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Created August 4, 2021 09:59
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AWS Workspaces Bundles (aws workspaces describe-workspace-bundles)
bash-5.1# aws workspaces describe-workspace-bundles --owner AMAZON | jq -r '.Bundles[] | "\(.BundleId),\(.ComputeType.Name),\(.Description)"'
wsb-b0s22j3d7,PERFORMANCE,Windows 7 Experience provided by Windows Server 2008 R2 with PCoIP 2 vCPU 7.5GiB Memory 100GB Storage
wsb-clj85qzj1,STANDARD,Amazon Linux 2 with PCoIP 2 vCPU 4GiB Memory 50GB Storage
wsb-gm4d5tx2v,PERFORMANCE,Windows 10 Experience provided by Windows Server 2016 with PCoIP 2 vCPU 7.5GiB Memory 100GB Storage
wsb-1pzkp0bx4,POWERPRO,Windows 7 Experience provided by Windows Server 2008 with PCoIP 8 vCPU 32GiB Memory 100GB Storage
wsb-2bs6k5lgn,POWER,Amazon Linux 2 with PCoIP 4 vCPU 16GiB Memory 100GB Storage
wsb-6cdbk8901,PERFORMANCE,Windows 10 Experience provided by Windows Server 2016 with Office 2016 and PCoIP 2 vCPU 7.5GiB Memory 100GB Storage
wsb-bh8rsxt14,VALUE,Windows 10 Experience provided by Windows Server 2016 with PCoIP 1 vCPU 2GiB Memory 10GB Storage
wsb-92tn3b7gx,VALUE,Windows 7 Experience provided by Windows Server 2008 R2 with PCoIP 1 vCPU 2GiB Memory 10GB Storage
wsb-dfyzk6mz7,STANDARD,Windows 10 Experience provided by Windows Server 2016 with Office 2016 and WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol 2 vCPU 4GiB Memory 50GB Storage (English)
wsb-wwx8kkwg5,GRAPHICS,Windows 7 Experience provided by Windows Server 2008 R2 with Office 2010 and PCoIP 8 vCPU 15GiB Memory 100GB Storage
wsb-3t36q0xfc,STANDARD,Windows 7 Experience provided by Windows Server 2008 R2 with PCoIP 2 vCPU 4GiB Memory 50GB Storage
wsb-j4dky1gs4,PERFORMANCE,Amazon Linux 2 with PCoIP 2 vCPU 7.5GiB Memory 100GB Storage
wsb-9jvhtb24f,STANDARD,Windows 10 Experience provided by Windows Server 2016 with Office 2016 and PCoIP 2 vCPU 4GiB Memory 50GB Storage
wsb-05t16yhz8,PERFORMANCE,Windows 10 Experience provided by Windows Server 2016 with Office 2016 and WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol 2 vCPU 7.5GiB Memory 100GB Storage (English)
wsb-44r73z5dr,GRAPHICS,Windows 7 Experience provided by Windows Server 2008 R2 with Office 2013 and PCoIP 8 vCPU 15GiB Memory 100GB Storage
wsb-1b5w6vnz6,PERFORMANCE,Windows 7 Experience provided by Windows Server 2008 R2 with Office 2010 and PCoIP 2 vCPU 7.5GiB Memory 100GB Storage
wsb-362t3gdrt,STANDARD,Windows 10 Experience provided by Windows Server 2016 with WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol 2 vCPU 4GiB Memory 50GB Storage (English)
wsb-ddkxkghsv,POWERPRO,Windows 10 Experience provided by Windows Server 2016 with Office 2016 and PCoIP 8 vCPU 32GiB Memory 100GB Storage
wsb-f5g1109b5,POWERPRO,Windows 10 Experience provided by Windows Server 2016 with WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol 8 vCPU 32GiB Memory 100GB Storage (English)
wsb-4qyzfv08r,VALUE,Windows 10 Experience provided by Windows Server 2016 with WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol 1 vCPU 2GiB Memory 10GB Storage (English)
wsb-8pmj7b7pq,VALUE,Amazon Linux 2 with PCoIP 1 vCPU 2GiB Memory 10GB Storage
wsb-fgy4lgypc,VALUE,Windows 7 Experience provided by Windows Server 2008 R2 with Office 2013 and PCoIP 1 vCPU 2GiB Memory 10GB Storage
wsb-vbsjd64y6,PERFORMANCE,Windows 7 Experience provided by Windows Server 2008 R2 with Office 2013 and PCoIP 2 vCPU 7.5GiB Memory 100GB Storage
wsb-320p8vd2j,GRAPHICS,Windows 10 Experience provided by Windows Server 2016 with PCoIP 8 vCPU 15GiB Memory 100GB Storage
wsb-g0xb96cdv,POWERPRO,Windows 10 Experience provided by Windows Server 2016 with PCoIP 8 vCPU 32GiB Memory 100GB Storage
wsb-kgjp98lt8,VALUE,Windows 7 Experience provided by Windows Server 2008 R2 with Office 2010 and PCoIP 1 vCPU 2GiB Memory 10GB Storage
wsb-g6cjhl60w,GRAPHICSPRO,Windows 10 Experience provided by Windows Server 2016 with PCoIP 16 vCPU 122GiB Memory 100GB Storage
wsb-ftkjdlgks,GRAPHICS,Windows 10 Experience provided by Windows Server 2016 with Office 2016 and PCoIP 8 vCPU 15GiB Memory 100GB Storage
wsb-hztzqyk3m,POWER,Windows 10 Experience provided by Windows Server 2016 with Office 2016 and PCoIP 4 vCPU 16GiB Memory 100GB Storage
wsb-5rlx0zrt5,GRAPHICSPRO,Windows 10 Experience provided by Windows Server 2016 with Office 2016 and PCoIP 16 vCPU 122GiB Memory 100GB Storage
wsb-j1ckzg142,POWERPRO,Windows 10 Experience provided by Windows Server 2016 with Office 2016 and WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol 8 vCPU 32GiB Memory 100GB Storage (English)
wsb-drh4m5c2r,POWER,Windows 10 Experience provided by Windows Server 2016 with WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol 4 vCPU 16GiB Memory 100GB Storage (English)
wsb-0h0yf5w9q,POWERPRO,Windows 7 Experience provided by Windows Server 2008 with Office 2013 and PCoIP 8 vCPU 32GiB Memory 100GB Storage
wsb-cq3wxw02g,POWER,Windows 7 Experience provided by Windows Server 2008 with PCoIP 4 vCPU 16GiB Memory 100GB Storage
wsb-2gcd1nm07,POWER,Windows 7 Experience provided by Windows Server 2008 with Office 2013 and PCoIP 4 vCPU 16GiB Memory 100GB Storage
wsb-8vbljg4r6,STANDARD,Windows 10 Experience provided by Windows Server 2016 with PCoIP 2 vCPU 4GiB Memory 50GB Storage
wsb-w42vs8svd,POWER,Windows 10 Experience provided by Windows Server 2016 with PCoIP 4 vCPU 16GiB Memory 100GB Storage
wsb-b1h39vgz8,POWERPRO,Amazon Linux 2 with PCoIP 8 vCPU 32GiB Memory 100GB Storage
wsb-dy4bd5kvl,GRAPHICS,Windows 7 Experience provided by Windows Server 2008 R2 with PCoIP 8 vCPU 15GiB Memory 100GB Storage
wsb-df76rqys9,VALUE,Windows 10 Experience provided by Windows Server 2016 with Office 2016 and PCoIP 1 vCPU 2GiB Memory 10GB Storage
wsb-64nqp4sgx,POWER,Windows 10 Experience provided by Windows Server 2016 with Office 2016 and WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol 4 vCPU 16GiB Memory 100GB Storage (English)
wsb-5h1pf1zxc,STANDARD,Windows 7 Experience provided by Windows Server 2008 R2 with Office 2013 and PCoIP 2 vCPU 4GiB Memory 50GB Storage
wsb-vlsvncjjf,STANDARD,Windows 7 Experience provided by Windows Server 2008 R2 with Office 2010 and PCoIP 2 vCPU 4GiB Memory 50GB Storage
wsb-b9jc2fhhl,PERFORMANCE,Windows 10 Experience provided by Windows Server 2016 with WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol 2 vCPU 7.5GiB Memory 100GB Storage (English)
wsb-0zsvgp8fc,VALUE,Windows 10 Experience provided by Windows Server 2016 with Office 2016 and WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol 1 vCPU 2GiB Memory 10GB Storage (English)
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