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Created June 20, 2024 08:28
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AWS Regions and Official Short Codes (from AWS Billing)
Region Short Code Region Name Region Long Code
ape1 Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) ap-east-1
apn1 Asia Pacific (Tokyo) ap-northeast-1
apn2 Asia Pacific (Seoul) ap-northeast-2
apn3 Asia Pacific (Osaka) ap-northeast-3
aps1 Asia Pacific (Singapore) ap-southeast-1
aps2 Asia Pacific (Sydney) ap-southeast-2
aps3 Asia Pacific (Mumbai) ap-south-1
aps4 Asia Pacific (Jakarta) ap-southeast-3
aps5 Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) ap-south-2
aps6 Asia Pacific (Melbourne) ap-southeast-4
can1 Canada (Central) ca-central-1
can2 Canada West (Calgary) ca-west-1
cnn1 China (Beijing) -
cnw1 China (Ningxia) -
afs1 Africa (Cape Town) af-south-1
euc2 Europe (Zurich) eu-central-2
eun1 Europe (Stockholm) eu-north-1
eus2 Europe (Spain) eu-south-2
euc1 Europe (Frankfurt) eu-central-1
eu Europe (Ireland) eu-west-1
eus1 Europe (Milan) eu-south-1
euw2 Europe (London) eu-west-2
euw3 Europe (Paris) eu-west-3
ilc1 Israel (Tel Aviv) il-central-1
mec1 Middle East (UAE) me-central-1
mes1 Middle East (Bahrain) me-south-1
sae1 South America (São Paulo) sa-east-1
ugw1 AWS GovCloud (US-West) us-gov-west-1
uge1 AWS GovCloud (US-East) us-gov-east-1
use1 US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1
use2 US East (Ohio) us-east-2
usw1 US West (N. California) us-west-1
usw2 US West (Oregon) us-west-2
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adenot commented Jun 20, 2024

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adenot commented Jun 20, 2024

For terraform:

short_regions = {
  "ap-east-1" = "ape1",
  "ap-northeast-1" = "apn1",
  "ap-northeast-2" = "apn2",
  "ap-northeast-3" = "apn3",
  "ap-southeast-1" = "aps1",
  "ap-southeast-2" = "aps2",
  "ap-south-1" = "aps3",
  "ap-southeast-3" = "aps4",
  "ap-south-2" = "aps5",
  "ap-southeast-4" = "aps6",
  "ca-central-1" = "can1",
  "ca-west-1" = "can2",
  "af-south-1" = "afs1",
  "eu-central-2" = "euc2",
  "eu-north-1" = "eun1",
  "eu-south-2" = "eus2",
  "eu-central-1" = "euc1",
  "eu-west-1" = "eu",
  "eu-south-1" = "eus1",
  "eu-west-2" = "euw2",
  "eu-west-3" = "euw3",
  "il-central-1" = "ilc1",
  "me-central-1" = "mec1",
  "me-south-1" = "mes1",
  "sa-east-1" = "sae1",
  "us-gov-west-1" = "ugw1",
  "us-gov-east-1" = "uge1",
  "us-east-1" = "use1",
  "us-east-2" = "use2",
  "us-west-1" = "usw1",
  "us-west-2" = "usw2"

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