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Last active July 28, 2024 08:55
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  • Save adasjusk/8cedfe7e3aeba1438a9fdab570d9b2c1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save adasjusk/8cedfe7e3aeba1438a9fdab570d9b2c1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Disables Or Sets To Manual Services From Auto
@echo off
::Launching As Admin
if "%2"=="firstrun" exit
cmd /c "%0" null firstrun
if "%1"=="skipuac" goto skipuacstart
if '%errorlevel%' == '0' ( goto gotPrivileges ) else ( goto getPrivileges )
if '%1'=='ELEV' (shift & goto gotPrivileges)
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
set "batchPath=%~0"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
ECHO Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\elev.vbs"
ECHO UAC.ShellExecute "!batchPath!", "ELEV", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\elev.vbs"
exit /B
setlocal & pushd .
cd /d %~dp0
cmd /c "%0" skipuac firstrun
cd /d %~dp0
if "%2"=="firstrun" exit
:: Got Admin
:: Disables All Services
sc config "AJRouter" start= disabled
sc config "ALG" start= demand
sc config "AppIDSvc" start= demand
sc config "AppMgmt" start= demand
sc config "AppReadiness" start= demand
sc config "AppVClient" start= disabled
sc config "AppXSvc" start= demand
sc config "Appinfo" start= demand
sc config "AssignedAccessManagerSvc" start= disabled
sc config "AudioEndpointBuilder" start= auto
sc config "AudioSrv" start= auto
sc config "Audiosrv" start= auto
sc config "AxInstSV" start= demand
sc config "BDESVC" start= demand
sc config "BFE" start= auto
sc config "BITS" start= demand
sc config "BTAGService" start= demand
sc config "BcastDVRUserService_*" start= demand
sc config "BrokerInfrastructure" start= auto
sc config "Browser" start= demand
sc config "BthAvctpSvc" start= auto
sc config "BthHFSrv" start= auto
sc config "CDPSvc" start= demand
sc config "CDPUserSvc_*" start= auto
sc config "COMSysApp" start= demand
sc config "CaptureService_*" start= demand
sc config "CertPropSvc" start= demand
sc config "ClipSVC" start= demand
sc config "ConsentUxUserSvc_*" start= demand
sc config "CoreMessagingRegistrar" start= auto
sc config "CredentialEnrollmentManagerUserSvc_*" start= demand
sc config "CryptSvc" start= auto
sc config "CscService" start= demand
sc config "DPS" start= auto
sc config "DcomLaunch" start= auto
sc config "DcpSvc" start= demand
sc config "DevQueryBroker" start= demand
sc config "DeviceAssociationBrokerSvc_*" start= demand
sc config "DeviceAssociationService" start= demand
sc config "DeviceInstall" start= demand
sc config "DevicePickerUserSvc_*" start= demand
sc config "DevicesFlowUserSvc_*" start= demand
sc config "Dhcp" start= auto
sc config "DiagTrack" start= disabled
sc config "DialogBlockingService" start= disabled
sc config "DispBrokerDesktopSvc" start= auto
sc config "DisplayEnhancementService" start= demand
sc config "DmEnrollmentSvc" start= demand
sc config "Dnscache" start= auto
sc config "DoSvc" start= demand
sc config "DsSvc" start= demand
sc config "DsmSvc" start= demand
sc config "DusmSvc" start= auto
sc config "EFS" start= demand
sc config "EapHost" start= demand
sc config "EntAppSvc" start= demand
sc config "EventLog" start= auto
sc config "EventSystem" start= auto
sc config "FDResPub" start= demand
sc config "Fax" start= demand
sc config "FontCache" start= auto
sc config "FrameServer" start= demand
sc config "FrameServerMonitor" start= demand
sc config "GraphicsPerfSvc" start= demand
sc config "HomeGroupListener" start= demand
sc config "HomeGroupProvider" start= demand
sc config "HvHost" start= demand
sc config "IEEtwCollectorService" start= demand
sc config "IKEEXT" start= demand
sc config "InstallService" start= demand
sc config "InventorySvc" start= demand
sc config "IpxlatCfgSvc" start= demand
sc config "KeyIso" start= auto
sc config "KtmRm" start= demand
sc config "LSM" start= auto
sc config "LanmanServer" start= auto
sc config "LanmanWorkstation" start= auto
sc config "LicenseManager" start= demand
sc config "LxpSvc" start= demand
sc config "MSDTC" start= demand
sc config "MSiSCSI" start= demand
sc config "MapsBroker" start= demand
sc config "McpManagementService" start= demand
sc config "MessagingService_*" start= demand
sc config "MicrosoftEdgeElevationService" start= demand
sc config "MixedRealityOpenXRSvc" start= demand
sc config "MpsSvc" start= auto
sc config "MsKeyboardFilter" start= demand
sc config "NPSMSvc_*" start= demand
sc config "NaturalAuthentication" start= demand
sc config "NcaSvc" start= demand
sc config "NcbService" start= demand
sc config "NcdAutoSetup" start= demand
sc config "NetSetupSvc" start= demand
sc config "NetTcpPortSharing" start= disabled
sc config "Netlogon" start= auto
sc config "Netman" start= demand
sc config "NgcCtnrSvc" start= demand
sc config "NgcSvc" start= demand
sc config "NlaSvc" start= demand
sc config "OneSyncSvc_*" start= auto
sc config "P9RdrService_*" start= demand
sc config "PNRPAutoReg" start= demand
sc config "PNRPsvc" start= demand
sc config "PcaSvc" start= demand
sc config "PeerDistSvc" start= demand
sc config "PenService_*" start= demand
sc config "PerfHost" start= demand
sc config "PhoneSvc" start= demand
sc config "PimIndexMaintenanceSvc_*" start= demand
sc config "PlugPlay" start= demand
sc config "PolicyAgent" start= demand
sc config "Power" start= auto
sc config "PrintNotify" start= demand
sc config "PrintWorkflowUserSvc_*" start= demand
sc config "ProfSvc" start= auto
sc config "PushToInstall" start= demand
sc config "QWAVE" start= demand
sc config "RasAuto" start= demand
sc config "RasMan" start= demand
sc config "RemoteAccess" start= disabled
sc config "RemoteRegistry" start= disabled
sc config "RetailDemo" start= demand
sc config "RmSvc" start= demand
sc config "RpcEptMapper" start= auto
sc config "RpcLocator" start= demand
sc config "RpcSs" start= auto
sc config "SCPolicySvc" start= demand
sc config "SCardSvr" start= demand
sc config "SDRSVC" start= demand
sc config "SEMgrSvc" start= demand
sc config "SENS" start= auto
sc config "SNMPTRAP" start= demand
sc config "SNMPTrap" start= demand
sc config "SSDPSRV" start= demand
sc config "SamSs" start= auto
sc config "ScDeviceEnum" start= demand
sc config "Schedule" start= auto
sc config "SecurityHealthService" start= demand
sc config "Sense" start= demand
sc config "SensorDataService" start= demand
sc config "SensorService" start= demand
sc config "SensrSvc" start= demand
sc config "SessionEnv" start= demand
sc config "SgrmBroker" start= auto
sc config "SharedAccess" start= demand
sc config "SharedRealitySvc" start= demand
sc config "ShellHWDetection" start= auto
sc config "SmsRouter" start= demand
sc config "Spooler" start= auto
sc config "SstpSvc" start= demand
sc config "StateRepository" start= demand
sc config "StiSvc" start= demand
sc config "StorSvc" start= demand
sc config "SysMain" start= auto
sc config "SystemEventsBroker" start= auto
sc config "TabletInputService" start= demand
sc config "TapiSrv" start= demand
sc config "TermService" start= auto
sc config "TextInputManagementService" start= demand
sc config "Themes" start= auto
sc config "TieringEngineService" start= demand
sc config "TimeBroker" start= demand
sc config "TimeBrokerSvc" start= demand
sc config "TokenBroker" start= demand
sc config "TrkWks" start= auto
sc config "TroubleshootingSvc" start= demand
sc config "TrustedInstaller" start= demand
sc config "UI0Detect" start= demand
sc config "UdkUserSvc_*" start= demand
sc config "UevAgentService" start= disabled
sc config "UmRdpService" start= demand
sc config "UnistoreSvc_*" start= demand
sc config "UserDataSvc_*" start= demand
sc config "UserManager" start= auto
sc config "UsoSvc" start= demand
sc config "VGAuthService" start= auto
sc config "VMTools" start= auto
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sc config "VaultSvc" start= auto
sc config "W32Time" start= demand
sc config "WEPHOSTSVC" start= demand
sc config "WFDSConMgrSvc" start= demand
sc config "WMPNetworkSvc" start= demand
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sc config "WaaSMedicSvc" start= demand
sc config "WalletService" start= demand
sc config "WarpJITSvc" start= demand
sc config "WbioSrvc" start= demand
sc config "Wcmsvc" start= auto
sc config "WcsPlugInService" start= demand
sc config "WdNisSvc" start= demand
sc config "WdiServiceHost" start= demand
sc config "WdiSystemHost" start= demand
sc config "WebClient" start= demand
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sc config "WerSvc" start= demand
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sc config "WinDefend" start= auto
sc config "WinHttpAutoProxySvc" start= demand
sc config "WinRM" start= demand
sc config "Winmgmt" start= auto
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sc config "WpnUserService_*" start= auto
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sc config "wscsvc" start= demand
sc config "wuauserv" start= demand
sc config "wudfsvc" start= demand
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