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Created March 31, 2015 16:00
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CIS 194 HW3
-- CIS 194: Homework 3 (
module HW03 where
data Expression =
Var String
| Val Int
| Op Expression Bop Expression
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Bop =
| Minus
| Times
| Divide
| Gt
| Ge
| Lt
| Le
| Eql
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Statement =
Assign String Expression
| Incr String
| If Expression Statement Statement
| While Expression Statement
| For Statement Expression Statement Statement
| Sequence Statement Statement
| Skip
deriving (Show, Eq)
type State = String -> Int
-- Exercise 1
extend :: State -> String -> Int -> State
extend s x v y = if x == y then v else s y
empty :: State
empty _ = 0
-- Exercise 2
boolToInt :: Bool -> Int
boolToInt b = if b then 1 else 0
evalE :: State -> Expression -> Int
evalE s (Var v) = s v
evalE s (Val n) = n
evalE s (Op lhs op rhs) =
case op of
Plus -> x + y
Minus -> x - y
Times -> x * y
Divide -> x `div` y
Gt -> boolToInt $ x > y
Ge -> boolToInt $ x >= y
Lt -> boolToInt $ x < y
Le -> boolToInt $ x <= y
Eql -> boolToInt $ x == y
where x = evalE s lhs
y = evalE s rhs
-- Exercise 3
data DietStatement = DAssign String Expression
| DIf Expression DietStatement DietStatement
| DWhile Expression DietStatement
| DSequence DietStatement DietStatement
| DSkip
deriving (Show, Eq)
desugar :: Statement -> DietStatement
desugar (Assign v e) = DAssign v e
desugar (Incr v) = DAssign v (Op (Var v) Plus (Val 1))
desugar (If e x y) = DIf e (desugar x) (desugar y)
desugar (While e x) = DWhile e (desugar x)
desugar (For i e u x) = DSequence (desugar i) (DWhile e (DSequence (desugar x) (desugar u)))
desugar (Sequence x y) = DSequence (desugar x) (desugar y)
desugar Skip = DSkip
-- Exercise 4
evalSimple :: State -> DietStatement -> State
evalSimple s (DAssign v e) = extend s v (evalE s e)
evalSimple s (DIf e x y) = if (evalE s e) == 1 then evalSimple s x else evalSimple s y
evalSimple s w@(DWhile e x) = if (evalE s e) == 1 then evalSimple (evalSimple s x) w else s
evalSimple s (DSequence x y) = evalSimple (evalSimple s x) y
evalSimple s DSkip = s
run :: State -> Statement -> State
run s stmt = evalSimple s $ desugar stmt
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