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Created March 30, 2015 16:46
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CIS 194 HW2
-- CIS 194: Homework 2 (
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module HW02 where
-- Supporting code
data Peg = Red | Green | Blue | Yellow | Orange | Purple
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type Code = [Peg]
data Move = Move Code Int Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
colors :: [Peg]
colors = [Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Purple]
-- Exercise 1
count :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Int
count p xs = length $ filter p xs
exactMatches :: Code -> Code -> Int
exactMatches c c' = (count eq) $ zip c c'
where eq = uncurry (==)
-- Exercise 2
countColors :: Code -> [Int]
countColors code = [ count (c ==) code | c <- colors ]
matches :: Code -> Code -> Int
matches c c' = sum $ map (uncurry min) $ zip (countColors c) (countColors c')
-- Exercise 3
getMove :: Code -> Code -> Move
getMove c c' = Move c' m (n - m)
where m = exactMatches c c'
n = matches c c'
-- Exercise 4
isConsistent :: Move -> Code -> Bool
isConsistent (Move xs m n) ys = m == m' && n == n'
where Move _ m' n' = getMove xs ys
-- Exercise 5
filterCodes :: Move -> [Code] -> [Code]
filterCodes m c = filter (isConsistent m) c
-- Exercise 6
allCodes :: Int -> [Code]
allCodes 0 = [[]]
allCodes n = [ c : code | c <- colors, code <- allCodes (n - 1) ]
-- Exercise 7
solve :: Code -> [Move]
solve c = choose c $ allCodes 6
choose :: Code -> [Code] -> [Move]
choose _ [] = []
choose c (x:xs) =
if x == c then [m] else m : (choose c $ filterCodes m xs)
where m = getMove c x
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