp=NONE
hi SpellCap ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE cterm=underline guifg=NONE guibg=NONE gui=underline guisp=NONE
hi SpellLocal ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE cterm=underline guifg=NONE guibg=NONE gui=underline guisp=NONE
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hi Statement ctermfg=143 ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE guifg=#afaf5f guibg=NONE gui=NONE guisp=NONE
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hi StatusLineNC ctermfg=16 ctermbg=242 cterm=NONE guifg=#000000 guibg=#6c6c6c gui=NONE guisp=NONE
hi StatusLineTerm ctermfg=255 ctermbg=31 cterm=NONE guifg=#eeeeee guibg=#0087af gui=NONE guisp=NONE
hi StatusLineTermNC ctermfg=145 ctermbg=24 cterm=NONE guifg=#afafaf guibg=#005f87 gui=NONE guisp=NONE
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hi TabLine ctermfg=16 ctermbg=242 cterm=NONE guifg=#000000 guibg=#6c6c6c gui=NONE guisp=NONE
hi TabLineFill ctermfg=16 ctermbg=242 cterm=NONE guifg=#000000 guibg=#6c6c6c gui=NONE guisp=NONE
hi TabLineSel ctermfg=235 ctermbg=247 cterm=NONE guifg=#262626 guibg=#9e9e9e gui=NONE guisp=NONE
hi Tag ctermfg=249 ctermbg=233 cterm=NONE guifg=#b2b2b2 guibg=#121212 gui=NONE guisp=NONE
hi Terminal ctermfg=249 ctermbg=233 cterm=NONE guifg=#b2b2b2 guibg=#121212 gui=NONE guisp=NONE
hi Title ctermfg=253 ctermbg=NONE cterm=bold guifg=#dadada guibg=NONE gui=bold guisp=NONE
hi Todo ctermfg=44 ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE guifg=#00d7d7 guibg=NONE gui=NONE guisp=NONE
hi ToolbarButton ctermfg=253 ctermbg=241 cterm=NONE guifg=#dadada guibg=#626262 gui=NONE guisp=NONE
hi ToolbarLine ctermfg=250 ctermbg=238 cterm=NONE guifg=#bcbcbc guibg=#444444 gui=NONE guisp=NONE
hi Type ctermfg=249 ctermbg=233 cterm=NONE guifg=#b2b2b2 guibg=#121212 gui=NONE guisp=NONE
hi Typedef ctermfg=249 ctermbg=233 cterm=NONE guifg=#b2b2b2 guibg=#121212 gui=NONE guisp=NONE
hi Underlined ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE cterm=underline guifg=NONE guibg=NONE gui=underline guisp=NONE
hi VertSplit ctermfg=244 ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE guifg=#808080 guibg=NONE gui=NONE guisp=NONE
hi vimoption ctermfg=133 ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE guifg=#af5faf guibg=NONE gui=NONE guisp=NONE
hi Visual ctermfg=235 ctermbg=247 cterm=NONE guifg=#262626 guibg=#9e9e9e gui=NONE guisp=NONE
hi VisualNOS ctermfg=235 ctermbg=247 cterm=NONE guifg=#262626 guibg=#9e9e9e gui=NONE guisp=NONE
hi WarningMsg ctermfg=249 ctermbg=233 cterm=NONE guifg=#b2b2b2 guibg=#121212 gui=NONE guisp=NONE
hi WildMenu ctermfg=16 ctermbg=231 cterm=bold guifg=#000000 guibg=#ffffff gui=bold guisp=NONE
let s:restore = {
\ 'helpHeader': 'PreProc',
\ 'htmlTagName': 'htmlStatement',
\ 'htmlString': 'String',
\ 'helpOption': 'Type',
\ 'htmlCommentPart': 'Comment',
\ 'htmlComment': 'Comment',
\ 'helpExample': 'Comment',
\ 'htmlTag': 'Function',
\ 'vimOption': 'PreProc',
\ 'helpCommand': 'Comment',
\ 'helpHyperTextentry': 'String',
\ 'helpHyperTextJump': 'Identifier',
\ 'htmlEndTag': 'Identifier',
\ 'htmlValue': 'String',
\ 'htmlArg': 'Type'}
function s:fixlinks(restore)
for [group, link] in items(a:restore)
exe 'hi! link ' . group . ' ' . link
function s:aufixlinks()
if !has('patch-8.2.1703')
exe 'augroup colorscheme_' . s:name
au colorschemepre * call s:fixlinks(s:restore) | exe 'au! colorscheme_' . s:name
augroup END
call s:aufixlinks()
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