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Last active September 9, 2024 09:43
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  • Save adrianhajdin/e41751d170881f32955f556aaa45c77c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save adrianhajdin/e41751d170881f32955f556aaa45c77c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Build and Deploy a Modern Next.js 13 Application | React, Next JS 13, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS
export const manufacturers = [
"Alfa Romeo",
"Aston Martin",
"Land Rover",
export const yearsOfProduction = [
{ title: "Year", value: "" },
{ title: "2015", value: "2015" },
{ title: "2016", value: "2016" },
{ title: "2017", value: "2017" },
{ title: "2018", value: "2018" },
{ title: "2019", value: "2019" },
{ title: "2020", value: "2020" },
{ title: "2021", value: "2021" },
{ title: "2022", value: "2022" },
{ title: "2023", value: "2023" },
export const fuels = [
title: "Fuel",
value: "",
title: "Gas",
value: "Gas",
title: "Electricity",
value: "Electricity",
export const footerLinks = [
title: "About",
links: [
{ title: "How it works", url: "/" },
{ title: "Featured", url: "/" },
{ title: "Partnership", url: "/" },
{ title: "Bussiness Relation", url: "/" },
title: "Company",
links: [
{ title: "Events", url: "/" },
{ title: "Blog", url: "/" },
{ title: "Podcast", url: "/" },
{ title: "Invite a friend", url: "/" },
title: "Socials",
links: [
{ title: "Discord", url: "/" },
{ title: "Instagram", url: "/" },
{ title: "Twitter", url: "/" },
{ title: "Facebook", url: "/" },
@import url(";300;400;500;600;700;800&display=swap");
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
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margin: 0;
padding: 0;
box-sizing: border-box;
font-family: "Manrope", sans-serif;
/* START: General styles */
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@apply py-4;
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.flex-between {
@apply flex justify-between items-center;
.custom-btn {
@apply flex flex-row relative justify-center items-center py-3 px-6 outline-none;
/* END: General styles */
/* START: Hero styles */
.hero {
@apply flex xl:flex-row flex-col gap-5 relative z-0 max-w-[1440px] mx-auto;
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.hero__image {
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/* END: Hero styles */
/* START: Home styles */
.home__text-container {
@apply flex flex-col items-start justify-start gap-y-2.5 text-black-100;
.home__filters {
@apply mt-12 w-full flex-between items-center flex-wrap gap-5;
.home__filter-container {
@apply flex justify-start flex-wrap items-center gap-2;
.home__cars-wrapper {
@apply grid 2xl:grid-cols-4 xl:grid-cols-3 md:grid-cols-2 grid-cols-1 w-full gap-8 pt-14;
.home__error-container {
@apply mt-16 flex justify-center items-center flex-col gap-2;
/* END: Home styles */
/* START: Car Card styles */
.car-card {
@apply flex flex-col p-6 justify-center items-start text-black-100 bg-primary-blue-100 hover:bg-white hover:shadow-md rounded-3xl;
.car-card__content {
@apply w-full flex justify-between items-start gap-2;
.car-card__content-title {
@apply text-[22px] leading-[26px] font-bold capitalize;
.car-card__price {
@apply flex mt-6 text-[32px] leading-[38px] font-extrabold;
.car-card__price-dollar {
@apply self-start text-[14px] leading-[17px] font-semibold;
.car-card__price-day {
@apply self-end text-[14px] leading-[17px] font-medium;
.car-card__image {
@apply relative w-full h-40 my-3 object-contain;
.car-card__icon-container {
@apply flex group-hover:invisible w-full justify-between text-grey;
.car-card__icon {
@apply flex flex-col justify-center items-center gap-2;
.car-card__icon-text {
@apply text-[14px] leading-[17px];
.car-card__btn-container {
@apply hidden group-hover:flex absolute bottom-0 w-full z-10;
/* END: Car Card styles */
/* START: Car Details styles */
.car-details__dialog-panel {
@apply relative w-full max-w-lg max-h-[90vh] overflow-y-auto transform rounded-2xl bg-white p-6 text-left shadow-xl transition-all flex flex-col gap-5;
.car-details__close-btn {
@apply absolute top-2 right-2 z-10 w-fit p-2 bg-primary-blue-100 rounded-full;
.car-details__main-image {
@apply relative w-full h-40 bg-pattern bg-cover bg-center rounded-lg;
/* END: Car Details styles */
/* START: Custom Filter styles */
.custom-filter__btn {
@apply relative w-full min-w-[127px] flex justify-between items-center cursor-default rounded-lg bg-white py-2 px-3 text-left shadow-md sm:text-sm border;
.custom-filter__options {
@apply absolute mt-1 max-h-60 w-full overflow-auto rounded-md bg-white py-1 text-base shadow-lg ring-1 ring-black ring-opacity-5 focus:outline-none sm:text-sm;
/* END: Custom Filter styles */
/* START: Footer styles */
.footer {
@apply flex flex-col text-black-100 mt-5 border-t border-gray-100;
.footer__links-container {
@apply flex max-md:flex-col flex-wrap justify-between gap-5 sm:px-16 px-6 py-10;
.footer__rights {
@apply flex flex-col justify-start items-start gap-6;
.footer__links {
@apply flex-1 w-full flex md:justify-end flex-wrap max-md:mt-10 gap-20;
.footer__link {
@apply flex flex-col gap-6 text-base min-w-[170px];
.footer__copyrights {
@apply flex justify-between items-center flex-wrap mt-10 border-t border-gray-100 sm:px-16 px-6 py-10;
.footer__copyrights-link {
@apply flex-1 flex sm:justify-end justify-center max-sm:mt-4 gap-10;
/* END: Footer styles */
/* START: searchbar styles */
.searchbar {
@apply flex items-center justify-start max-sm:flex-col w-full relative max-sm:gap-4 max-w-3xl;
.searchbar__item {
@apply flex-1 max-sm:w-full flex justify-start items-center relative;
.searchbar__input {
@apply w-full h-[48px] pl-12 p-4 bg-light-white rounded-r-full max-sm:rounded-full outline-none cursor-pointer text-sm;
/* END: searchbar styles */
/* START: search manufacturer styles */
.search-manufacturer {
@apply flex-1 max-sm:w-full flex justify-start items-center;
.search-manufacturer__input {
@apply w-full h-[48px] pl-12 p-4 rounded-l-full max-sm:rounded-full bg-light-white outline-none cursor-pointer text-sm;
.search-manufacturer__options {
@apply absolute mt-1 max-h-60 w-full overflow-auto rounded-md bg-white py-1 text-base shadow-lg ring-1 ring-black ring-opacity-5 focus:outline-none sm:text-sm;
.search-manufacturer__option {
@apply cursor-default select-none py-2 pl-10 pr-4;
/* END: search manufacturer styles */
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
content: [
mode: "jit",
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extend: {
fontFamily: {
inter: ["Inter", "sans-serif"],
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"black-100": "#2B2C35",
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100: "#F5F8FF",
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DEFAULT: "rgba(59,60,152,0.03)",
100: "rgba(59,60,152,0.02)",
grey: "#747A88",
backgroundImage: {
'pattern': "url('/pattern.png')",
'hero-bg': "url('/hero-bg.png')"
plugins: [],
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luidev0 commented Mar 15, 2024


In your utils->index.ts in fetchCars arrow function you must change the headers like this:

`const headers: HeadersInit = {
    "X-RapidAPI-Key": process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_RAPID_API_KEY || "",
    "X-RapidAPI-Host": "",

You must add the API KEY as a variable in your .env file and name "NEXT_PUBLIC_RAPID_API_KEY=APIKEY".
In your generateCarUrl arrow function in the first append you must change like this:
url.searchParams.append('customer', process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_IMAGIN_API_KEY || '');

Another way, is setting the variable in the dependencies on your host.

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still facing the same error.

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what are the changes i need if i use axios rapidapi instead of javascript fetch

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@luidev0 can you see my code and give some solution to my invalid key error.

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luidev0 commented Mar 17, 2024

@Sachin582002 have you created your .env file in the root folder?

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IMG20240315082557 IMG20240315082557

I am facing the similar issue. How to resolve this?

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@luidev0 yes i create .env file in root folder

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luidev0 commented Mar 18, 2024

@Sachin582002 Link the Github guardian app with you GitHub account, then change the "javascript" KEY and replace here 'process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_RAPID_API_KEY || ""'

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yeah key " hrjavascript-mastery" still work ... its just need any angle .. can be 1 and it will work .. thanks guys so much

if " hrjavascript-mastery" key is not working what i do?

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I just get the red chunk, and not the cars. what do I do?

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same problem here

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I have same problem here, api key for imaginstudio wont work

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I have same problem here, api key for imaginstudio wont work

same with u

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I have same problem here, api key for imaginstudio wont work

same here............

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Error: API key for imagine studio not works

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we need a new api key

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@luidev0 i have problems with tailwind the containerStyles seems to be getting overwrited by the tailwind styles

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Lolhp0 commented Jun 6, 2024

anyone having the issue where when theres nothing in the path it just shows 3 land rover cars instead of all of them?

this is the fetchCars function:

export async function fetchCars(filters: FilterProps){
const {manufacturer, year, fuel, limit, model} = filters

const headers = {
	'x-rapidapi-key': '94a48f3222mshc3059c5efdc4bf7p138582jsn2c7d6814baf0',
	'x-rapidapi-host': ''
const response = await fetch(`${manufacturer}&year=${year}&model=${model}&limit=${limit}&fuel_type=${fuel}`, {
    headers: headers

const result = await response.json();

return result;


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aj2412 commented Jun 7, 2024

@adrianhajdin please provide new API key for

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anyone having the issue where when theres nothing in the path it just shows 3 land rover cars instead of all of them? Untitled

this is the fetchCars function:

export async function fetchCars(filters: FilterProps){ const {manufacturer, year, fuel, limit, model} = filters

const headers = {
	'x-rapidapi-key': '94a48f3222mshc3059c5efdc4bf7p138582jsn2c7d6814baf0',
	'x-rapidapi-host': ''
const response = await fetch(`${manufacturer}&year=${year}&model=${model}&limit=${limit}&fuel_type=${fuel}`, {
    headers: headers

const result = await response.json();

return result;


make sure to set a default value to the variable ( limit ) when u call the fetching function

    manufacturer: searchParams.manufacturer || '',
    year: searchParams.year || 2022,
    fuel: searchParams.fuel || '',
    limit: searchParams.limit || 10,
    model: searchParams.model || ''

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Screenshot 2024-06-23 125502
const CarCard = ({car}:CarCardProps) => {
if (!car) {

Car data is not available
; // Handle the case where car is undefined or null
const {city_mpg,drive,make,model,transmission,year}=car;

const carRent = calculateCarRent(city_mpg,year);
const [isOpen,setIsOpen]=useState(false);

how to fix it

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kilelx commented Jul 4, 2024

Hello, thanks a lot for the tutorial. @adrianhajdin It would be great to update the API Key for the car images, or just an other solution :)

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I have the same problem with the imagin studio api key. It would be apreciated if you can update the key.

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Wahrith commented Aug 4, 2024

I have the same problem with the imagin studio api key. It would be apreciated if you can update the key. CarHub

Facing the same issue too

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did anyone get imagin studio api key??

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I sent an email to the support team, and I got this response "Sadly, the API code used in the video has been revoked since it has already passed a couple of months. Currently we are not aware of any alternatives which match the needs of the video, so please try creating an account for that API."

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did anyone get imagin studio api key??

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@kilelx @adrianhajdin @manuelist @
@ridvanarik @fcastillo18 @ivaylo-andonov @Sachin582002
Problem with the imagin studio api key. It would be apreciated if anyone can help me with the updated key pls.

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