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Created February 17, 2015 15:38
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Juniper SRX cheatsheet
# Juniper SRX cheatsheet
<command> ?
show configuration
show configuration | display set
show configuration | display set | match [customer|ip|etc]
set interfaces [interface] unit [vlan] description "[Interface or customer name]"
set interfaces [interface] unit [vlan] vlan-id [vlan-id]
set interfaces [interface] unit [vlan] family inet address [Range with gateway]
set security zones security-zone hosting interfaces [interface.vlan]
set security zones security-zone untrust address-book address [address-name] [ip/range]
#Address set
set security zones security-zone untrust address-book address-set [adress-set-name] address [address-name]
set security nat static rule-set [rule-set-name] rule [rule-name] match destination-address [external-ip]
set security nat static rule-set [rule-set-name] rule [rule-name] then static-nat prefix [internal-ip]
set applications application [application-name] protocol tcp
set applications application [application-name] destination-port [port]
set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone hosting policy [policy-name] match source-address [any|address-name]
set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone hosting policy [policy-name] destination-address [destination-address-name]
set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone hosting policy [policy-name] match application [application-name]
set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone hosting policy [policy-name] then permit
#default-deny for new policies
edit security policies from-zone untrust to-zone hosting
insert policy [policy-name] before policy default-deny
#Commit stuff
top # Go to top of configuration
show | compare # Show new configuration compared to old
commit check # Check if everything is ok / emulate commit
commit confirmed 5 # Commit but roll back after 5 min to test if ok
commit # Commit everything
rollback # If show | compare is not satisfying
rollback 1 # Undo commit
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