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Last active November 4, 2022 17:09
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#[gtest(RustValuesTest, TypeConfusion)]
fn test_type_confusion() {
let mut v = NewValueSlotForTesting();
let mut v = ValueSlotRef::from(&mut v);
let mut l = v.construct_list();
// l.set_integer_key("a", 3); // does not compile
#[gtest(RustValuesTest, DataRace)]
fn test_data_race() {
let mut v = NewValueSlotForTesting();
let mut v = ValueSlotRef::from(&mut v);
let mut parent_list = v.construct_list();
// No .iter() API, but if we had one, the returned
// iterator would have a reference to parent_list
//for item in parent_list.iter() {
//if item == 2 {
// parent_list.reserve(4); // not yet a 'reserve' API
// Would not compile due to & list reference still owned
// by iterator.
#[gtest(RustValuesTest, UseAfterFree)]
fn test_use_after_free() {
let mut v = NewValueSlotForTesting();
let mut v = ValueSlotRef::from(&mut v);
let mut parent_list = v.construct_list();
let mut child_list = parent_list.append_list();
// parent_list.append_string("oops"); // does not compile
child_list.append_string("oh dear");
#[gtest(RustValuesTest, Overflow)]
fn test_overflow() {
let mut v = NewValueSlotForTesting();
let mut v = ValueSlotRef::from(&mut v);
let mut parent_list = v.construct_list();
// parent_list.get(4); // no such API right now; less common
// with Rust usage patterns?
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