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Created March 11, 2023 11:02
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Logging from Cypress E2E tests, for better troubleshooting
import { defineConfig } from 'cypress'
const cypressConfig = defineConfig({
video: true,
chromeWebSecurity: false,
e2e: {
baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',
supportFile: 'cypress/support/e2e/index.js',
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
require('cypress-terminal-report/src/installLogsPrinter')(on, {
// cf
printLogsToConsole: 'always', // default: 'onFail'
printLogsToFile: 'always', // default: 'onFail'
outputRoot: config.projectRoot + '/cypress/logs/',
outputTarget: {
'cypress-terminal-report.txt': 'txt',
'cypress-terminal-report.json': 'json',
// usage: cy.task('log', 'something to log');
on('task', {
log(message) {
console.log('🔵', message) // prints the message to stdout
return null
export default cypressConfig
// file: cypress/support/e2e/index.js
collectTypes: [
// sample test
describe("<System under test>", () => {
const actions = getPageActions()
it("logs in", () => {
actions.login() // "actions.login()" will be logged in stdout
function getPageActions() {
const actions = {
login(){ /* ... */ },
navigate(){ /* ... */ },
const methodLogger = {
get(target, prop) {
if (typeof target[prop] === 'function') {
cy.task('log', `🧵 actions.${prop}()`)
return target[prop]
return new Proxy(actions, methodLogger) as typeof sutMethods
#!/usr/bin/env sh
while ! curl -sS http://localhost:3000 > /dev/null ; do
echo "will retry in 5 seconds"; sleep 5;
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