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Select date/time range from Google Location History JSON, using jq
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# First, download "Location History" from
# (fr: "Historique des positions" from
# => Big "Location history.json" file that looks like that:
# {
# "locations": [
# { "timestampMs": "1546415889121" },
# { "timestampMs": "1546415725521" }
# ]
# }
# Then, pick your date/time range:
# And generate a JSON file that only returns the location history for that range:
cat "Location History.json" | jq --arg s ${START_TIME} --arg e ${END_TIME} '
[($s, $e) | fromdate] as $r |
[ .locations[] |
(.timestampMs|tonumber) >= ($r[0] * 1000) and
(.timestampMs|tonumber) <= ($r[1] * 1000)
]' > filtered-location-history.json
# Convert it to a simpler "journey" format:
cat "filtered-location-history.json" | jq '[ .[] | {
timestamp: .timestampMs|tonumber,
lat: (.latitudeE7 / 10000000),
lng: (.longitudeE7 / 10000000)
} ]' > journey.json
# (you may require: $ brew install jq)
# Then, you can use that file to render your replay your journey on a map
# -->
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