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Created May 13, 2020 09:22
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Generated by XState Viz:
const fetchMachine = Machine({
id: 'applicant-details',
initial: 'loading',
context: {
applicationId: '',
applicantId: '',
fields: {},
checked: {},
originalIncomeData: [],
states: {
loading: {
invoke: {
src: 'load',
id: 'load',
onDone: {
target: 'editing',
actions: 'updateInitial',
editing: {
type: 'parallel',
states: {
open_panel: {
initial: 'initial_check',
on: {
TOGGLE_INCOME: '.income',
TOGGLE_EXPENDITURE: '.expenditure',
TOGGLE_DEBTS: '.debts',
states: {
initial_check: {
on: {
'': [
cond: 'hasInitialData',
target: 'none',
{target: 'income'},
none: {},
income: {
on: {
COMPLETE_INCOME: 'expenditure',
expenditure: {
on: {
debts: {
on: {
income: {
type: 'parallel',
states: {
validation: {
initial: 'check',
on: {
CHECK: {target: '.check', actions: 'checkSection'},
CHECK_NONE: {target: '.check', actions: 'checkSection'},
CHANGE_FIELD: {target: '.check', actions: 'fieldChange'},
states: {
check: {
on: {
'': [
{target: 'valid', cond: 'isIncomeValid'},
{target: 'not_valid'},
valid: {},
not_valid: {},
completion: {
initial: 'initial_check',
states: {
initial_check: {
on: {
'': [
cond: 'hasInitialData',
target: 'done',
{target: 'not_done'},
not_done: {
on: {
done: {},
expenditure: {
type: 'parallel',
states: {
validation: {
initial: 'check',
on: {
CHECK: '.check',
CHECK_NONE: '.check',
CHANGE_FIELD: '.check',
states: {
check: {
on: {
'': [
{target: 'valid', cond: 'isExpenditureValid'},
{target: 'not_valid'},
valid: {},
not_valid: {},
completion: {
initial: 'initial_check',
states: {
initial_check: {
on: {
'': [
cond: 'hasInitialData',
target: 'done',
{target: 'not_done'},
not_done: {on: {COMPLETE_EXPENDITURE: 'done'}},
done: {},
debts: {
type: 'parallel',
states: {
validation: {
initial: 'initial',
on: {
HAS_DEBTS_YES: '.has_debts',
HAS_DEBTS_NO: '.no_debts',
states: {
initial: {},
no_debts: {},
has_debts: {
initial: 'check',
on: {
target: '.check',
actions: 'updateDebtsField',
states: {
check: {
on: {
'': [
{target: 'valid', cond: 'isDebtFieldValid'},
valid: {},
not_valid: {},
completion: {
initial: 'not_done',
on: {COMPLETE_DEBTS: '.done'},
states: {not_done: {}, done: {}},
saving: {},
actions: {
updateInitial: () => {},
guards: {
hasInitialData: () => false,
isIncomeValid: () => false,
isExpenditureValid: () => false
services: {
load: () => Promise.resolve()
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