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Last active May 29, 2024 14:54
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* Plugin Name: Forminator - image upload width/height limit
* Plugin URI:
* Description: Sets custom width/size image limit for upload fields
* Author: adczk
* Author URI:
* License: GPLv2 or later
* Use as MU plugin;
* Tested with Forminatro 1.30.2
* NOTE: THIS IS ONLY BETA/DEV CODE, it is not fully tested and may not work in 100% cases
* Update May 29th 2024 - support for separate limits for different upload fileds
add_filter( 'forminator_custom_form_submit_errors', 'wpmudev_upload_image_dimensions_error', 99, 3 );
function wpmudev_upload_image_dimensions_error( $submit_errors, $form_id, $field_data_array ) {
## CONFIG ##
$form_ids = array( 3010, 123 ); // form IDs - one or more; if more - separate numbers with commas
$fields_ids = array( 'upload-1', 'upload-2', 'upload-3' ); // IDs of fields to check, one or more, if more - separate with commas
// max image sizes per each upload field (note no comma after last upload field line
// if size not defined here but field defined in $fields_ids, a "fallback" value below
// will be used
$max_sizes = array(
'upload-1' => array( 'width'=>500, 'height'=>500 ),
'upload-2' => array( 'width'=>150, 'height' => 200 )
// fallback sizes, if not defined per field above
$max_width = 20; // max image width in px - fallback if not defined per field
$max_height = 50; // max image height in px - fallback if not defined per field
$err_msg = 'Maximum image width/height: [wdt] x [hdt]!'; // custom error message for width/height; [wdt] and [hdt] will be replaced with max width/height accordingly.
$no_image_msg = 'Error fetching image sizes!'; // other error e.g. if it's not image file or doesn't exist due to upload issues
if ( !in_array( $form_id, $form_ids ) ) {
return $submit_errors; // just bail out and skip checks
// check form fields to find uploads
foreach( $field_data_array as $key => $value ) {
$field_name = $value['name'];
// if field is defined upload field, check it
if ( in_array( $field_name, $fields_ids ) ) {
$max_width_image = $max_width;
$max_height_image = $max_height;
// get field-specific limits if set
if ( array_key_exists( $field_name, $max_sizes ) ) {
$max_width_image = $max_sizes[$field_name]['width'];
$max_height_image = $max_sizes[$field_name]['height'];
// get temp path of the uploaded file
$temp_image = $value['value']['file']['tmp_name'];
if ( empty( $temp_image) ) {
$temp_image = $value['value']['file']['file_path'];
if ( file_exists( $temp_image ) ) {
// try to get size
$temp_image_size = wp_getimagesize( $temp_image );
// if success, check width/height;
if ( is_array( $temp_image_size) ) {
$width = $temp_image_size[0];
$height = $temp_image_size[1];
// now compare against max
if ( ( $width > $max_width_image) || ( $height > $max_height_image ) ) {
// and if width or height bigger than max issue error
$submit_errors[][$field_name] = str_replace( '[hdt]', $max_height_image, str_replace( '[wdt]', $max_width_image, $err_msg ) );;
} else {
error_log('EXISTS - NO SIZE');
// if could't get sizes
$submit_errors[][$field_name] = $no_image_msg;
} else {
// if temp upload file doesn't exist (e.g. due to upload error
$submit_errors[][$field_name] = $no_image_msg;
return $submit_errors;
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