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Created April 7, 2017 15:56
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  • Save adnxn/033baee38691139964f443867c478af1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save adnxn/033baee38691139964f443867c478af1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sending build context to Docker daemon 8.704 kB
Step 1/7 : FROM microsoft/windowsservercore:latest
---> b4713e4d8bab
Step 2/7 : MAINTAINER Amazon Web Services, Inc.
---> Running in 6e2f6e8df2a8
---> f242bdb29ef8
Removing intermediate container 6e2f6e8df2a8
Step 3/7 : SHELL powershell -command
---> Running in 4b1111479147
---> 848e45ef9370
Removing intermediate container 4b1111479147
Step 4/7 : RUN mkdir C:/data
---> Running in be6bdf3cccf3
Directory: C:\
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d----- 4/7/2017 2:58 AM data
---> 604010cb7ee0
Removing intermediate container be6bdf3cccf3
Step 5/7 : RUN echo "test" > C:/data/test-file
---> Running in 8aff01c8c420
---> 923f94c750e0
Removing intermediate container 8aff01c8c420
Step 6/7 : ENTRYPOINT powershell
---> Running in a8f60c5b14fc
---> 59a57eb7217a
Removing intermediate container a8f60c5b14fc
Step 7/7 : CMD Write-Output sleeping ; While ($true) { Start-Sleep -s 1 }
---> Running in 2c07c0dc5f11
---> 9dfb8e05818f
Removing intermediate container 2c07c0dc5f11
Successfully built 9dfb8e05818f
Sending build context to Docker daemon 25.6 kB
Step 1/6 : FROM microsoft/windowsservercore:latest
---> b4713e4d8bab
Step 2/6 : MAINTAINER Amazon Web Services, Inc.
---> Using cache
---> f242bdb29ef8
Step 3/6 : SHELL powershell -command
---> Using cache
---> 848e45ef9370
Step 4/6 : ENTRYPOINT powershell -command
---> Running in f768e0baed30
---> 9848d176f836
Removing intermediate container f768e0baed30
Step 5/6 : CMD Start-Sleep -s 20
---> Running in 16c141cd2459
---> f0ca2dcf88df
Removing intermediate container 16c141cd2459
Step 6/6 : RUN echo 1 > image.txt
---> Running in d0075661c123
---> 196c2b1a98db
Removing intermediate container d0075661c123
Successfully built 196c2b1a98db
Sending build context to Docker daemon 25.6 kB
Step 1/6 : FROM microsoft/windowsservercore:latest
---> b4713e4d8bab
Step 2/6 : MAINTAINER Amazon Web Services, Inc.
---> Using cache
---> f242bdb29ef8
Step 3/6 : SHELL powershell -command
---> Using cache
---> 848e45ef9370
Step 4/6 : ENTRYPOINT powershell -command
---> Using cache
---> 9848d176f836
Step 5/6 : CMD Start-Sleep -s 20
---> Using cache
---> f0ca2dcf88df
Step 6/6 : RUN echo 2 > image.txt
---> Running in 9822a715df39
---> 63a1e091ad2d
Removing intermediate container 9822a715df39
Successfully built 63a1e091ad2d
Sending build context to Docker daemon 25.6 kB
Step 1/6 : FROM microsoft/windowsservercore:latest
---> b4713e4d8bab
Step 2/6 : MAINTAINER Amazon Web Services, Inc.
---> Using cache
---> f242bdb29ef8
Step 3/6 : SHELL powershell -command
---> Using cache
---> 848e45ef9370
Step 4/6 : ENTRYPOINT powershell -command
---> Using cache
---> 9848d176f836
Step 5/6 : CMD Start-Sleep -s 20
---> Using cache
---> f0ca2dcf88df
Step 6/6 : RUN echo 3 > image.txt
---> Running in e39fe9ad9866
---> 820684633179
Removing intermediate container e39fe9ad9866
Successfully built 820684633179
Sending build context to Docker daemon 25.6 kB
Step 1/6 : FROM microsoft/windowsservercore:latest
---> b4713e4d8bab
Step 2/6 : MAINTAINER Amazon Web Services, Inc.
---> Using cache
---> f242bdb29ef8
Step 3/6 : SHELL powershell -command
---> Using cache
---> 848e45ef9370
Step 4/6 : ENTRYPOINT powershell -command
---> Using cache
---> 9848d176f836
Step 5/6 : CMD Start-Sleep -s 20
---> Using cache
---> f0ca2dcf88df
Step 6/6 : RUN echo 4 > image.txt
---> Running in 44cfe085f686
---> 85a77f9e02bf
Removing intermediate container 44cfe085f686
Successfully built 85a77f9e02bf
Sending build context to Docker daemon 25.6 kB
Step 1/6 : FROM microsoft/windowsservercore:latest
---> b4713e4d8bab
Step 2/6 : MAINTAINER Amazon Web Services, Inc.
---> Using cache
---> f242bdb29ef8
Step 3/6 : SHELL powershell -command
---> Using cache
---> 848e45ef9370
Step 4/6 : ENTRYPOINT powershell -command
---> Using cache
---> 9848d176f836
Step 5/6 : CMD Start-Sleep -s 20
---> Using cache
---> f0ca2dcf88df
Step 6/6 : RUN echo 5 > image.txt
---> Running in cfed02983e40
---> 4b628ee9319c
Removing intermediate container cfed02983e40
Successfully built 4b628ee9319c
Sending build context to Docker daemon 25.6 kB
Step 1/6 : FROM microsoft/windowsservercore:latest
---> b4713e4d8bab
Step 2/6 : MAINTAINER Amazon Web Services, Inc.
---> Using cache
---> f242bdb29ef8
Step 3/6 : SHELL powershell -command
---> Using cache
---> 848e45ef9370
Step 4/6 : ENTRYPOINT powershell -command
---> Using cache
---> 9848d176f836
Step 5/6 : CMD Start-Sleep -s 20
---> Using cache
---> f0ca2dcf88df
Step 6/6 : RUN echo 6 > image.txt
---> Running in 4d03fe567805
---> c45c06fd437b
Removing intermediate container 4d03fe567805
Successfully built c45c06fd437b
Sending build context to Docker daemon 25.6 kB
Step 1/6 : FROM microsoft/windowsservercore:latest
---> b4713e4d8bab
Step 2/6 : MAINTAINER Amazon Web Services, Inc.
---> Using cache
---> f242bdb29ef8
Step 3/6 : SHELL powershell -command
---> Using cache
---> 848e45ef9370
Step 4/6 : ENTRYPOINT powershell -command
---> Using cache
---> 9848d176f836
Step 5/6 : CMD Start-Sleep -s 20
---> Using cache
---> f0ca2dcf88df
Step 6/6 : RUN echo 7 > image.txt
---> Running in 89cc34589b11
---> 4af17220e86a
Removing intermediate container 89cc34589b11
Successfully built 4af17220e86a
Sending build context to Docker daemon 25.6 kB
Step 1/6 : FROM microsoft/windowsservercore:latest
---> b4713e4d8bab
Step 2/6 : MAINTAINER Amazon Web Services, Inc.
---> Using cache
---> f242bdb29ef8
Step 3/6 : SHELL powershell -command
---> Using cache
---> 848e45ef9370
Step 4/6 : ENTRYPOINT powershell -command
---> Using cache
---> 9848d176f836
Step 5/6 : CMD Start-Sleep -s 20
---> Using cache
---> f0ca2dcf88df
Step 6/6 : RUN echo 8 > image.txt
---> Running in 2c033f386758
---> d463e2f09831
Removing intermediate container 2c033f386758
Successfully built d463e2f09831
Sending build context to Docker daemon 25.6 kB
Step 1/6 : FROM microsoft/windowsservercore:latest
---> b4713e4d8bab
Step 2/6 : MAINTAINER Amazon Web Services, Inc.
---> Using cache
---> f242bdb29ef8
Step 3/6 : SHELL powershell -command
---> Using cache
---> 848e45ef9370
Step 4/6 : ENTRYPOINT powershell -command
---> Using cache
---> 9848d176f836
Step 5/6 : CMD Start-Sleep -s 20
---> Using cache
---> f0ca2dcf88df
Step 6/6 : RUN echo 9 > image.txt
---> Running in 3cc28ce91d42
---> d8ba1f817608
Removing intermediate container 3cc28ce91d42
Successfully built d8ba1f817608
Sending build context to Docker daemon 25.6 kB
Step 1/6 : FROM microsoft/windowsservercore:latest
---> b4713e4d8bab
Step 2/6 : MAINTAINER Amazon Web Services, Inc.
---> Using cache
---> f242bdb29ef8
Step 3/6 : SHELL powershell -command
---> Using cache
---> 848e45ef9370
Step 4/6 : ENTRYPOINT powershell -command
---> Using cache
---> 9848d176f836
Step 5/6 : CMD Start-Sleep -s 20
---> Using cache
---> f0ca2dcf88df
Step 6/6 : RUN echo 10 > image.txt
---> Running in ab088c7c589b
---> 9c5a84c6815a
Removing intermediate container ab088c7c589b
Successfully built 9c5a84c6815a
=== RUN TestIntegImageCleanupHappyCase
2017-04-07T03:04:25Z [CRITICAL] Unable to communicate with EC2 Metadata service to infer region: blackholed
2017-04-07T03:04:25Z [CRITICAL] Configuration key not set, key: AWSRegion
2017-04-07T03:04:25Z [INFO] Pulling container test2(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image2:make) (NONE->RUNNING) concurrently. Task: imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (NONE->RUNNING),test2 (NONE->RUNNING),test3 (NONE->RUNNING),]
2017-04-07T03:04:25Z [INFO] Pulling container test3(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image3:make) (NONE->RUNNING) concurrently. Task: imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (NONE->RUNNING),test2 (NONE->RUNNING),test3 (NONE->RUNNING),]
2017-04-07T03:04:25Z [INFO] Pulling container test1(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image1:make) (NONE->RUNNING) concurrently. Task: imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (NONE->RUNNING),test2 (NONE->RUNNING),test3 (NONE->RUNNING),]
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [INFO] Adding image name- amazon/image-cleanup-test-image3:make to Image state- sha256:8206846331796eb386293265ad01d9c80e6cc0fdcde05c282ae721609f4cfdba
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [INFO] Updating container reference test3 in Image State - sha256:8206846331796eb386293265ad01d9c80e6cc0fdcde05c282ae721609f4cfdba
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [INFO] Finished pulling container amazon/image-cleanup-test-image3:make in 976.9613ms. Task: imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (NONE->RUNNING),test2 (NONE->RUNNING),test3 (NONE->RUNNING),]
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [INFO] Error transitioning container module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (NONE->RUNNING),test2 (NONE->RUNNING),test3 (NONE->RUNNING),]" container="test3(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image3:make) (NONE->RUNNING)" state="PULLED" error="API error (401): unauthorized: authentication required
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [INFO] Error while pulling container; will try to run anyways module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (NONE->RUNNING),test2 (NONE->RUNNING),test3 (PULLED->RUNNING),]" err="API error (401): unauthorized: authentication required
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [INFO] Adding image name- amazon/image-cleanup-test-image1:make to Image state- sha256:196c2b1a98dbe0832b5fac834342b2aa19ec8c61b2abdaff09c6092745ede45c
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [INFO] Updating container reference test1 in Image State - sha256:196c2b1a98dbe0832b5fac834342b2aa19ec8c61b2abdaff09c6092745ede45c
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [INFO] Finished pulling container amazon/image-cleanup-test-image1:make in 1.0139609s. Task: imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (NONE->RUNNING),test2 (NONE->RUNNING),test3 (PULLED->RUNNING),]
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [INFO] Error transitioning container module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (NONE->RUNNING),test2 (NONE->RUNNING),test3 (PULLED->RUNNING),]" container="test1(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image1:make) (NONE->RUNNING)" state="PULLED" error="API error (401): unauthorized: authentication required
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [INFO] Error while pulling container; will try to run anyways module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (PULLED->RUNNING),test2 (NONE->RUNNING),test3 (PULLED->RUNNING),]" err="API error (401): unauthorized: authentication required
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [INFO] Adding image name- amazon/image-cleanup-test-image2:make to Image state- sha256:63a1e091ad2deb2bcc94aa661cb9e031c8b9df9342afa49c02665c73626f0d8d
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [INFO] Updating container reference test2 in Image State - sha256:63a1e091ad2deb2bcc94aa661cb9e031c8b9df9342afa49c02665c73626f0d8d
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [INFO] Finished pulling container amazon/image-cleanup-test-image2:make in 1.0299615s. Task: imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (PULLED->RUNNING),test2 (NONE->RUNNING),test3 (PULLED->RUNNING),]
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [INFO] Error transitioning container module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (PULLED->RUNNING),test2 (NONE->RUNNING),test3 (PULLED->RUNNING),]" container="test2(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image2:make) (NONE->RUNNING)" state="PULLED" error="API error (401): unauthorized: authentication required
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [INFO] Error while pulling container; will try to run anyways module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (PULLED->RUNNING),test2 (PULLED->RUNNING),test3 (PULLED->RUNNING),]" err="API error (401): unauthorized: authentication required
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [INFO] Creating container module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (PULLED->RUNNING),test2 (PULLED->RUNNING),test3 (PULLED->RUNNING),]" container="test1(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image1:make) (PULLED->RUNNING)"
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [INFO] Creating container module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (PULLED->RUNNING),test2 (PULLED->RUNNING),test3 (PULLED->RUNNING),]" container="test2(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image2:make) (PULLED->RUNNING)"
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [INFO] Creating container module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (PULLED->RUNNING),test2 (PULLED->RUNNING),test3 (PULLED->RUNNING),]" container="test3(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image3:make) (PULLED->RUNNING)"
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [INFO] Created container name mapping for task imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (PULLED->RUNNING),test2 (PULLED->RUNNING),test3 (PULLED->RUNNING),] - test1(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image1:make) (PULLED->RUNNING) -> ecs-imgClean-1-test1-aaa492ddb9b9c6b5d401
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [INFO] Created container name mapping for task imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (PULLED->RUNNING),test2 (PULLED->RUNNING),test3 (PULLED->RUNNING),] - test3(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image3:make) (PULLED->RUNNING) -> ecs-imgClean-1-test3-d883e2fae9ebdf932f00
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [INFO] Created container name mapping for task imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (PULLED->RUNNING),test2 (PULLED->RUNNING),test3 (PULLED->RUNNING),] - test2(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image2:make) (PULLED->RUNNING) -> ecs-imgClean-1-test2-d0d3dcf39a9fc0c47600
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [INFO] Created docker container for task imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (PULLED->RUNNING),test2 (PULLED->RUNNING),test3 (PULLED->RUNNING),]: test1(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image1:make) (PULLED->RUNNING) -> 0c973054ae88ea6b7d4867b2ff023b155343b178f47a61325d746ef6b6548f5c
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [INFO] Redundant container state change for task imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (CREATED->RUNNING),test2 (PULLED->RUNNING),test3 (PULLED->RUNNING),]: test1(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image1:make) (CREATED->RUNNING) to CREATED, but already CREATED
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [INFO] Created docker container for task imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (CREATED->RUNNING),test2 (PULLED->RUNNING),test3 (PULLED->RUNNING),]: test2(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image2:make) (PULLED->RUNNING) -> 98eba7972e9dd103e921b88ffa429a35564d9c175895db7a9e5aa708af91bd3f
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [INFO] Redundant container state change for task imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (CREATED->RUNNING),test2 (CREATED->RUNNING),test3 (PULLED->RUNNING),]: test2(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image2:make) (CREATED->RUNNING) to CREATED, but already CREATED
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [INFO] Created docker container for task imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (CREATED->RUNNING),test2 (CREATED->RUNNING),test3 (PULLED->RUNNING),]: test3(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image3:make) (PULLED->RUNNING) -> e6ecf98e59d5cf5feedbbb279334ea1a2fa4ee94748d8422478f49ea01a2c754
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [INFO] Starting container module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (CREATED->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (CREATED->RUNNING),test2 (CREATED->RUNNING),test3 (CREATED->RUNNING),]" container="test1(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image1:make) (CREATED->RUNNING)"
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [INFO] Starting container module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (CREATED->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (CREATED->RUNNING),test2 (CREATED->RUNNING),test3 (CREATED->RUNNING),]" container="test2(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image2:make) (CREATED->RUNNING)"
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [INFO] Redundant container state change for task imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (CREATED->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (CREATED->RUNNING),test2 (CREATED->RUNNING),test3 (CREATED->RUNNING),]: test3(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image3:make) (CREATED->RUNNING) to CREATED, but already CREATED
2017-04-07T03:04:26Z [INFO] Starting container module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (CREATED->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (CREATED->RUNNING),test2 (CREATED->RUNNING),test3 (CREATED->RUNNING),]" container="test3(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image3:make) (CREATED->RUNNING)"
2017-04-07T03:04:43Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:04:43Z [INFO] Redundant container state change for task imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (CREATED->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (CREATED->RUNNING),test2 (RUNNING->RUNNING),test3 (CREATED->RUNNING),]: test2(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image2:make) (RUNNING->RUNNING) to RUNNING, but already RUNNING
2017-04-07T03:04:43Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:04:43Z [INFO] Redundant container state change for task imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (CREATED->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (CREATED->RUNNING),test2 (RUNNING->RUNNING),test3 (RUNNING->RUNNING),]: test3(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image3:make) (RUNNING->RUNNING) to RUNNING, but already RUNNING
2017-04-07T03:04:43Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:04:43Z [INFO] Task change event module="TaskEngine" event="{TaskArn:imgClean Status:RUNNING Reason: Task:imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (RUNNING->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (RUNNING->RUNNING),test2 (RUNNING->RUNNING),test3 (RUNNING->RUNNING),]}"
2017-04-07T03:04:43Z [INFO] Redundant container state change for task imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (RUNNING->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (RUNNING->RUNNING),test2 (RUNNING->RUNNING),test3 (RUNNING->RUNNING),]: test1(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image1:make) (RUNNING->RUNNING) to RUNNING, but already RUNNING
2017-04-07T03:05:33Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:05:33Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:05:33Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:05:33Z [INFO] Task change event module="TaskEngine" event="{TaskArn:imgClean Status:STOPPED Reason: Task:imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (STOPPED->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (STOPPED->RUNNING),test2 (STOPPED->RUNNING),test3 (STOPPED->RUNNING),]}"
2017-04-07T03:05:38Z [INFO] Cleaning up task's containers and data module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (STOPPED->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (STOPPED->RUNNING),test2 (STOPPED->RUNNING),test3 (STOPPED->RUNNING),]"
2017-04-07T03:05:38Z [INFO] Removing container module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (STOPPED->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (STOPPED->RUNNING),test2 (STOPPED->RUNNING),test3 (STOPPED->RUNNING),]" container="test1(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image1:make) (STOPPED->RUNNING) - Exit: 0"
2017-04-07T03:05:39Z [INFO] Removing Container Reference: test1 from Image State- sha256:196c2b1a98dbe0832b5fac834342b2aa19ec8c61b2abdaff09c6092745ede45c
2017-04-07T03:05:39Z [INFO] Removing container module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (STOPPED->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (STOPPED->RUNNING),test2 (STOPPED->RUNNING),test3 (STOPPED->RUNNING),]" container="test2(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image2:make) (STOPPED->RUNNING) - Exit: 0"
2017-04-07T03:05:40Z [INFO] Removing Container Reference: test2 from Image State- sha256:63a1e091ad2deb2bcc94aa661cb9e031c8b9df9342afa49c02665c73626f0d8d
2017-04-07T03:05:40Z [INFO] Removing container module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (STOPPED->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (STOPPED->RUNNING),test2 (STOPPED->RUNNING),test3 (STOPPED->RUNNING),]" container="test3(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image3:make) (STOPPED->RUNNING) - Exit: 0"
2017-04-07T03:05:40Z [INFO] Removing Container Reference: test3 from Image State- sha256:8206846331796eb386293265ad01d9c80e6cc0fdcde05c282ae721609f4cfdba
2017-04-07T03:05:40Z [INFO] Candidate image for deletion: &{Image:0xc0421fe8d0 Containers:[] PulledAt:2017-04-07 03:04:26.7820845 +0000 GMT LastUsedAt:2017-04-07 03:05:40.0707253 +0000 GMT updateLock:{w:{state:0 sema:0} writerSem:0 readerSem:0 readerCount:0 readerWait:0}}
2017-04-07T03:05:40Z [INFO] Candidate image for deletion: &{Image:0xc042005050 Containers:[] PulledAt:2017-04-07 03:04:26.8190841 +0000 GMT LastUsedAt:2017-04-07 03:05:39.4057765 +0000 GMT updateLock:{w:{state:0 sema:0} writerSem:0 readerSem:0 readerCount:0 readerWait:0}}
2017-04-07T03:05:40Z [INFO] Candidate image for deletion: &{Image:0xc042148a50 Containers:[] PulledAt:2017-04-07 03:04:26.8350847 +0000 GMT LastUsedAt:2017-04-07 03:05:40.0537263 +0000 GMT updateLock:{w:{state:0 sema:0} writerSem:0 readerSem:0 readerCount:0 readerWait:0}}
2017-04-07T03:05:40Z [INFO] Found 3 eligible images for deletion
2017-04-07T03:05:40Z [INFO] Removing Image: amazon/image-cleanup-test-image1:make
2017-04-07T03:05:41Z [INFO] Image removed: amazon/image-cleanup-test-image1:make
2017-04-07T03:05:41Z [INFO] Removing Image State: sha256:196c2b1a98dbe0832b5fac834342b2aa19ec8c61b2abdaff09c6092745ede45c from Image Manager
2017-04-07T03:05:41Z [INFO] Candidate image for deletion: &{Image:0xc0421fe8d0 Containers:[] PulledAt:2017-04-07 03:04:26.7820845 +0000 GMT LastUsedAt:2017-04-07 03:05:40.0707253 +0000 GMT updateLock:{w:{state:0 sema:0} writerSem:0 readerSem:0 readerCount:0 readerWait:0}}
2017-04-07T03:05:41Z [INFO] Candidate image for deletion: &{Image:0xc042148a50 Containers:[] PulledAt:2017-04-07 03:04:26.8350847 +0000 GMT LastUsedAt:2017-04-07 03:05:40.0537263 +0000 GMT updateLock:{w:{state:0 sema:0} writerSem:0 readerSem:0 readerCount:0 readerWait:0}}
2017-04-07T03:05:41Z [INFO] Found 2 eligible images for deletion
2017-04-07T03:05:41Z [INFO] Removing Image: amazon/image-cleanup-test-image2:make
2017-04-07T03:05:42Z [INFO] Image removed: amazon/image-cleanup-test-image2:make
2017-04-07T03:05:42Z [INFO] Removing Image State: sha256:63a1e091ad2deb2bcc94aa661cb9e031c8b9df9342afa49c02665c73626f0d8d from Image Manager
--- PASS: TestIntegImageCleanupHappyCase (77.05s)
docker_image_manager_integ_test.go:88: Found image state for amazon/image-cleanup-test-image1:make
docker_image_manager_integ_test.go:94: Found image state for amazon/image-cleanup-test-image2:make
docker_image_manager_integ_test.go:100: Found image state for amazon/image-cleanup-test-image3:make
=== RUN TestIntegImageCleanupThreshold
2017-04-07T03:05:42Z [CRITICAL] Unable to communicate with EC2 Metadata service to infer region: blackholed
2017-04-07T03:05:42Z [CRITICAL] Configuration key not set, key: AWSRegion
2017-04-07T03:05:42Z [INFO] Pulling container test1(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image4:make) (NONE->RUNNING) concurrently. Task: imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (NONE->RUNNING),test2 (NONE->RUNNING),test3 (NONE->RUNNING),]
2017-04-07T03:05:42Z [INFO] Pulling container test3(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image6:make) (NONE->RUNNING) concurrently. Task: imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (NONE->RUNNING),test2 (NONE->RUNNING),test3 (NONE->RUNNING),]
2017-04-07T03:05:42Z [INFO] Pulling container test2(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image5:make) (NONE->RUNNING) concurrently. Task: imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (NONE->RUNNING),test2 (NONE->RUNNING),test3 (NONE->RUNNING),]
2017-04-07T03:05:43Z [INFO] Adding image name- amazon/image-cleanup-test-image4:make to Image state- sha256:85a77f9e02bf2f98874e92fdbbccf3836903f418fb743db1b6c5b733b4909ea9
2017-04-07T03:05:43Z [INFO] Updating container reference test1 in Image State - sha256:85a77f9e02bf2f98874e92fdbbccf3836903f418fb743db1b6c5b733b4909ea9
2017-04-07T03:05:43Z [INFO] Finished pulling container amazon/image-cleanup-test-image4:make in 1.008931s. Task: imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (NONE->RUNNING),test2 (NONE->RUNNING),test3 (NONE->RUNNING),]
2017-04-07T03:05:43Z [INFO] Error transitioning container module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (NONE->RUNNING),test2 (NONE->RUNNING),test3 (NONE->RUNNING),]" container="test1(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image4:make) (NONE->RUNNING)" state="PULLED" error="API error (401): unauthorized: authentication required
2017-04-07T03:05:43Z [INFO] Error while pulling container; will try to run anyways module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (PULLED->RUNNING),test2 (NONE->RUNNING),test3 (NONE->RUNNING),]" err="API error (401): unauthorized: authentication required
2017-04-07T03:05:43Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:05:43Z [INFO] Adding image name- amazon/image-cleanup-test-image5:make to Image state- sha256:4b628ee9319cd32a6babe742ad16ad25195357c2591f87dcfe5d8eef9a2ee0b9
2017-04-07T03:05:43Z [INFO] Updating container reference test2 in Image State - sha256:4b628ee9319cd32a6babe742ad16ad25195357c2591f87dcfe5d8eef9a2ee0b9
2017-04-07T03:05:43Z [INFO] Finished pulling container amazon/image-cleanup-test-image5:make in 1.052931s. Task: imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (PULLED->RUNNING),test2 (NONE->RUNNING),test3 (NONE->RUNNING),]
2017-04-07T03:05:43Z [INFO] Error transitioning container module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (PULLED->RUNNING),test2 (NONE->RUNNING),test3 (NONE->RUNNING),]" container="test2(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image5:make) (NONE->RUNNING)" state="PULLED" error="API error (401): unauthorized: authentication required
2017-04-07T03:05:43Z [INFO] Error while pulling container; will try to run anyways module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (PULLED->RUNNING),test2 (PULLED->RUNNING),test3 (NONE->RUNNING),]" err="API error (401): unauthorized: authentication required
2017-04-07T03:05:43Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:05:43Z [INFO] Adding image name- amazon/image-cleanup-test-image6:make to Image state- sha256:c45c06fd437b0a4c8def9ca465d95adedaad8b297bcb3dbce18b10e9eea1b7a2
2017-04-07T03:05:43Z [INFO] Updating container reference test3 in Image State - sha256:c45c06fd437b0a4c8def9ca465d95adedaad8b297bcb3dbce18b10e9eea1b7a2
2017-04-07T03:05:43Z [INFO] Finished pulling container amazon/image-cleanup-test-image6:make in 1.0679297s. Task: imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (PULLED->RUNNING),test2 (PULLED->RUNNING),test3 (NONE->RUNNING),]
2017-04-07T03:05:43Z [INFO] Error transitioning container module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (PULLED->RUNNING),test2 (PULLED->RUNNING),test3 (NONE->RUNNING),]" container="test3(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image6:make) (NONE->RUNNING)" state="PULLED" error="API error (401): unauthorized: authentication required
2017-04-07T03:05:43Z [INFO] Error while pulling container; will try to run anyways module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (PULLED->RUNNING),test2 (PULLED->RUNNING),test3 (PULLED->RUNNING),]" err="API error (401): unauthorized: authentication required
2017-04-07T03:05:43Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:05:43Z [INFO] Creating container module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (PULLED->RUNNING),test2 (PULLED->RUNNING),test3 (PULLED->RUNNING),]" container="test1(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image4:make) (PULLED->RUNNING)"
2017-04-07T03:05:43Z [INFO] Creating container module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (PULLED->RUNNING),test2 (PULLED->RUNNING),test3 (PULLED->RUNNING),]" container="test2(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image5:make) (PULLED->RUNNING)"
2017-04-07T03:05:43Z [INFO] Creating container module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (PULLED->RUNNING),test2 (PULLED->RUNNING),test3 (PULLED->RUNNING),]" container="test3(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image6:make) (PULLED->RUNNING)"
2017-04-07T03:05:43Z [INFO] Created container name mapping for task imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (PULLED->RUNNING),test2 (PULLED->RUNNING),test3 (PULLED->RUNNING),] - test1(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image4:make) (PULLED->RUNNING) -> ecs-imgClean-1-test1-c6b0ffd4a4f8efb52800
2017-04-07T03:05:43Z [INFO] Created container name mapping for task imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (PULLED->RUNNING),test2 (PULLED->RUNNING),test3 (PULLED->RUNNING),] - test2(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image5:make) (PULLED->RUNNING) -> ecs-imgClean-1-test2-e4d9dad6dcb7c1c6d301
2017-04-07T03:05:43Z [INFO] Created container name mapping for task imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (PULLED->RUNNING),test2 (PULLED->RUNNING),test3 (PULLED->RUNNING),] - test3(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image6:make) (PULLED->RUNNING) -> ecs-imgClean-1-test3-e8b0f4dec1eea1ca6e00
2017-04-07T03:05:44Z [INFO] Created docker container for task imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (PULLED->RUNNING),test2 (PULLED->RUNNING),test3 (PULLED->RUNNING),]: test1(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image4:make) (PULLED->RUNNING) -> 42205fa0e7124813b1217f4a6bc4876c601876d02a1193270048085edafe895b
2017-04-07T03:05:44Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:05:44Z [INFO] Redundant container state change for task imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (CREATED->RUNNING),test2 (PULLED->RUNNING),test3 (PULLED->RUNNING),]: test1(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image4:make) (CREATED->RUNNING) to CREATED, but already CREATED
2017-04-07T03:05:44Z [INFO] Created docker container for task imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (CREATED->RUNNING),test2 (PULLED->RUNNING),test3 (PULLED->RUNNING),]: test3(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image6:make) (PULLED->RUNNING) -> 3b3c6e218032281eee57c18d727c662d5dbb4993d72d374a6e37f6300a75b541
2017-04-07T03:05:44Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:05:44Z [INFO] Redundant container state change for task imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (CREATED->RUNNING),test2 (PULLED->RUNNING),test3 (CREATED->RUNNING),]: test3(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image6:make) (CREATED->RUNNING) to CREATED, but already CREATED
2017-04-07T03:05:44Z [INFO] Created docker container for task imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (CREATED->RUNNING),test2 (PULLED->RUNNING),test3 (CREATED->RUNNING),]: test2(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image5:make) (PULLED->RUNNING) -> dbb48a61ada0846d07eb2c9565495e535b5223eabf4f13687f4ec01b83bc247b
2017-04-07T03:05:44Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:05:44Z [INFO] Redundant container state change for task imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (CREATED->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (CREATED->RUNNING),test2 (CREATED->RUNNING),test3 (CREATED->RUNNING),]: test2(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image5:make) (CREATED->RUNNING) to CREATED, but already CREATED
2017-04-07T03:05:44Z [INFO] Starting container module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (CREATED->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (CREATED->RUNNING),test2 (CREATED->RUNNING),test3 (CREATED->RUNNING),]" container="test1(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image4:make) (CREATED->RUNNING)"
2017-04-07T03:05:44Z [INFO] Starting container module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (CREATED->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (CREATED->RUNNING),test2 (CREATED->RUNNING),test3 (CREATED->RUNNING),]" container="test2(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image5:make) (CREATED->RUNNING)"
2017-04-07T03:05:44Z [INFO] Starting container module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (CREATED->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (CREATED->RUNNING),test2 (CREATED->RUNNING),test3 (CREATED->RUNNING),]" container="test3(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image6:make) (CREATED->RUNNING)"
2017-04-07T03:06:04Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:06:04Z [INFO] Redundant container state change for task imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (CREATED->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (RUNNING->RUNNING),test2 (CREATED->RUNNING),test3 (CREATED->RUNNING),]: test1(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image4:make) (RUNNING->RUNNING) to RUNNING, but already RUNNING
2017-04-07T03:06:08Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:06:08Z [INFO] Redundant container state change for task imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (CREATED->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (RUNNING->RUNNING),test2 (CREATED->RUNNING),test3 (RUNNING->RUNNING),]: test3(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image6:make) (RUNNING->RUNNING) to RUNNING, but already RUNNING
2017-04-07T03:06:17Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:06:17Z [INFO] Task change event module="TaskEngine" event="{TaskArn:imgClean Status:RUNNING Reason: Task:imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (RUNNING->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (RUNNING->RUNNING),test2 (RUNNING->RUNNING),test3 (RUNNING->RUNNING),]}"
2017-04-07T03:06:17Z [INFO] Redundant container state change for task imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (RUNNING->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (RUNNING->RUNNING),test2 (RUNNING->RUNNING),test3 (RUNNING->RUNNING),]: test2(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image5:make) (RUNNING->RUNNING) to RUNNING, but already RUNNING
2017-04-07T03:06:49Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:06:49Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:06:57Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:06:57Z [INFO] Task change event module="TaskEngine" event="{TaskArn:imgClean Status:STOPPED Reason: Task:imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (STOPPED->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (STOPPED->RUNNING),test2 (STOPPED->RUNNING),test3 (STOPPED->RUNNING),]}"
2017-04-07T03:06:58Z [INFO] Cleaning up task's containers and data module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (STOPPED->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (STOPPED->RUNNING),test2 (STOPPED->RUNNING),test3 (STOPPED->RUNNING),]"
2017-04-07T03:06:58Z [INFO] Removing container module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (STOPPED->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (STOPPED->RUNNING),test2 (STOPPED->RUNNING),test3 (STOPPED->RUNNING),]" container="test1(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image4:make) (STOPPED->RUNNING) - Exit: 0"
2017-04-07T03:06:58Z [INFO] Removing Container Reference: test1 from Image State- sha256:85a77f9e02bf2f98874e92fdbbccf3836903f418fb743db1b6c5b733b4909ea9
2017-04-07T03:06:58Z [INFO] Removing container module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (STOPPED->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (STOPPED->RUNNING),test2 (STOPPED->RUNNING),test3 (STOPPED->RUNNING),]" container="test2(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image5:make) (STOPPED->RUNNING) - Exit: 0"
2017-04-07T03:06:58Z [INFO] Removing Container Reference: test2 from Image State- sha256:4b628ee9319cd32a6babe742ad16ad25195357c2591f87dcfe5d8eef9a2ee0b9
2017-04-07T03:06:58Z [INFO] Removing container module="TaskEngine" task="imgClean:1 imgClean, Status: (STOPPED->RUNNING) Containers: [test1 (STOPPED->RUNNING),test2 (STOPPED->RUNNING),test3 (STOPPED->RUNNING),]" container="test3(amazon/image-cleanup-test-image6:make) (STOPPED->RUNNING) - Exit: 0"
2017-04-07T03:06:58Z [INFO] Removing Container Reference: test3 from Image State- sha256:c45c06fd437b0a4c8def9ca465d95adedaad8b297bcb3dbce18b10e9eea1b7a2
2017-04-07T03:07:02Z [INFO] Candidate image for deletion: &{Image:0xc0421e2780 Containers:[] PulledAt:2017-04-07 02:45:43.8675108 +0000 GMT LastUsedAt:2017-04-07 03:06:58.5925468 +0000 GMT updateLock:{w:{state:0 sema:0} writerSem:0 readerSem:0 readerCount:0 readerWait:0}}
2017-04-07T03:07:02Z [INFO] Candidate image for deletion: &{Image:0xc0422c79b0 Containers:[] PulledAt:2017-04-07 02:40:43.9265095 +0000 GMT LastUsedAt:2017-04-07 03:06:58.6295976 +0000 GMT updateLock:{w:{state:0 sema:0} writerSem:0 readerSem:0 readerCount:0 readerWait:0}}
2017-04-07T03:07:02Z [INFO] Found 2 eligible images for deletion
2017-04-07T03:07:02Z [INFO] Removing Image: amazon/image-cleanup-test-image4:make
2017-04-07T03:07:03Z [INFO] Image removed: amazon/image-cleanup-test-image4:make
2017-04-07T03:07:03Z [INFO] Removing Image State: sha256:85a77f9e02bf2f98874e92fdbbccf3836903f418fb743db1b6c5b733b4909ea9 from Image Manager
2017-04-07T03:07:03Z [INFO] Candidate image for deletion: &{Image:0xc0422c79b0 Containers:[] PulledAt:2017-04-07 02:40:43.9265095 +0000 GMT LastUsedAt:2017-04-07 03:06:58.6295976 +0000 GMT updateLock:{w:{state:0 sema:0} writerSem:0 readerSem:0 readerCount:0 readerWait:0}}
2017-04-07T03:07:03Z [INFO] Found 1 eligible images for deletion
2017-04-07T03:07:03Z [INFO] Removing Image: amazon/image-cleanup-test-image6:make
2017-04-07T03:07:03Z [INFO] Image removed: amazon/image-cleanup-test-image6:make
2017-04-07T03:07:03Z [INFO] Removing Image State: sha256:c45c06fd437b0a4c8def9ca465d95adedaad8b297bcb3dbce18b10e9eea1b7a2 from Image Manager
2017-04-07T03:07:03Z [INFO] No eligible images for deletion for this cleanup cycle
2017-04-07T03:07:03Z [INFO] End of eligible images for deletion
--- PASS: TestIntegImageCleanupThreshold (81.56s)
docker_image_manager_integ_test.go:202: Found image state for amazon/image-cleanup-test-image4:make
docker_image_manager_integ_test.go:208: Found image state for amazon/image-cleanup-test-image5:make
docker_image_manager_integ_test.go:214: Found image state for amazon/image-cleanup-test-image6:make
=== RUN TestImageWithSameNameAndDifferentID
2017-04-07T03:07:04Z [CRITICAL] Unable to communicate with EC2 Metadata service to infer region: blackholed
2017-04-07T03:07:04Z [CRITICAL] Configuration key not set, key: AWSRegion
2017-04-07T03:07:04Z [INFO] Pulling container windows(testimagewithsamenameanddifferentid:latest) (NONE->RUNNING) concurrently. Task: task1:1 task1, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (NONE->RUNNING),]
2017-04-07T03:07:05Z [INFO] Adding image name- testimagewithsamenameanddifferentid:latest to Image state- sha256:4af17220e86aca36bfc0b8e425a28cb953a3cf333f2e0244895dd4e4de2b3e5e
2017-04-07T03:07:05Z [INFO] Updating container reference windows in Image State - sha256:4af17220e86aca36bfc0b8e425a28cb953a3cf333f2e0244895dd4e4de2b3e5e
2017-04-07T03:07:05Z [INFO] Finished pulling container testimagewithsamenameanddifferentid:latest in 1.0909581s. Task: task1:1 task1, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (NONE->RUNNING),]
2017-04-07T03:07:05Z [INFO] Error transitioning container module="TaskEngine" task="task1:1 task1, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (NONE->RUNNING),]" container="windows(testimagewithsamenameanddifferentid:latest) (NONE->RUNNING)" state="PULLED" error="API error (401): unauthorized: authentication required
2017-04-07T03:07:05Z [INFO] Error while pulling container; will try to run anyways module="TaskEngine" task="task1:1 task1, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (PULLED->RUNNING),]" err="API error (401): unauthorized: authentication required
2017-04-07T03:07:05Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:07:05Z [INFO] Creating container module="TaskEngine" task="task1:1 task1, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (PULLED->RUNNING),]" container="windows(testimagewithsamenameanddifferentid:latest) (PULLED->RUNNING)"
2017-04-07T03:07:05Z [INFO] Created container name mapping for task task1:1 task1, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (PULLED->RUNNING),] - windows(testimagewithsamenameanddifferentid:latest) (PULLED->RUNNING) -> ecs-task1-1-windows-b2c4bfecd1edc8ad9c01
2017-04-07T03:07:05Z [INFO] Created docker container for task task1:1 task1, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (PULLED->RUNNING),]: windows(testimagewithsamenameanddifferentid:latest) (PULLED->RUNNING) -> 864aefe3b59f3a6d6f9466cc72dc8216c80f6600f32f8576b069ee0fc324553d
2017-04-07T03:07:05Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:07:05Z [INFO] Redundant container state change for task task1:1 task1, Status: (CREATED->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (CREATED->RUNNING),]: windows(testimagewithsamenameanddifferentid:latest) (CREATED->RUNNING) to CREATED, but already CREATED
2017-04-07T03:07:05Z [INFO] Starting container module="TaskEngine" task="task1:1 task1, Status: (CREATED->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (CREATED->RUNNING),]" container="windows(testimagewithsamenameanddifferentid:latest) (CREATED->RUNNING)"
2017-04-07T03:07:19Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:07:19Z [INFO] Task change event module="TaskEngine" event="{TaskArn:task1 Status:RUNNING Reason: Task:task1:1 task1, Status: (RUNNING->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (RUNNING->RUNNING),]}"
2017-04-07T03:07:19Z [INFO] Redundant container state change for task task1:1 task1, Status: (RUNNING->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (RUNNING->RUNNING),]: windows(testimagewithsamenameanddifferentid:latest) (RUNNING->RUNNING) to RUNNING, but already RUNNING
2017-04-07T03:07:19Z [INFO] Pulling container windows(testimagewithsamenameanddifferentid:latest) (NONE->RUNNING) concurrently. Task: task2:1 task2, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (NONE->RUNNING),]
2017-04-07T03:07:20Z [INFO] Adding image name- testimagewithsamenameanddifferentid:latest to Image state- sha256:d463e2f098310dc57f30cb17dc3278173081cf1013478b7fbfc3d175e68f5998
2017-04-07T03:07:20Z [INFO] Updating container reference windows in Image State - sha256:d463e2f098310dc57f30cb17dc3278173081cf1013478b7fbfc3d175e68f5998
2017-04-07T03:07:20Z [INFO] Finished pulling container testimagewithsamenameanddifferentid:latest in 1.0629574s. Task: task2:1 task2, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (NONE->RUNNING),]
2017-04-07T03:07:20Z [INFO] Error transitioning container module="TaskEngine" task="task2:1 task2, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (NONE->RUNNING),]" container="windows(testimagewithsamenameanddifferentid:latest) (NONE->RUNNING)" state="PULLED" error="API error (401): unauthorized: authentication required
2017-04-07T03:07:20Z [INFO] Error while pulling container; will try to run anyways module="TaskEngine" task="task2:1 task2, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (PULLED->RUNNING),]" err="API error (401): unauthorized: authentication required
2017-04-07T03:07:20Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:07:20Z [INFO] Creating container module="TaskEngine" task="task2:1 task2, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (PULLED->RUNNING),]" container="windows(testimagewithsamenameanddifferentid:latest) (PULLED->RUNNING)"
2017-04-07T03:07:20Z [INFO] Created container name mapping for task task2:1 task2, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (PULLED->RUNNING),] - windows(testimagewithsamenameanddifferentid:latest) (PULLED->RUNNING) -> ecs-task2-1-windows-d8df86a0baa1cdf1c301
2017-04-07T03:07:21Z [INFO] Created docker container for task task2:1 task2, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (PULLED->RUNNING),]: windows(testimagewithsamenameanddifferentid:latest) (PULLED->RUNNING) -> ab25b2ff70f43169c2d8499bd6027074ca1a5bd48b32ae74bc4d1b371a23997d
2017-04-07T03:07:21Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:07:21Z [INFO] Redundant container state change for task task2:1 task2, Status: (CREATED->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (CREATED->RUNNING),]: windows(testimagewithsamenameanddifferentid:latest) (CREATED->RUNNING) to CREATED, but already CREATED
2017-04-07T03:07:21Z [INFO] Starting container module="TaskEngine" task="task2:1 task2, Status: (CREATED->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (CREATED->RUNNING),]" container="windows(testimagewithsamenameanddifferentid:latest) (CREATED->RUNNING)"
2017-04-07T03:07:35Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:07:35Z [INFO] Task change event module="TaskEngine" event="{TaskArn:task2 Status:RUNNING Reason: Task:task2:1 task2, Status: (RUNNING->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (RUNNING->RUNNING),]}"
2017-04-07T03:07:35Z [INFO] Redundant container state change for task task2:1 task2, Status: (RUNNING->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (RUNNING->RUNNING),]: windows(testimagewithsamenameanddifferentid:latest) (RUNNING->RUNNING) to RUNNING, but already RUNNING
2017-04-07T03:07:35Z [INFO] Pulling container windows(testimagewithsamenameanddifferentid:latest) (NONE->RUNNING) concurrently. Task: task3:1 task3, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (NONE->RUNNING),]
2017-04-07T03:07:36Z [INFO] Adding image name- testimagewithsamenameanddifferentid:latest to Image state- sha256:d8ba1f817608a19731efbceedb42da4fd94323e227cbe90469bbafb6c4160ed8
2017-04-07T03:07:36Z [INFO] Updating container reference windows in Image State - sha256:d8ba1f817608a19731efbceedb42da4fd94323e227cbe90469bbafb6c4160ed8
2017-04-07T03:07:36Z [INFO] Finished pulling container testimagewithsamenameanddifferentid:latest in 986.9511ms. Task: task3:1 task3, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (NONE->RUNNING),]
2017-04-07T03:07:36Z [INFO] Error transitioning container module="TaskEngine" task="task3:1 task3, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (NONE->RUNNING),]" container="windows(testimagewithsamenameanddifferentid:latest) (NONE->RUNNING)" state="PULLED" error="API error (401): unauthorized: authentication required
2017-04-07T03:07:36Z [INFO] Error while pulling container; will try to run anyways module="TaskEngine" task="task3:1 task3, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (PULLED->RUNNING),]" err="API error (401): unauthorized: authentication required
2017-04-07T03:07:36Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:07:36Z [INFO] Creating container module="TaskEngine" task="task3:1 task3, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (PULLED->RUNNING),]" container="windows(testimagewithsamenameanddifferentid:latest) (PULLED->RUNNING)"
2017-04-07T03:07:36Z [INFO] Created container name mapping for task task3:1 task3, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (PULLED->RUNNING),] - windows(testimagewithsamenameanddifferentid:latest) (PULLED->RUNNING) -> ecs-task3-1-windows-84f5eb85dfa793fa4800
2017-04-07T03:07:37Z [INFO] Created docker container for task task3:1 task3, Status: (NONE->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (PULLED->RUNNING),]: windows(testimagewithsamenameanddifferentid:latest) (PULLED->RUNNING) -> a2dcd740a21d29475098822479d71c3bc50b921a53573761ac911c41e6f6f317
2017-04-07T03:07:37Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:07:37Z [INFO] Redundant container state change for task task3:1 task3, Status: (CREATED->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (CREATED->RUNNING),]: windows(testimagewithsamenameanddifferentid:latest) (CREATED->RUNNING) to CREATED, but already CREATED
2017-04-07T03:07:37Z [INFO] Starting container module="TaskEngine" task="task3:1 task3, Status: (CREATED->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (CREATED->RUNNING),]" container="windows(testimagewithsamenameanddifferentid:latest) (CREATED->RUNNING)"
2017-04-07T03:07:50Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:07:50Z [INFO] Task change event module="TaskEngine" event="{TaskArn:task1 Status:STOPPED Reason: Task:task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),]}"
2017-04-07T03:07:51Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (1/8640)
2017-04-07T03:07:52Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (2/8640)
2017-04-07T03:07:53Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (3/8640)
2017-04-07T03:07:54Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (4/8640)
2017-04-07T03:07:55Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (5/8640)
2017-04-07T03:07:55Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:07:55Z [INFO] Task change event module="TaskEngine" event="{TaskArn:task3 Status:RUNNING Reason: Task:task3:1 task3, Status: (RUNNING->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (RUNNING->RUNNING),]}"
2017-04-07T03:07:55Z [INFO] Redundant container state change for task task3:1 task3, Status: (RUNNING->RUNNING) Containers: [windows (RUNNING->RUNNING),]: windows(testimagewithsamenameanddifferentid:latest) (RUNNING->RUNNING) to RUNNING, but already RUNNING
2017-04-07T03:07:56Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (6/8640)
2017-04-07T03:07:57Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (7/8640)
2017-04-07T03:07:58Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (8/8640)
2017-04-07T03:07:59Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (9/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:00Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (10/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:01Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (11/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:02Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (12/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:03Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (13/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:04Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (14/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:05Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (15/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:06Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:08:06Z [INFO] Task change event module="TaskEngine" event="{TaskArn:task2 Status:STOPPED Reason: Task:task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),]}"
2017-04-07T03:08:06Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (16/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:07Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (1/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:07Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (17/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:08Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (2/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:08Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (18/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:09Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (3/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:09Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (19/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:10Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (4/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:10Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (20/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:11Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (5/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:11Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (21/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:12Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (6/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:12Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (22/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:13Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (7/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:13Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (23/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:14Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (8/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:14Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (24/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:15Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (9/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:15Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (25/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:16Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (10/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:16Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (26/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:17Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (11/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:17Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (27/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:18Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (12/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:18Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (28/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:19Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (13/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:19Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (29/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:20Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (14/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:20Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (30/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:21Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (15/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:21Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (31/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:22Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (16/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:22Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (32/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:23Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (17/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:23Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (33/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:24Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (18/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:24Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (34/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:25Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (19/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:25Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (35/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:26Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (20/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:26Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (36/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:27Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (21/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:27Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (37/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:28Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (22/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:28Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (38/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:29Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (23/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:29Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (39/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:30Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (24/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:30Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (40/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:31Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (25/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:31Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (41/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:32Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (26/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:32Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (42/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:33Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (27/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:33Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (43/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:34Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (28/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:34Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (44/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:34Z [WARN] Failed to write container change event to event stream, err Event stream is closed
2017-04-07T03:08:34Z [INFO] Task change event module="TaskEngine" event="{TaskArn:task3 Status:STOPPED Reason: Task:task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),]}"
2017-04-07T03:08:35Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (29/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:35Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (45/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:35Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (1/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:36Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (30/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:36Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (46/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:36Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (2/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:37Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (31/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:37Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (47/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:37Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (3/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:38Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (32/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:38Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (48/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:38Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (4/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:39Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (33/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:39Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (49/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:39Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (5/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:40Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (34/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:40Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (50/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:40Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (6/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:41Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (35/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:41Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (51/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:41Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (7/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:42Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (36/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:42Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (52/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:42Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (8/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:43Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (37/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:43Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (53/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:43Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (9/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:44Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (38/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:44Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (54/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:44Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (10/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:45Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (39/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:45Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (55/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:45Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (11/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:46Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (40/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:46Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (56/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:46Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (12/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:47Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (41/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:47Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (57/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:47Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (13/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:48Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (42/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:48Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (58/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:48Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (14/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:49Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (43/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:49Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (59/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:49Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (15/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:50Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (44/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:50Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (60/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:50Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (16/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:51Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (45/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:51Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (61/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:51Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (17/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:52Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (46/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:52Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (62/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:52Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (18/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:53Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (47/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:53Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (63/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:53Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (19/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:54Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (48/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:54Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (64/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:54Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (20/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:55Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (49/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:55Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (65/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:55Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (21/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:56Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (50/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:56Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (66/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:56Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (22/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:57Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (51/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:57Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (67/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:57Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (23/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:58Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (52/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:58Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (68/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:58Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (24/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:59Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (53/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:59Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (69/8640)
2017-04-07T03:08:59Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (25/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:00Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (54/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:00Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (70/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:00Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (26/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:01Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (55/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:01Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (71/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:01Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (27/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:02Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (56/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:02Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (72/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:02Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (28/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:03Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (57/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:03Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (73/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:03Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (29/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:04Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (58/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:04Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (74/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:04Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (30/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:05Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (59/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:05Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (75/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:05Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (31/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:06Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (60/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:06Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (76/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:06Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (32/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:07Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (61/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:07Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (77/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:07Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (33/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:08Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (62/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:08Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (78/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:08Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (34/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:09Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (63/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:09Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (79/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:09Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (35/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:10Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (64/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:10Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (80/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:10Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (36/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:11Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (65/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:11Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (81/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:11Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (37/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:12Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (66/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:12Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (82/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:12Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (38/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:13Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (67/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:13Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (83/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:13Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (39/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:14Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (68/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:14Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (84/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:14Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (40/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:15Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (69/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:15Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (85/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:15Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (41/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:16Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (70/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:16Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (86/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:16Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (42/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:17Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (71/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:17Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (87/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:17Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (43/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:18Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (72/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:18Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (88/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:18Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (44/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:19Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (73/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:19Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (89/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:19Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (45/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:20Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (74/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:20Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (90/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:20Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (46/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:21Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (75/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:21Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (91/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:21Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (47/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:22Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (76/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:22Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (92/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:22Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (48/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:23Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (77/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:23Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (93/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:23Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (49/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:24Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (78/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:24Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (94/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:24Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (50/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:25Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (79/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:25Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (95/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:25Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (51/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:26Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (80/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:26Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (96/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:26Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (52/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:27Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (81/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:27Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (97/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:27Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (53/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:28Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (82/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:28Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (98/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:28Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (54/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:29Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (83/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:29Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (99/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:29Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (55/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:30Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (84/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:30Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (100/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:30Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (56/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:31Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (85/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:31Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (101/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:31Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (57/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:32Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (86/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:32Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (102/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:32Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (58/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:33Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (87/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:33Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (103/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:33Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (59/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:34Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (88/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:34Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (104/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:34Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (60/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:35Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (89/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:35Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (105/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:35Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (61/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:36Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (90/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:36Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (106/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:36Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (62/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:37Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (91/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:37Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (107/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:37Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (63/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:38Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (92/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:38Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (108/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:38Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (64/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:39Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (93/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:39Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (109/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:39Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (65/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:40Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (94/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:40Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (110/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:40Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (66/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:41Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (95/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:41Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (111/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:41Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (67/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:42Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (96/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:42Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (112/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:42Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (68/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:43Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (97/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:43Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (113/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:43Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (69/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:44Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (98/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:44Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (114/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:44Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (70/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:45Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (99/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:45Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (115/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:45Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (71/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:46Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (100/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:46Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (116/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:46Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (72/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:47Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (101/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:47Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (117/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:47Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (73/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:48Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (102/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:48Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (118/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:48Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (74/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:49Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (103/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:49Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (119/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:49Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (75/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:50Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (104/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:50Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (120/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:50Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (76/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:51Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (105/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:51Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (121/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:51Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (77/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:52Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (106/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:52Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (122/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:52Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (78/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:53Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (107/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:53Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (123/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:53Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (79/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:54Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (108/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:54Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (124/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:54Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (80/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:55Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (109/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:55Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (125/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:55Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (81/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:56Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (110/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:56Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (126/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:56Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (82/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:57Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (111/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:57Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (127/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:57Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (83/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:58Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (112/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:58Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (128/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:58Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (84/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:59Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (113/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:59Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (129/8640)
2017-04-07T03:09:59Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (85/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:00Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (114/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:00Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (130/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:00Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (86/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:01Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (115/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:01Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (131/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:01Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (87/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:02Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (116/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:02Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (132/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:02Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (88/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:03Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (117/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:03Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (133/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:03Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (89/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:04Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (118/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:04Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (134/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:04Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (90/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:05Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (119/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:05Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (135/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:05Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (91/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:06Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (120/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:06Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (136/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:06Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (92/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:07Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (121/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:07Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (137/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:07Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (93/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:08Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (122/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:08Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (138/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:08Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (94/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:09Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (123/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:09Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (139/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:09Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (95/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:10Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (124/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:10Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (140/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:10Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (96/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:11Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (125/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:11Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (141/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:11Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (97/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:12Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (126/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:12Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (142/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:12Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (98/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:13Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (127/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:13Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (143/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:13Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (99/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:14Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (128/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:14Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (144/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:14Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (100/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:15Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (129/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:15Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (145/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:15Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (101/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:16Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (130/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:16Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (146/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:16Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (102/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:17Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (131/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:17Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (147/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:17Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (103/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:18Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (132/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:18Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (148/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:18Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (104/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:19Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (133/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:19Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (149/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:19Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (105/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:20Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (134/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:20Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (150/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:20Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (106/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:21Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (135/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:21Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (151/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:21Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (107/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:22Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (136/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:22Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (152/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:22Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (108/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:23Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (137/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:23Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (153/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:23Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (109/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:24Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (138/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:24Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (154/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:24Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (110/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:25Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (139/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:25Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (155/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:25Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (111/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:26Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (140/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:26Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (156/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:26Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (112/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:27Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (141/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:27Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (157/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:27Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (113/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:28Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (142/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:28Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (158/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:28Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (114/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:29Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (143/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:29Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (159/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:29Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (115/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:30Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (144/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:30Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (160/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:30Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (116/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:31Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (145/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:31Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (161/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:31Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (117/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:32Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (146/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:32Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (162/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:32Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (118/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:33Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (147/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:33Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (163/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:33Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (119/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:34Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (148/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:34Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (164/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:34Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (120/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:35Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (149/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:35Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (165/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:35Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (121/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:36Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (150/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:36Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (166/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:36Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (122/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:37Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (151/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:37Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (167/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:37Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (123/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:38Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (152/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:38Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (168/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:38Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (124/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:39Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (153/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:39Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (169/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:39Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (125/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:40Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (154/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:40Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (170/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:40Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (126/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:41Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (155/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:41Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (171/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:41Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (127/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:42Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (156/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:42Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (172/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:42Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (128/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:43Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (157/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:43Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (173/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:43Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (129/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:44Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (158/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:44Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (174/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:44Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (130/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:45Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (159/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:45Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (175/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:45Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (131/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:46Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (160/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:46Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (176/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:46Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (132/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:47Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (161/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:47Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (177/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:47Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (133/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:48Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (162/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:48Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (178/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:48Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (134/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:49Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (163/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:49Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (179/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:49Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (135/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:50Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (164/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:50Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (180/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:50Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (136/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:51Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (165/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:51Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (181/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:51Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (137/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:52Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (166/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:52Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (182/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:52Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (138/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:53Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (167/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:53Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (183/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:53Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (139/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:54Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (168/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:54Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (184/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:54Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (140/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:55Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (169/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:55Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (185/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:55Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (141/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:56Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (170/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:56Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (186/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:56Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (142/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:57Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (171/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:57Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (187/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:57Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (143/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:58Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (172/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:58Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (188/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:58Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (144/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:59Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (173/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:59Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (189/8640)
2017-04-07T03:10:59Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (145/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:00Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (174/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:00Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (190/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:00Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (146/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:01Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (175/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:01Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (191/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:01Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (147/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:02Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (176/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:02Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (192/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:02Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (148/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:03Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (177/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:03Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (193/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:03Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (149/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:04Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (178/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:04Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (194/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:04Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (150/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:05Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (179/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:05Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (195/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:05Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (151/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:06Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (180/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:06Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (196/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:06Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (152/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:07Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (181/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:07Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (197/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:07Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (153/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:08Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (182/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:08Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (198/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:08Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (154/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:09Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (183/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:09Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (199/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:09Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (155/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:10Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (184/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:10Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (200/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:10Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (156/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:11Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (185/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:11Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (201/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:11Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (157/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:12Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (186/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:12Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (202/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:12Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (158/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:13Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (187/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:13Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (203/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:13Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (159/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:14Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (188/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:14Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (204/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:14Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (160/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:15Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (189/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:15Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (205/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:15Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (161/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:16Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (190/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:16Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (206/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:16Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (162/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:17Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (191/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:17Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (207/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:17Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (163/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:18Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (192/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:18Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (208/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:18Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (164/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:19Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (193/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:19Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (209/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:19Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (165/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:20Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (194/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:20Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (210/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:20Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (166/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:21Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (195/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:21Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (211/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:21Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (167/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:22Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (196/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:22Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (212/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:22Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (168/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:23Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (197/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:23Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (213/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:23Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (169/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:24Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (198/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:24Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (214/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:24Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (170/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:25Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (199/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:25Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (215/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:25Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (171/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:26Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (200/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:26Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (216/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:26Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (172/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:27Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (201/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:27Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (217/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:27Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (173/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:28Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (202/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:28Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (218/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:28Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (174/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:29Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (203/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:29Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (219/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:29Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (175/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:30Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (204/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:30Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (220/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:30Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (176/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:31Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (205/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:31Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (221/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:31Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (177/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:32Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (206/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:32Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (222/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:32Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (178/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:33Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (207/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:33Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (223/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:33Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (179/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:34Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (208/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:34Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (224/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:34Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (180/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:35Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (209/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:35Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (225/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:35Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (181/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:36Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (210/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:36Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (226/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:36Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (182/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:37Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (211/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:37Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (227/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:37Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (183/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:38Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (212/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:38Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (228/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:38Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (184/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:39Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (213/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:39Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (229/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:39Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (185/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:40Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (214/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:40Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (230/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:40Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (186/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:41Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (215/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:41Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (231/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:41Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (187/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:42Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (216/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:42Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (232/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:42Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (188/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:43Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (217/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:43Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (233/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:43Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (189/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:44Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (218/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:44Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (234/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:44Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (190/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:45Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (219/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:45Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (235/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:45Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (191/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:46Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (220/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:46Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (236/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:46Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (192/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:47Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (221/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:47Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (237/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:47Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (193/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:48Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (222/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:48Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (238/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:48Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (194/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:49Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (223/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:49Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (239/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:49Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (195/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:50Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (224/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:50Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (240/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:50Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (196/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:51Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (225/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:51Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (241/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:51Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (197/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:52Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (226/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:52Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (242/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:52Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (198/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:53Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (227/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:53Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (243/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:53Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (199/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:54Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (228/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:54Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (244/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:54Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (200/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:55Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (229/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:55Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (245/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:55Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (201/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:56Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (230/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:56Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (246/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:56Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (202/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:57Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (231/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:57Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (247/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:57Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (203/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:58Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (232/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:58Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (248/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:58Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (204/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:59Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (233/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:59Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (249/8640)
2017-04-07T03:11:59Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (205/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:00Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (234/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:00Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (250/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:00Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (206/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:01Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (235/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:01Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (251/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:01Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (207/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:02Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (236/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:02Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (252/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:02Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (208/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:03Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (237/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:03Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (253/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:03Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (209/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:04Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (238/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:04Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (254/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:04Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (210/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:05Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (239/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:05Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (255/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:05Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (211/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:06Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (240/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:06Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (256/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:06Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (212/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:07Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (241/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:07Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (257/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:07Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (213/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:08Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (242/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:08Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (258/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:08Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (214/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:09Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (243/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:09Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (259/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:09Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (215/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:10Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (244/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:10Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (260/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:10Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (216/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:11Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (245/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:11Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (261/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:11Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (217/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:12Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (246/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:12Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (262/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:12Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (218/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:13Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (247/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:13Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (263/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:13Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (219/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:14Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (248/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:14Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (264/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:14Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (220/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:15Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (249/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:15Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (265/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:15Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (221/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:16Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (250/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:16Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (266/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:16Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (222/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:17Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (251/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:17Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (267/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:17Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (223/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:18Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (252/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:18Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (268/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:18Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (224/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:19Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (253/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:19Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (269/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:19Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (225/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:20Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (254/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:20Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (270/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:20Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (226/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:21Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (255/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:21Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (271/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:21Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (227/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:22Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (256/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:22Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (272/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:22Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (228/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:23Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (257/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:23Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (273/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:23Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (229/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:24Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (258/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:24Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (274/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:24Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (230/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:25Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (259/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:25Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (275/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:25Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (231/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:26Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (260/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:26Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (276/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:26Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (232/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:27Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (261/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:27Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (277/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:27Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (233/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:28Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (262/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:28Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (278/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:28Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (234/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:29Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (263/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:29Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (279/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:29Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (235/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:30Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (264/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:30Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (280/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:30Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (236/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:31Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (265/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:31Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (281/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:31Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (237/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:32Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (266/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:32Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (282/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:32Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (238/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:33Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (267/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:33Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (283/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:33Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (239/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:34Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (268/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:34Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (284/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:34Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (240/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:35Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (269/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:35Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (285/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:35Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (241/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:36Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (270/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:36Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (286/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:36Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (242/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:37Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (271/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:37Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (287/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:37Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (243/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:38Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (272/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:38Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (288/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:38Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (244/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:39Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (273/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:39Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (289/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:39Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (245/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:40Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (274/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:40Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (290/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:40Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (246/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:41Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (275/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:41Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (291/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:41Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (247/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:42Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (276/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:42Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (292/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:42Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (248/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:43Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (277/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:43Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (293/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:43Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (249/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:44Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (278/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:44Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (294/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:44Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (250/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:45Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (279/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:45Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (295/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:45Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (251/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:46Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (280/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:46Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (296/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:46Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (252/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:47Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (281/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:47Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (297/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:47Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (253/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:48Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (282/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:48Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (298/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:48Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (254/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:49Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (283/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:49Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (299/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:49Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (255/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:50Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (284/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:50Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (300/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:50Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (256/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:51Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (285/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:51Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (301/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:51Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (257/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:52Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (286/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:52Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (302/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:52Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (258/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:53Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (287/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:53Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (303/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:53Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (259/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:54Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (288/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:54Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (304/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:54Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (260/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:55Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (289/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:55Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (305/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:55Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (261/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:56Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (290/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:56Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (306/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:56Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (262/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:57Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (291/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:57Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (307/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:57Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (263/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:58Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (292/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:58Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (308/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:58Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (264/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:59Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (293/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:59Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (309/8640)
2017-04-07T03:12:59Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (265/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:00Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (294/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:00Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (310/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:00Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (266/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:01Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (295/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:01Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (311/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:01Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (267/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:02Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (296/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:02Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (312/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:02Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (268/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:03Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (297/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:03Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (313/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:03Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (269/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:04Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (298/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:04Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (314/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:04Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (270/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:05Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (299/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:05Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (315/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:05Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (271/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:06Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (300/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:06Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (316/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:06Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (272/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:07Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (301/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:07Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (317/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:07Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (273/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:08Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (302/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:08Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (318/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:08Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (274/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:09Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (303/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:09Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (319/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:09Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (275/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:10Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (304/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:10Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (320/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:10Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (276/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:11Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (305/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:11Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (321/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:11Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (277/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:12Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (306/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:12Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (322/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:12Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (278/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:13Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (307/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:13Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (323/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:13Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (279/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:14Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (308/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:14Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (324/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:14Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (280/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:15Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (309/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:15Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (325/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:15Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (281/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:16Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (310/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:16Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (326/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:16Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (282/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:17Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (311/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:17Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (327/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:17Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (283/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:18Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (312/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:18Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (328/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:18Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (284/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:19Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (313/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:19Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (329/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:19Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (285/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:20Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (314/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:20Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (330/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:20Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (286/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:21Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (315/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:21Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (331/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:21Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (287/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:22Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (316/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:22Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (332/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:22Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (288/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:23Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (317/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:23Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (333/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:23Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (289/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:24Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (318/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:24Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (334/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:24Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (290/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:25Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (319/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:25Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (335/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:25Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (291/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:26Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (320/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:26Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (336/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:26Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (292/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:27Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (321/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:27Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (337/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:27Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (293/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:28Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (322/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:28Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (338/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:28Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (294/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:29Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (323/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:29Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (339/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:29Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (295/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:30Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (324/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:30Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (340/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:30Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (296/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:31Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (325/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:31Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (341/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:31Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (297/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:32Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (326/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:32Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (342/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:32Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (298/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:33Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (327/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:33Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (343/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:33Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (299/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:34Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (328/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:34Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (344/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:34Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (300/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:35Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (329/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:35Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (345/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:35Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (301/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:36Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (330/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:36Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (346/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:36Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (302/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:37Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (331/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:37Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (347/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:37Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (303/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:38Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (332/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:38Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (348/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:38Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (304/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:39Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (333/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:39Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (349/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:39Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (305/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:40Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (334/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:40Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (350/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:40Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (306/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:41Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (335/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:41Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (351/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:41Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (307/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:42Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (336/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:42Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (352/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:42Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (308/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:43Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (337/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:43Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (353/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:43Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (309/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:44Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (338/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:44Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (354/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:44Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (310/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:45Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (339/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:45Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (355/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:45Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (311/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:46Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (340/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:46Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (356/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:46Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (312/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:47Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (341/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:47Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (357/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:47Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (313/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:48Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (342/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:48Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (358/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:48Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (314/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:49Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (343/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:49Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (359/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:49Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (315/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:50Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (344/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:50Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (360/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:50Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (316/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:51Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (345/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:51Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (361/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:51Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (317/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:52Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (346/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:52Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (362/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:52Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (318/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:53Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (347/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:53Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (363/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:53Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (319/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:54Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (348/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:54Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (364/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:54Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (320/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:55Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (349/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:55Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (365/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:55Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (321/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:56Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (350/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:56Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (366/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:56Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (322/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:57Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (351/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:57Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (367/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:57Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (323/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:58Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (352/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:58Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (368/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:58Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (324/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:59Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (353/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:59Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (369/8640)
2017-04-07T03:13:59Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (325/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:00Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (354/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:00Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (370/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:00Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (326/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:01Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (355/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:01Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (371/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:01Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (327/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:02Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (356/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:02Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (372/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:02Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (328/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:03Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (357/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:03Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (373/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:03Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (329/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:04Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (358/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:04Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (374/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:04Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (330/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:05Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (359/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:05Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (375/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:05Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (331/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:06Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (360/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:06Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (376/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:06Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (332/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:07Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (361/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:07Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (377/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:07Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (333/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:08Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (362/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:08Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (378/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:08Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (334/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:09Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (363/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:09Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (379/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:09Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (335/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:10Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (364/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:10Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (380/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:10Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (336/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:11Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (365/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:11Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (381/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:11Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (337/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:12Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (366/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:12Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (382/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:12Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (338/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:13Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (367/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:13Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (383/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:13Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (339/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:14Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (368/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:14Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (384/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:14Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (340/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:15Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (369/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:15Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (385/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:15Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (341/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:16Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (370/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:16Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (386/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:16Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (342/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:17Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (371/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:17Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (387/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:17Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (343/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:18Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (372/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:18Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (388/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:18Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (344/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:19Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (373/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:19Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (389/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:19Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (345/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:20Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (374/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:20Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (390/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:21Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (346/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:21Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (375/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:21Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (391/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:22Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (347/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:22Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (376/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:22Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (392/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:23Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (348/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:23Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (377/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:23Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (393/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:24Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (349/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:24Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (378/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:24Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task1:1 task1, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (394/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:25Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task3:1 task3, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (350/8640)
2017-04-07T03:14:25Z [WARN] Blocking cleanup for task task2:1 task2, Status: (STOPPED->STOPPED) Containers: [windows (STOPPED->STOPPED),] until the task has been reported stopped. SentStatus: NONE (379/8640)
panic: test timed out after 10m0s
goroutine 708 [running]:
panic(0x76de00, 0xc0421fb5e0)
c:/go/src/runtime/panic.go:500 +0x1af
c:/go/src/testing/testing.go:918 +0x112
created by time.goFunc
c:/go/src/time/sleep.go:154 +0x4b
goroutine 1 [chan receive, 8 minutes]:
testing.(*T).Run(0xc0420826c0, 0x80e49e, 0x23, 0x838cd0, 0xc042097d01)
c:/go/src/testing/testing.go:647 +0x31d
c:/go/src/testing/testing.go:793 +0x74
testing.tRunner(0xc0420826c0, 0xc042401e20)
c:/go/src/testing/testing.go:610 +0x88
testing.RunTests(0x838fd8, 0x9c7b80, 0x8, 0x8, 0x40e259)
c:/go/src/testing/testing.go:799 +0x2fc
testing.(*M).Run(0xc042401ee8, 0x801f84)
c:/go/src/testing/testing.go:743 +0x8c
main.main() +0xcd
goroutine 18 [semacquire, 8 minutes]:
sync.runtime_notifyListWait(0xc042047810, 0x0)
c:/go/src/runtime/sema.go:267 +0x130
c:/go/src/sync/cond.go:57 +0x87*asyncLoopLogger).processItem(0xc04203e900, 0x0)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x9e*asyncLoopLogger).processQueue(0xc04203e900)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x3a
created by
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x9d
goroutine 19 [semacquire, 8 minutes]:
sync.runtime_notifyListWait(0xc042047a10, 0x0)
c:/go/src/runtime/sema.go:267 +0x130
c:/go/src/sync/cond.go:57 +0x87*asyncLoopLogger).processItem(0xc04203ea20, 0x0)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x9e*asyncLoopLogger).processQueue(0xc04203ea20)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x3a
created by
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x9d
goroutine 20 [semacquire]:
sync.runtime_notifyListWait(0xc042047fd0, 0x510)
c:/go/src/runtime/sema.go:267 +0x130
c:/go/src/sync/cond.go:57 +0x87*asyncLoopLogger).processItem(0xc04203eba0, 0x0)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x9e*asyncLoopLogger).processQueue(0xc04203eba0)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x3a
created by
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x9d
goroutine 498 [chan receive, 7 minutes]:, 0xc042311d18, 0x1, 0x3)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0xb8
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x1fbe
testing.tRunner(0xc0421f5080, 0x838cd0)
c:/go/src/testing/testing.go:610 +0x88
created by testing.(*T).Run
c:/go/src/testing/testing.go:646 +0x2f3
goroutine 4 [syscall, 7 minutes, locked to thread]:
syscall.Syscall6(0x7ffd65116bf0, 0x5, 0x208, 0xc042131f5c, 0xc042131f60, 0xc042131f68, 0xffffffff, 0x0, 0xc042131f10, 0x40376d, ...)
c:/go/src/runtime/syscall_windows.go:174 +0x6b, 0xc042131f5c, 0xc042131f60, 0xc042131f68, 0xffffffff, 0x0, 0x0)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0xc6
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x82
created by
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x87
goroutine 12 [chan receive, 8 minutes]:*dockerGoClient).ContainerEvents.func2(0xc04212a840, 0xc042154150, 0xc04212a960)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x6f
created by*dockerGoClient).ContainerEvents
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x2cf
goroutine 65 [chan receive, 7 minutes]:*win32File).asyncIo(0xc04206fbd0, 0xc04208f1d0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc000000000, 0x9ab200, 0xc04201e960, 0x12b, 0x0, ...)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x1aa*win32File).Read(0xc04206fbd0, 0xc04211b000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x12b, 0x0, 0x0)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x10e*win32MessageBytePipe).Read(0xc042113660, 0xc04211b000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x12b, 0x0, 0x0)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x63
c:/go/src/bufio/bufio.go:97 +0x113
bufio.(*Reader).ReadSlice(0xc04203f8c0, 0xc04219c00a, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0)
c:/go/src/bufio/bufio.go:330 +0xbc
net/http/internal.readChunkLine(0xc04203f8c0, 0xc04203f8c0, 0xc04219c0e0, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2)
c:/go/src/net/http/internal/chunked.go:110 +0x3b
c:/go/src/net/http/internal/chunked.go:47 +0x39
net/http/internal.(*chunkedReader).Read(0xc04219c0c0, 0xc042418000, 0x2000, 0x2000, 0x124, 0x0, 0x0)
c:/go/src/net/http/internal/chunked.go:77 +0x82
net/http.(*body).readLocked(0xc042194080, 0xc042418000, 0x2000, 0x2000, 0x124, 0x0, 0x0)
c:/go/src/net/http/transfer.go:651 +0x68
net/http.bodyLocked.Read(0xc042194080, 0xc042418000, 0x2000, 0x2000, 0x124, 0x0, 0x0)
c:/go/src/net/http/transfer.go:850 +0x5c
io/ioutil.devNull.ReadFrom(0x0, 0x9aab40, 0xc042194080, 0x795c00, 0xc042165d01, 0x1770078)
c:/go/src/io/ioutil/ioutil.go:151 +0x8c
io/ioutil.(*devNull).ReadFrom(0xc042048448, 0x9aab40, 0xc042194080, 0xc042035df0, 0x75ac01, 0xc0423c6580)
<autogenerated>:9 +0x6d
io.copyBuffer(0x9aaa80, 0xc042048448, 0x9aab40, 0xc042194080, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x5e9bd8, 0xc042035e80, 0xc042035e90)
c:/go/src/io/io.go:384 +0x32a
io.Copy(0x9aaa80, 0xc042048448, 0x9aab40, 0xc042194080, 0x18, 0xc0421b8400, 0xc0421a4000)
c:/go/src/io/io.go:360 +0x6f
net/http.(*body).Close(0xc042194080, 0x0, 0x0)
c:/go/src/net/http/transfer.go:814 +0x214*Client).eventHijack.func1(0xc0421284a0, 0xc042124320, 0xc04212a8a0, 0xc04212a900, 0xc04208a3f0, 0xc0420a8580)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x24d
created by*Client).eventHijack
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x420
goroutine 676 [runnable]:
c:/go/src/runtime/time.go:59 +0xef*DefaultTime).Sleep(0x9e8878, 0x3b9aca00)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x32*managedTask).waitForStopReported.func1(0xc0421a1b30, 0xc042138298, 0xc04212b320)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x1db
created by*managedTask).waitForStopReported
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x99
goroutine 589 [select, 7 minutes]:*managedTask).waitEvent(0xc0421c8230, 0xc0422dcfc0, 0xc0421c8230)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x715*managedTask).waitForStopReported(0xc0421c8230, 0xc042550a80)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0xb1*managedTask).cleanupTask(0xc0421c8230, 0x3b9aca00)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x1c0*managedTask).overseeTask(0xc0421c8230)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x552
created by*DockerTaskEngine).startTask
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x18b
goroutine 510 [chan receive, 7 minutes]:*dockerGoClient).ContainerEvents.func2(0xc042504360, 0xc0424fa230, 0xc042504480)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x6f
created by*dockerGoClient).ContainerEvents
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x2cf
goroutine 173 [chan receive, 8 minutes]:*managedTask).overseeTask.func2(0xc0423eec60, 0xc04225b6c0)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x47
created by*managedTask).overseeTask
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x33f
goroutine 174 [chan receive, 8 minutes]:*managedTask).overseeTask.func2(0xc0423eef60, 0xc04225b8f0)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x47
created by*managedTask).overseeTask
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x33f
goroutine 548 [chan receive, 7 minutes]:*win32File).asyncIo(0xc0421c9180, 0xc04208f230, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc000000000, 0x9ab200, 0xc04201e9e8, 0x578800, 0x110, ...)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x1aa*win32File).Read(0xc0421c9180, 0xc042501000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0xc0422c9568, 0x7d, 0x5)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x10e*win32MessageBytePipe).Read(0xc042009720, 0xc042501000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x7de100)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x63
c:/go/src/bufio/bufio.go:97 +0x113
bufio.(*Reader).ReadSlice(0xc042508000, 0xc04250250a, 0x8, 0x4fa, 0xa, 0x4fb, 0x7)
c:/go/src/bufio/bufio.go:330 +0xbc
net/http/internal.readChunkLine(0xc042508000, 0xc042508000, 0xc0425025f0, 0x0, 0x76d800, 0x7de100)
c:/go/src/net/http/internal/chunked.go:110 +0x3b
c:/go/src/net/http/internal/chunked.go:47 +0x39
net/http/internal.(*chunkedReader).Read(0xc0425025d0, 0xc04207f201, 0x5ff, 0x5ff, 0x454a40, 0xc04252fd70, 0xc04252fd78)
c:/go/src/net/http/internal/chunked.go:77 +0x82
net/http.(*body).readLocked(0xc0422e4a40, 0xc04207f201, 0x5ff, 0x5ff, 0xc042504418, 0x1, 0x4)
c:/go/src/net/http/transfer.go:651 +0x68
net/http.(*body).Read(0xc0422e4a40, 0xc04207f201, 0x5ff, 0x5ff, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
c:/go/src/net/http/transfer.go:643 +0xfd
encoding/json.(*Decoder).refill(0xc0422c9520, 0xa, 0x9)
c:/go/src/encoding/json/stream.go:152 +0x101
encoding/json.(*Decoder).readValue(0xc0422c9520, 0x0, 0x0, 0x80)
c:/go/src/encoding/json/stream.go:128 +0x19f
encoding/json.(*Decoder).Decode(0xc0422c9520, 0x75ac40, 0xc04248d280, 0x0, 0x0)
c:/go/src/encoding/json/stream.go:57 +0x95*Client).eventHijack.func1(0xc0423e6cb0, 0xc0423ad680, 0xc0425043c0, 0xc042504420, 0xc04223c630, 0xc042264c60)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x17f
created by*Client).eventHijack
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x420
goroutine 146 [chan receive, 8 minutes]:*managedTask).overseeTask.func2(0xc0423597a0, 0xc04243c070)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x47
created by*managedTask).overseeTask
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x33f
goroutine 511 [select, 7 minutes]:*DockerTaskEngine).handleDockerEvents(0xc0422f5680, 0xe80030, 0xc0422e4880)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x193
created by*DockerTaskEngine).Init
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x12e
goroutine 217 [chan receive, 8 minutes]:*managedTask).overseeTask.func2(0xc0423a8300, 0xc042444070)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x47
created by*managedTask).overseeTask
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x33f
goroutine 512 [select, 7 minutes]:
reflect.rselect(0xc0425188c0, 0x2, 0x2, 0xc042504540, 0x2)
c:/go/src/runtime/select.go:650 +0xf5
reflect.Select(0xc04229bf08, 0x2, 0x2, 0xc042504540, 0x12, 0xc04203f5c0, 0x99, 0x1)
c:/go/src/reflect/value.go:2004 +0x9bf, 0xc0422e7da0, 0xc042504540)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x12e
created by
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x7c
goroutine 509 [chan receive, 8 minutes]:*dockerGoClient).ContainerEvents.func1(0xe80030, 0xc0422e4880, 0x9b1400, 0xc0423ad680, 0xc042504360)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x5b
created by*dockerGoClient).ContainerEvents
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x278
goroutine 326 [chan receive, 8 minutes]:*dockerGoClient).ContainerEvents.func2(0xc0422797a0, 0xc042114620, 0xc0422798c0)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x6f
created by*dockerGoClient).ContainerEvents
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x2cf
goroutine 394 [chan receive, 8 minutes]:*managedTask).overseeTask.func2(0xc042497740, 0xc0423bca80)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x47
created by*managedTask).overseeTask
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x33f
goroutine 508 [select]:*eventMonitoringState).monitorEvents(0xc0422e73e0, 0xc0423ad680)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x371
created by*eventMonitoringState).enableEventMonitoring
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x153
goroutine 66 [chan receive, 7 minutes]:*win32File).asyncIo(0xc0421a08c0, 0xc04218a360, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc000000000, 0x9ab200, 0xc0421282a8, 0x12b, 0x0, ...)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x1aa*win32File).Read(0xc0421a08c0, 0xc0423e2000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x12b, 0x0, 0x0)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x10e*win32MessageBytePipe).Read(0xc04214cde0, 0xc0423e2000, 0x1000, 0x1000, 0x12b, 0x0, 0x0)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x63
c:/go/src/bufio/bufio.go:97 +0x113
bufio.(*Reader).ReadSlice(0xc0423591a0, 0xc0421e200a, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0)
c:/go/src/bufio/bufio.go:330 +0xbc
net/http/internal.readChunkLine(0xc0423591a0, 0xc0423591a0, 0xc0421e20e0, 0x2, 0x2, 0x2)
c:/go/src/net/http/internal/chunked.go:110 +0x3b
c:/go/src/net/http/internal/chunked.go:47 +0x39
net/http/internal.(*chunkedReader).Read(0xc0421e20c0, 0xc04242a000, 0x2000, 0x2000, 0x124, 0x0, 0x0)
c:/go/src/net/http/internal/chunked.go:77 +0x82
net/http.(*body).readLocked(0xc042152080, 0xc04242a000, 0x2000, 0x2000, 0x124, 0x0, 0x0)
c:/go/src/net/http/transfer.go:651 +0x68
net/http.bodyLocked.Read(0xc042152080, 0xc04242a000, 0x2000, 0x2000, 0x124, 0x0, 0x0)
c:/go/src/net/http/transfer.go:850 +0x5c
io/ioutil.devNull.ReadFrom(0x0, 0x9aab40, 0xc042152080, 0x795c00, 0xc042093d01, 0x1770078)
c:/go/src/io/ioutil/ioutil.go:151 +0x8c
io/ioutil.(*devNull).ReadFrom(0xc042048448, 0x9aab40, 0xc042152080, 0xc042093df0, 0x75ac01, 0xc042073580)
<autogenerated>:9 +0x6d
io.copyBuffer(0x9aaa80, 0xc042048448, 0x9aab40, 0xc042152080, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x5e9bd8, 0xc042093e80, 0xc042093e90)
c:/go/src/io/io.go:384 +0x32a
io.Copy(0x9aaa80, 0xc042048448, 0x9aab40, 0xc042152080, 0x18, 0xc04202d000, 0xc0421bc680)
c:/go/src/io/io.go:360 +0x6f
net/http.(*body).Close(0xc042152080, 0x0, 0x0)
c:/go/src/net/http/transfer.go:814 +0x214*Client).eventHijack.func1(0xc0423e1560, 0xc042124460, 0xc042279800, 0xc042279860, 0xc04214e3f0, 0xc0422ac000)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x24d
created by*Client).eventHijack
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x420
goroutine 536 [chan receive, 7 minutes]:*managedTask).overseeTask.func2(0xc0422782a0, 0xc04243cee0)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x47
created by*managedTask).overseeTask
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x33f
goroutine 348 [chan receive, 8 minutes]:*managedTask).overseeTask.func2(0xc04221a6c0, 0xc04221c3f0)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x47
created by*managedTask).overseeTask
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x33f
goroutine 690 [sleep]:
c:/go/src/runtime/time.go:59 +0xef*DefaultTime).Sleep(0x9e8878, 0x3b9aca00)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x32*managedTask).waitForStopReported.func1(0xc0421c8230, 0xc0420fd780, 0xc0422dcfc0)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x1db
created by*managedTask).waitForStopReported
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x99
goroutine 689 [chan receive, 7 minutes]:*managedTask).overseeTask.func2(0xc042561980, 0xc042037490)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x47
created by*managedTask).overseeTask
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x33f
goroutine 707 [sleep]:
c:/go/src/runtime/time.go:59 +0xef*DefaultTime).Sleep(0x9e8878, 0x3b9aca00)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x32*managedTask).waitForStopReported.func1(0xc0421c9860, 0xc042128378, 0xc042551080)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x1db
created by*managedTask).waitForStopReported
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x99
goroutine 566 [chan receive, 7 minutes]:*managedTask).overseeTask.func2(0xc0424e6ba0, 0xc04225a540)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x47
created by*managedTask).overseeTask
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x33f
goroutine 389 [chan receive, 8 minutes]:*managedTask).overseeTask.func2(0xc042496ae0, 0xc0423bc5b0)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x47
created by*managedTask).overseeTask
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x33f
goroutine 533 [select, 7 minutes]:*managedTask).waitEvent(0xc0421a1b30, 0xc04212b320, 0xc0421a1b30)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x715*managedTask).waitForStopReported(0xc0421a1b30, 0xc04212aea0)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0xb1*managedTask).cleanupTask(0xc0421a1b30, 0x3b9aca00)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x1c0*managedTask).overseeTask(0xc0421a1b30)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x552
created by*DockerTaskEngine).startTask
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x18b
goroutine 537 [chan receive, 7 minutes]:*managedTask).overseeTask.func2(0xc042278900, 0xc04243d110)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x47
created by*managedTask).overseeTask
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x33f
goroutine 659 [select, 7 minutes]:*managedTask).waitEvent(0xc0421c9860, 0xc042551080, 0xc0421c9860)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x715*managedTask).waitForStopReported(0xc0421c9860, 0xc042426780)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0xb1*managedTask).cleanupTask(0xc0421c9860, 0x3b9aca00)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x1c0*managedTask).overseeTask(0xc0421c9860)
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x552
created by*DockerTaskEngine).startTask
C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp/amazon-ecs-agent/go/src/ +0x18b
FAIL 600.076s
testing: warning: no tests to run
ok 0.133s
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