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Forked from Neunerlei/ArrayPathHelper.php
Created August 12, 2024 00:16
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A rather simple helper to access php array's using paths. Supporting wildcards and branching.
* User: Martin Neundorfer and Arnfired Weber
* Date: 01.02.2018
* Time: 10:54
* Vendor:
namespace Labor\X\Utilities\Arrays\Helpers;
* Class ArrayPathHelper
* This class is ment to make working with arrays and array trees a lot easier.
* It provides methods to get, set, remove and existence-check paths inside an array tree.
* A path is by default notated like "key.key.key" or as array: ["key", "key", "key"].
* But in addition to that simple wildcards like "key.*.key" or "*.key" can be used to
* make the access more dynamic and intuitive.
* You can also use key branching like: "key.[key,otherKey].*" to handle your arrays like a pro :D
* @package Labor\X\Utilities\Arrays\Helpers
class ArrayPathHelper
* A list of possible escaped control objects in path's
'\\*' => '*',
'\*' => '*',
* The different key types
const KEY_TYPE_KEYS = 2;
* Contains a list of path's and their array equivalent for faster comparison
* @var array
protected $parsedPathCache = [];
* Contains a list of subkey key's and the parsed list of keys as array
* @var array
protected $parsedKeysByListKey = [];
* This method is used to convert a string into a path array.
* It will also validate already existing path arrays.
* By default a dot is used to separate path parts like: "my.array.path" => ["my","array","path"].
* If you require another separator you may either set a new one using the $separator parameter.
* In most circumstances it will make more sense just to escape a separator. Do so by using the backslash like:
* "my\.array.path" => ["my.array", "path"].
* If an array is given it will be validated for invalid parts before returning it again.
* @param array|string $path The path to parse as described above.
* @param string $separator Default: "." Can be set to any string you want to use as separator of path parts.
* @return array
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the validation of path or it's parts fails
public function parsePath($path, string $separator = '.'): array
// Check if the input is empty
if (empty($path)) return [];
// Validate input
if (!is_string($path) && !is_numeric($path) && !is_array($path))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The given path: ' . serialize($path) . ' is not valid! Only strings, numerics and arrays are supported!');
// Check if we know this path already
$cacheKey = md5(is_string($path) || is_numeric($path) ? $path : json_encode($path) . $separator);
if (isset($this->parsedPathCache[$cacheKey]))
return $this->parsedPathCache[$cacheKey];
// Check if the given path array is valid
if (is_array($path))
// Validate the input
$path = array_values($path);
$validPathParts = array_filter($path, function ($v) {
// Filter out all non strings and non numerics
return is_string($v) || is_numeric($v);
// Check if all path parts are valid
if (count($path) !== count($validPathParts))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Not all parts of the given path are formatted correctly. ' .
'There are problems with: ' . implode(', ', array_diff($validPathParts, $path)));
} else
// Parse the path from a string
$hasEscapedSeparator = stripos($path, '\\' . $separator) !== false;
$path = array_map('trim',
preg_split('~(?<!\\\)' . preg_quote($separator, '~') . '~', $path, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY)
// Remove escaped separators in created path keys
if ($hasEscapedSeparator)
$path = array_map(function ($v) use ($separator) {
return str_replace(['\\' . $separator], $separator, $v);
}, $path);
// Store te cache
$this->parsedPathCache[$cacheKey] = $path;
// Done
return $path;
* This method can be used to merge two path segments together.
* This becomes useful if you want to work with a dynamic part in form of an array
* and a static string part. The result will always be a path array.
* You can specify a separator type for each part of the given path if you merge
* differently formatted paths.
* It merges stuff like:
* - "" and ["parts","inTheTree"] => ["a", "path", "to", "parts", "inTheTree"]
* - "a.b.*" and "c.d.[asdf|id]" => ["a", "b", "*", "c", "d", "[asdf|id]"
* - "a.b" and "c,d" => ["a","b","c","d"] (If $separatorB is set to ",")
* and so on...
* @param array|string $pathA The path to add $pathB to
* @param array|string $pathB The path to be added to $pathA
* @param string $separatorA The separator for string paths in $pathA
* @param string $separatorB The separator for string paths in $pathB
* @return array
public function mergePaths($pathA, $pathB, $separatorA = '.', $separatorB = '.'): array
$pathA = $this->parsePath($pathA, $separatorA);
$pathB = $this->parsePath($pathB, $separatorB);
foreach ($pathB as $p)
$pathA[] = $p;
return $pathA;
* This is a multi purpose tool to handle different scenarios when dealing with array lists.
* The best option to describe it, is to show some examples in this case.
* We assume an input array like:
* $array = [
* [
* 'id' => '234',
* 'title' => 'medium',
* 'asdf' => 'asdf',
* 'array' => [
* 'id' => '12',
* 'rumpel' => 'di',
* 'bar' => 'baz',
* ]
* ],
* [
* 'id' => '123',
* 'title' => 'apfel',
* 'asdf' => 'asdf',
* 'array' => [
* 'id' => '23',
* 'rumpel' => 'pumpel',
* 'foo' => 'bar'
* ]
* ]
* ];
* // Example 1: Return a list of all "id" values
* getList($array, ['id']);
* Result: ['234','123'];
* // Example 2: Return a list of all "id" and "title" values
* getList($array, ['id', 'title']);
* Result: [
* ['id' => '234', 'title' => 'medium'],
* [ 'id' => '123', 'title' => 'apfel']
* ];
* // Example 3: Return a list of all "title" values by their matching "id" value
* getList($array, ['title'], 'id');
* Result: ['234' => 'medium', '123' => 'apfel'];
* // Example 4: Subarrays, aliases and default values for missing values
* getList($array, ['', ' as foo'], 'id');
* Result: [
* '234' => ['' => '12', 'foo' => 'baz'],
* '123' => ['' => '23', 'foo' => null]
* ];
* // Example 5: Extracting columns as keys
* getList($array, [], 'id');
* Result: ['234' => [VALUE UNCHANGED], '123' => [VALUE UNCHAGED]];
* // Example 6: Sorting entries by a key
* getList($array, [], 'asdf', '*', null, '.', TRUE);
* Result: ['asdf' => [ [VALUE UNCHANGED], [VALUE UNCHANGED] ];
* // Example 7: Dealing with strange sorting and nested lists
* // We assume for this example: $array = [ 'foo' => $array ];
* getList($array, ['id'], '', 'foo.*');
* Result: ['234','123'];
* // Example 8: Dealing with path based key keys
* getList($array, ['id'], '');
* Result: ['12' => '234', '23' => '123'];
* @param array $input The input array to gather the list from. Should be a list of arrays.
* @param array $valueKeys The list of value keys to extract from the list, can contain sub-paths
* like seen in example 4
* @param string $keyKey Optional key or sub-path which will be used as key in the result array
* @param string $path Optional path to filter / normalize the $input array. Default: '*' => array list
* @param null|mixed $default The default value if a key was not found in $input.
* @param string $separator A separator which is used when splitting string paths
* @param bool $gatherLists True to gather lists by keys instead of overwriting already set keys.
* @return array|null
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the given path is empty
public function &getList(&$input, array $valueKeys, string $keyKey = '', $path = '*',
$default = null, string $separator = '.', bool $gatherLists = false)
// Ignore empty inputs
if (!is_array($input)) return $default;
// Convert the path into an array
$path = $this->parsePath($path, $separator);
// Ignore empty paths
if (empty($path)) throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The given path was empty!');
// Check if we have to dig deeper -> $path !== '*'
if ($path !== ['*'])
// Resolve the root path using get
$input = $this->get($input, $path, $default, $separator);
// Validate if the input is still an array list
if (empty($input) || count(array_filter($input, function ($v) { return is_array($v); })) !== count($input))
return $default;
// Holds the output
$result = [];
// True if only a single valueKey was requested => unwrap the output so a key => value array is returned
$isSingleValueKey = count($valueKeys) === 1;
// True if a $keyKey was defined
$hasKeyKey = !empty($keyKey);
// True if a $keyKey was defined, but not requested in the list of $valueKeys => we will have to remove it at the end
$keyKeyWasInjected = false;
// Marks an empty result when resolving path value fields
$emptyMarker = '__EMPTY__' . rand(0, 999) . '__';
// Fastlane for empty value fields
if (!$isSingleValueKey && empty($valueKeys))
// Special handling if everything stays, but the parent key should be set
if ($hasKeyKey)
// Check if we can use the fast lookup
$simpleKey = stripos($keyKey, $separator) === false;
foreach ($input as $row)
// Get the key value
if ($simpleKey)
$keyKeyValue = isset($row[$keyKey]) ? $row[$keyKey] : null;
} else
$keyKeyValue = $this->get($row, $keyKey, null, $separator);
// Build the output
if ($keyKeyValue === null)
// Sequential
$result[] = $row;
} else
// Associative
if ($gatherLists)
$result[$keyKeyValue][] = $row;
} else
$result[$keyKeyValue] = $row;
// Done
return $result;
// Return the processed input value
return $input;
// Add key key to the list of required keys
if ($hasKeyKey && !in_array($keyKey, $valueKeys))
$valueKeys[] = $keyKey;
$keyKeyWasInjected = true;
// This block checks if we have to resolve keys which are sub-paths in the current array list.
// It is possible to define a valueKey like to extract that deeper level's
// information and put it into the current context. The key will be the same as the
// path, in our case: "", if we want something more speaking we can
// define an alias like as myId. Now the value will show up with myId as key.
// This block prepares the parsing so we don't have to do it in every loop
$pathValueKeys = $simpleValueKeys = $keyAliasMap = [];
array_map(function ($v) use ($separator, &$pathValueKeys, &$simpleValueKeys, &$keyAliasMap, $isSingleValueKey) {
// Store the alias
$vOrg = $alias = $v;
$aliasSeparator = ' as ';
if (stripos($v, $separator) !== false)
// Check for an alias || Ignore when only one value will be returned -> save performance (a bit at least)
if (!$isSingleValueKey && stripos($v, $aliasSeparator) !== false)
$v = explode($aliasSeparator, $v);
$alias = array_pop($v);
$v = implode($aliasSeparator, $v);
$pathValueKeys[$alias] = $v;
$simpleValueKeys[] = $alias;
} else
$simpleValueKeys[] = $v;
$keyAliasMap[$vOrg] = $alias;
}, $valueKeys);
$hasPathValueKeys = !empty($pathValueKeys);
$simpleValueKeys = array_fill_keys($simpleValueKeys, $default);
// Loop over the list of rows
foreach ($input as $row)
// Only simple value keys -> use the fast lane
$rowValues = array_intersect_key($row, $simpleValueKeys);
// Determine if the value keys contain paths themselfs
if ($hasPathValueKeys)
// Contains path value keys -> also gather their values
foreach ($pathValueKeys as $alias => $pathValueKey)
// Read the path value from the current context
$value = $this->get($row, $pathValueKey, $emptyMarker, $separator);
if ($value !== $emptyMarker)
$rowValues[$alias] = $value;
// Check if we are completely empty
if (empty($rowValues)) continue;
// Get key key
$keyKeyValue = $keyKeyWasInjected ? $rowValues[$keyAliasMap[$keyKey]] : null;
// Remove if the key key was injected and not part of the requested columns
if ($keyKeyWasInjected)
// Check if we have a single value key -> strip the surrounding array
if ($isSingleValueKey)
$rowValues = reset($rowValues);
} else
// Fill up with default values (if we are missing some)
$rowValues = array_merge($simpleValueKeys, $rowValues);
// Append to result
if ($hasKeyKey && !empty($keyKeyValue))
// Associative
if ($gatherLists)
$result[$keyKeyValue][] = $rowValues;
} else
$result[$keyKeyValue] = $rowValues;
} else
// Sequential
$result[] = $rowValues;
// Done
return $result;
* This method checks if a given path exists in a given $input array
* @param array|mixed $input The array to check
* @param array|string $path The path to check for in $input
* @param string $separator Default: "." Can be set to any string you want to use as separator of path parts.
* @return bool
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the given path is empty
public function has($input, $path, string $separator): bool
// Ignore empty inputs
if (!is_array($input)) return false;
// Fastlane for simple paths
if (is_string($path) && stripos($path, $separator) === false)
return array_key_exists($path, $input);
// Convert the path into an array
$path = $this->parsePath($path, $separator);
// Ignore empty paths
if (empty($path)) throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The given path was empty!');
// Handle walker checker
// If this does not throw an exception -> all paths were found
$this->hasWalker($input, $path);
return true;
} catch (\Exception $e)
return false;
* This method reads a single value or multiple values (depending on the given $path) from
* the given $input array.
* All results will be returned as references to the original input, so you can
* use them as pointers to edit the values in a huge array tree.
* @param array|mixed $input The array to retrieve the path's values from
* @param array|string $path The path to retreive from the $input array
* @param null $default The value which will be returned if the $path did not match anything.
* @param string $separator Default: "." Can be set to any string you want to use as separator of path parts.
* @return array|mixed|null
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the given path is empty
public function &get(&$input, $path, $default = null, string $separator = '.')
// Ignore empty inputs
if (!is_array($input)) return $default;
// Fastlane for simple paths
if (is_string($path) && stripos($path, $separator) === false && array_key_exists($path, $input))
return $input[$path];
// Convert the path into an array
$path = $this->parsePath($path, $separator);
// Ignore empty paths
if (empty($path)) throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The given path was empty!');
// Extract the result object
$result = &$this->getWalker($input, $path, $default);
return $result;
* This method lets you set a given value to a certain path of your array.
* You can also set multiple keys to the same value at once if you use wildcards.
* @param array|mixed $input The array to set the values in
* @param array|string $path The path to set $value at
* @param mixed $value The value to set at $path in $input
* @param string $separator Default: "." Can be set to any string you want to use as separator of path parts.
* @return void
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the given path is empty
public function set(&$input, $path, $value, string $separator = '.')
// Fastlane for simple paths
if (is_string($path) && stripos($path, $separator) === false)
$input[$path] = $value;
// Convert the path into an array
$path = $this->parsePath($path, $separator);
// Ignore empty paths
if (empty($path)) throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The given path was empty!');
// Make sure $input is an array
$input = [];
// Start the walker
$this->setWalker($input, $path, $value);
* Removes the values at the given $path from the $input array.
* It can also remove multiple values at once if you use wildcards.
* NOTE: The method tries to remove empty remains recursively when the last
* child was removed from the branch. If you don't want to use this behaviour
* set $removeEmptyRemains to false.
* @param array|mixed $input The array to remove the values from
* @param array|string $path The path which defines which values have to be removed
* @param string $separator Default: "." Can be set to any string you want to use as separator of
* path parts.
* @param bool $removeEmptyRemains Set this to false to disable the automatic cleanup of empty remains when
* the lowest child was removed from a tree.
* @return void
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the given path is empty
public function remove(&$input, $path, string $separator = '.', bool $removeEmptyRemains = true)
// Ignore empty inputs
if (!is_array($input)) return;
// Fastlane for simple paths
if (is_string($path) && stripos($path, $separator) === false)
// Convert the path into an array
$path = $this->parsePath($path, $separator);
// Start walker
$this->removeWalker($input, $path, $removeEmptyRemains);
* This method can be used to apply a filter to all values the given $path matches to.
* The given $callback will receive the following parameters:
* $path: 'the.path.trough.your.array' to let you decide how to handle the current value
* $value: The reference of the current $input's value. Change this value to change $input corrospondingly.
* The callback should always return void.
* @param array|mixed $input The array to filter
* @param array|string $path The path which defines the values to filter
* @param callable $callback The callback to trigger on every value found by $path
* @param string $separator Default: "." Can be set to any string you want to use as separator of path parts.
* @return void
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the given path is empty
public function filter(&$input, $path, callable $callback, string $separator = '.')
// Ignore empty inputs
if (!is_array($input)) return;
// Convert the path into an array
$path = $this->parsePath($path, $separator);
// Ignore empty paths
if (empty($path)) throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The given path was empty!');
// Start the walker
$this->filterWalker($input, $path, $callback, $separator);
* The recursive logic of filter();
* @internal
* @param $input
* @param array $path
* @param callable $callback
* @param string $separator
* @param string $pathCallback
protected function filterWalker(array &$input, array $path, callable $callback, string $separator, string $pathCallback = '')
// Initialize the walker
list($keys, $isLastKey, $keyType) = $this->inititializeWalker($input, $path);
// Loop over all keys to remove
foreach ($keys as $key)
// Prepare local path
$pathCallbackLocal = ltrim($pathCallback . $separator . $key, $separator);
// Execute filter on last key
if ($isLastKey)
call_user_func_array($callback, [$pathCallbackLocal, &$input[$key]]);
} else
// Remove children
if (isset($input[$key]) && is_array($input[$key]))
$this->filterWalker($input[$key], $path, $callback, $separator, $pathCallbackLocal);
* The recursive logic of remove();
* @internal
* @param $input
* @param array $path
* @param bool $removeEmptyRemains
protected function removeWalker(array &$input, array $path, bool $removeEmptyRemains)
// Initialize the walker
list($keys, $isLastKey, $keyType) = $this->inititializeWalker($input, $path);
// Loop over all keys to remove
foreach ($keys as $key)
// Remove the value if we reached the last key
if ($isLastKey)
} else
// Remove children
if (isset($input[$key]) && is_array($input[$key]))
$this->removeWalker($input[$key], $path, $removeEmptyRemains);
// Clean up if input is empty now
if ($removeEmptyRemains && empty($input[$key]))
* The recursive logic of set();
* @internal
* @param $input
* @param array $path
* @param $value
protected function setWalker(array &$input, array $path, $value)
// Initialize the walker
list($keys, $isLastKey, $keyType) = $this->inititializeWalker($input, $path);
// Loop over all required keys
foreach ($keys as $key)
// Set the value when we reached the last key
if ($isLastKey)
$input[$key] = $value;
// Create subarray if required
if (!array_key_exists($key, $input) || !is_array($input[$key]))
$input[$key] = [];
// Go down the rabbit hole
$this->setWalker($input[$key], $path, $value);
* The recursive logic of has();
* @internal
* @param array $input
* @param array $path
* @throws \Exception
protected function hasWalker(array $input, array $path)
// Initialize the walker
list($keys, $isLastKey, $keyType) = $this->inititializeWalker($input, $path);
// Empty inputs
if (empty($input) || empty($keys)) throw new \Exception('Empty input');
// Loop over all required keys
foreach ($keys as $key)
// Does this part exist?
if (!array_key_exists($key, $input))
throw new \Exception($key);
// Is this part the last part
if (!$isLastKey)
// Check for an array
if (is_array($input[$key]))
$this->hasWalker($input[$key], $path);
// Non array and not the last part -> nope
throw new \Exception($key);
* The recursive logic of get()
* @internal
* @param array $input
* @param array $path
* @param $default
* @return array|mixed
protected function &getWalker(array &$input, array $path, $default)
// Initialize the walker
list($keys, $isLastKey, $keyType) = $this->inititializeWalker($input, $path);
// Empty inputs
if (empty($input) || empty($keys)) return $default;
// Prepare result
$result = [];
// Loop over all required keys
foreach ($keys as $key)
// Does this part exist?
if (!array_key_exists($key, $input))
$result[$key] = $default;
// Is this part the last part
if (!$isLastKey)
// Check for an array
if (is_array($input[$key]))
$result[$key] = &$this->getWalker($input[$key], $path, $default);
// Non array and not the last part -> nope
$result[$key] = $default;
// Last part and exists -> Store result
$result[$key] = &$input[$key];
// Convert result if we dynamically wrapped the default type.
if ($keyType === static::KEY_TYPE_DEFAULT)
$result = &$result[key($result)];
return $result;
* This helper is used by all walkers to prepare the global overhead
* of "unescaping" keys, exploding sub-keys and so on.
* @internal
* @param array $input
* @param array $path
* @param string $keySeparator
* @return array
protected function inititializeWalker(array $input, array &$path, string $keySeparator = ','): array
// Get the current key we have to work with
$key = $keyEscaped = (string)array_shift($path);
$isLastKey = empty($path);
// Handle control object escaping
if (isset(static::CONTROL_OBJECT_ESCAPING[$keyEscaped]))
$key = static::CONTROL_OBJECT_ESCAPING[$keyEscaped];
// Get the type of the current key
if ($keyEscaped === '*')
$keyType = static::KEY_TYPE_WILDCARD;
// Gather the keys to work with
$keys = array_keys($input);
} else if (isset($keyEscaped[0]) && $keyEscaped[0] === '[' && substr($keyEscaped, -1) === ']')
$keyType = static::KEY_TYPE_KEYS;
// Gather the keys to work with
if (isset($this->parsedKeysByListKey[$keyEscaped]))
// Load from cache
$keys = $this->parsedKeysByListKey[$keyEscaped];
} else
// Parse the columns of the given part type
$tmp = substr(trim($keyEscaped), 1, -1);
$keys = array_map('trim',
preg_split('~(?<!\\\)' . preg_quote($keySeparator, '~') . '~', $tmp, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY)
// Store for later use
$this->parsedKeysByListKey[$keyEscaped] = $keys;
} else
$keyType = static::KEY_TYPE_DEFAULT;
// Gather the keys to work with
$keys = [$key];
// Done
return [$keys, $isLastKey, $keyType];
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